Recurring Sales Lines And Recurring Purchase Lines

Recurring Sales Lines And Recurring Purchase Lines


To specify purchase and sales document lines that will be used on a regular basis, you can use Recurring Sales Lines and Recurring Purchase Lines. Any number of lines (codes) can be set and each of them can contain any number of lines that will be inserted into the documents. You then need to determine which lines (codes) apply to each customer and each vendor. You do this by assigning the appropriate codes to the customer and to the vendor.

Then, when you create a sales/purchase document (quote, order, invoice, or credit memo) for the customer/vendor to which you have assigned periodic lines (codes), you can use the Get Recurring Sales Lines (in sales document) / Get Recurring Purchase Lines (in the purchase document) insert the set sales/purchase lines.

The code lists of periodic sales and purchase lines are also used by some OneCore functionalities.

MS regularly updates the documentation for this setting area. Documentation valid for BC22 is available at the following link:

Standard Recurring Sales Lines - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Standard Recurring Purchase Lines - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

The basic settings are described in this area

  • Recurring Sales Lines (Recurring Sales Lines) or Std. Sales Codes (Standard Sales Codes), 

    • Table 170 Standard Sales Code

    • Table 171 Standard Sales Line

  • Recurring Purchase Lines (Recurring Purchase Lines) or Standard Purchase Codes (Standard Purchase Codes)

    • Table 173 Standard Purchase Code

    • Table 174 Standard Purchase Line

and assign them to customers and vendors so that they can be used to create standard documents in BC (tables 172 Standard Customer Sales Code and 175 Standard Vendor Sales Code).

A description of the specific use in the OC is described in the individual product PDs.

Use the system magnifier to find the dials Recurring Sales Lines and Recurring Purchase Lines.

These dials are also available in the Manual Setup list under the name Standard Sales Code and Standard Purchase Code.

Click Edit to display the Standard Sales Lines Card and the Standard Purchase Lines Card

Dependencies and assumptions

Additional dials may be required to be set up for completion.

Description of the documented area

Standard Sales Line Card

Meaning of header fields (Table 170 Standard Sales Code):

  • Code

    • according to your own needs

  • Description

    • according to your own needs

  • Currency Code

    • It is valid for all set rows. If the card is to be valid for multiple currencies, the currency is left blank on the header and the currencies are set in individual rows.

Meaning of the fields in the rows (Table 171 Standard Sales Line):

  • Type

    • if the field is empty, the text required on the sales document can be set in the Description, other fields are not filled in. The G/L Account type is required for the lines on which it is to be posted. For this type, you must set the G/L account number in the No field. The other types Item, Resource, Fixed Asset, Charge(Item) (Item, Resource, Fixed Asset, Fee) are usually not used in OC.

  • No. (No.)

    • it is filled in according to the completed Type. For the G/L Account type, select an account from the Chart of Accounts. If Type is empty, you can select the text set in the Standard Texts Codes code list in the Number field.       

  • Description

    • It is transferred from the selected G/L account/standard text, but can be changed as needed

  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting Group

    • Posting groups are set up and copied to the document line. If the setting is empty, the default posting groups (from the G/L account or from the General Posting Group of the item) are used

  • Financing Product Type Filter

    • If you must post to different accounts for different types of financing products, you can use this field to set up posting for a specific type of financing product. If the field is blank, it applies to all types of financing product.

  • Currency Code

    • Different posting for different currencies can be set up in one card, and the system will then take the line that corresponds to the currency of the document being created. If you want to use currency input in card lines, the Currency Code setting in the header must be left blank.

  • Insert for All Currencies

    • By checking it it is possible to ensure that the code is entered for all currencies regardless of the currency setting in the card header.

  • Invoicing Entry

    • it is used actively only in the financial settlement of the Financing Contract. When posting a financial settlement, invoice lines are created using the Standard Sales Code, and according to the Invoicing Entry Code, the system calculates the amount according to "Financial Settlement Field Settings". If there is no matching record in the financial settlement setup, the line will not be added to the invoice.

    • For other sales documents that are created manually or by other tasks, the Invoicing Entry Code is only transferred to the sales invoice line.

  • Reason Code for Invoice and Reason Code for Cr. Memo

    • is copied to the header of sales documents (invoices or credit memos) in selected functions. These include, for example, the following tasks:

      • Mass Reinvoice of Maintenance

      • Mass Invoicing Fuel Cards

      • Invoicing from the Interface Invoice Buffer

      • Create a sales invoice (report 4026701).

    • The set Reason Code is not applied

      • when manually creating a sales invoice header with the creation of lines by using the Get Periodic Sales Lines function

      • when creating a sales invoice using the Create Invoice from Financing Contract function if the user enters the Reason Code manually in the Task dialog box (this code takes precedence)

    • The reason code on the document is informative, it is entered according to the user's needs. If the Check Reason Code in Posting flag is turned on in OneCore Settings, the Reason Code on the sales document header is mandatory.

Customer Periodic Sales Lines

In order to use the set codes on sales documents, you must assign the required codes to Customer Cards in the Recurring Sales Lines. To open the window, from the Customer Card, select Customer Card > Sales > Recurring Sales Lines:

Meaning of the fields (Table 172 Standard Customer Sales Code):

  • Customer No.

