Setup Description - Reminders

Setup Description - Reminders

For further work with receivables (customer items), the BC system offers, among other things, the functionality of reminders. The user can use it to create reminders or to create and charge reminder fees to their customers.

The modification for OneCore connects this functionality with financing contracts.

Code lists can be searched from the hub role via the main search.

The code lists are:

  • Code list: "Reminder Terms"

  • Code list: "Sales & Receivables Setup"

  • OneCore Setup

  • Code list: "Detail Contract Status"

  • Code list: "Gen. Terms and Conditions"

  • Code list: "Financing Product Card"

  • Setting up Company Information

Reminder Terms

Code list: "Reminder Terms" is used to enter the basic settings of reminder conditions.

  • Code

    • Reminder Code

    • Entered manually by the user

  • Description

    • Description/name of the reminder code

    • Entered manually by the user

  • Max. number of reminders

    • A number that indicates the maximum number of reminders that can be created for this reminder code for a single invoice.

    • If the number of reminders for one invoice reaches the maximum, it is not possible to create additional reminders (no other invoices have been reminded yet). Then you need to increase the number in this field, or mark the item that blocks the creation of reminders with the code in the On Hold field. The On Hold field is on the customer ledger entry.

    • Zero in the field means unlimited reminder creation.

    • Entered manually by the user

  • Post Interest

    • To a certain extent, the calculation of the penalty can also be linked to the reminder. For example, it is possible to display finance charge amounts on a reminder. There must be a Penalty Code filled in on the contract (customer ledger entry). If the user wants to post about this finance charge memo, he changes the value of the field to A.

    • The recommended value for financing is N.

    • Entered manually by the user.

  • Charge Fee

    • You can also charge for any fees associated with the issuance of a reminder by checking this box on A.

    • If it's A, the fee is charged for the entire reminder.

  • Post Fee Line

    • You can also charge for any fees associated with the issuance of a reminder by checking this box on A.

    • If A, the fee is charged for each line in the reminder.

  • Minimum Amount (LCY)

    • The value for which a reminder (minimum amount for a reminder) can still be issued in local currency for a customer entry (receivable).

    • When a reminder is created, the system checks the total amount of the reminder and compares it with the value in the Minimum Amount (LCY) field. If the value of the total reminder is < as Minimum Amount (LCY), the system does not create a reminder.  

  • Note Fee Line to Report

    • A text note that can be manually entered by the user and that can then be transferred to the reminder report.

    • It is currently not used (or included) in the print report.

When you click on the Levels button, the form opens Reminder Levels.

Reminder Levels It is used to define the number of reminder levels – e.g. from the mildest warning to the most emphatic with the estimated penalty amount displayed (example The picture shows the settings for three reminders). Meaning of fields:

  • Number

    • Adds OC automatically as a level sequence number.

  • Grace Period

    • The user can enter a date formula.

    • If the reminder issue date is less than the date that is the sum of the invoice due date for level 1 reminder (or previous reminder for other levels) and the grace period, the invoice reminder will not be created.

E.g. Due date of the receivable 27.5.2023, Postponement period 5D, Work date 31.5. – the receivable will not fall into a reminder.

Due date of the receivable 27.5.2023, Postponement period 2D, Work date 31.5. – the receivable will fall into a reminder.

  • Due Date Calculation

    • Again, you can enter a date formula that will be used to calculate the due date of the reminder.

    • Note: if a fee is not charged in the reminder, in leasing practice SEY recommends setting an empty field, the due date is the payment (invoice) and not the reminder.

  • Charge Calculation

    • After checking the Finance Charge Calculation field, the created reminder for the customer will display
      i finance charge amount (requires entering the finance charge terms code on the contract card)

  • Fee (LCY)

    • It is possible to enter a fee related to the issuance of a reminder in the local currency.

    • This is a fee for reminders issued in the local currency (for invoices in the local currency). If the customer has invoices in different currencies, a separate reminder will be issued for each currency. Fees for these currencies can be set by selecting Related - Level - Currencies (see below).

  • Line Fee Amount (LCY)