    • The number of the customer to whom the recurring sales line code is assigned

  • Code

    • Code from the code list of standard sales lines (Table 170)

  • Description

    • The default description is copied from the header of the standard sales line card, and can be modified as needed

  • Valid From Date

    • Specifies the beginning of the period when this can be used on the document

  • Valid To date

    • Specifies the end of the period when this can be used on the document

  • Insert Rec. Lines On Invoices

    • Here you can set how the code will be inserted into the sales invoice 

    • Election

      • Manual

      • Automatic

      • Always Ask

    • The setting is applied when inserting periodic lines into a sales invoice as follows:

      • If there is no line on the invoice and the customer has only one code with the setting "Automatic", when inserting the customer into the header of the sales invoice, a warning is displayed that the customer has set up recurring sales lines. When you click on the alert, the line is automatically inserted into the invoice

      • If there is no line on the invoice and the customer has at least one code set with the Always Ask option or multiple codes with the Automatic option, when inserting the customer into the invoice header, a warning is displayed that the customer has set up recurring sales lines. When the warning is clicked, a list of codes opens, and the user manually selects the desired code from those codes.   

  • Insert Rec. Lines On Quotes

    • The meaning of the setting is similar to that of an invoice

  • Insert Rec. Lines On Orders

    • The meaning of the setting is similar to that of an invoice

  • Insert Rec. Lines On Cr. Memos

    • The meaning of the setting is similar to that of an invoice

Adjustment for OC

When a new Recurring Sales Line is created, the system automatically inserts a record with with a blank customer number.

Records with a blank customer number are used in selected tasks (e.g. tasks to create a sales invoice/credit note or in mass reinvoice of service in the Service module)

Assign recurring sales lines to a customer

Assigning recurring sales lines to a Customer Card can be done:

  • Manually by user (standard assigning method)

    • on the Customer Card

    • on the sales receipt

  • Automatic by the system (modification for OC)

    • on the sales receipt

Manually by the user on the Customer Card

Recurring Sales Lines codes can be assigned to the Customer Card using the Related > Sales options > Recurring Sales Lines.

The selected periodic sales lines set in Table 170 Standard Sales Code are set in each row

Manually by the user on the sales document

On the Sales Invoice, select Action > Functions >Get Recurring Sales Lines to open the Recurring Sales Lines window. You can use the New button to add a new row and set the desired recurring sales line from the list in Table 170 Standard Sales Code.

Automatically by the system on the sales document – Adjustment for OC

If the user has not manually assigned Recurring Sales Lines to the customer, the system will automatically assign all existing Recurring Sales Lines to the customer at the time the customer is inserted into the header of the sales document. If the customer already has some codes assigned, the system will only fill in the missing codes.

Standard Purchase Code Card

Meaning of the fields in the header (Table 173 Standard Purchase Code) and in the rows (Table 174 Standard Purchase Line):

The Standard Purchase Code (Recurring Purchase Lines) card is set up similarly to the Standard Sales Line Card (). These fields are:

  • Type

  • No. (No.)

  • Description

  • Quantity

  • Gen. Prod. Posting Group

  • VAT Prod. Posting Group

  • Global Dimension 1 (e.g. Centre)

  • Global Dimension 2 (Contract).

In a similar way to the Standard Sales Line Card, OC-specific fields are also set up:

  • Basic Product Filter

  • Currency Code

  • Insert for All Currencies

  • Reason Code for Invoice

  • Reason Code for Cr.Memo

The Reason Code for Invoice and Reason Code for Credit Memo fields are used only in selected functions and copy the set codes to the headers Purchase documents (invoices or credit memos). These include, for example, the following tasks:

  • Create Purchase Invoice/Credit Memo Service

  • Invoicing from the Interface Invoice Buffer

Specific to purchase only is the field:

  • Reinvoicing (Reinvioce)

    • Setting the value Yes/No. The setting is used for posting costs from Maintenance permissions. A description of the use is available in the PD "Service".

Vendor Standard Purchase Code

In order to use the set purchase codes on purchase documents, you must assign the required codes to Vendor Cards in the Recurring Purchase Lines window. To open the window from the Vendor Card, select Related > Purchases> Recurring Purchase Lines:

Meaning of the fields (Table 175 Standard Vendor Purchase Code):

  • The meaning of the fields is similar to that of the customer's periodic sales lines

Adjustment for OC

When a new Recurring Purchase Line is created, the system automatically inserts a record into the Recurring Purchase Lines list with with a blank vendor number.

Records with a blank customer/vendor number are used in selected tasks (e.g. in the Service module, in tasks to create a purchase invoice/credit note).

Assign recurring purchase lines to vendors

Assigning periodic purchase lines to the Vendor Card can be done:

  • Manually by user (standard assigning method)

    • on the Vendor Card

    • on the purchase receipt

  • Automatic by the system (modification for OC)

    • on the purchase receipt

Manually by the user on the Vendor Card

Recurring Purchase Lines codes can be assigned to the Vendor Card using the Related > Purchases > Recurring Purchase Lines options: 

Setup (code assignment) can be done either on the Vendor Card or on the purchase document.

The selected periodic purchase lines set in Table 173 Standard Purchase Code are set in each row

Manually by the user on the purchase document

On the Purchase Invoice, select Actions > Functions >Get Recurring Purchase Lines to open the Recurring Purchase Lines window. Use the New button to add a new row and set the desired periodic purchase line from the list in Table 173 Standard Purchase Code.

Automatically by the system on the purchase document – Adjustment for OC

If the user has not manually assigned Recurring Purchase Lines to the vendor, the system automatically assigns all existing Recurring Purchase Lines to the vendor at the time the vendor is inserted on the header of the purchase document. If the vendor already has some codes assigned, the system will only fill in the missing codes.





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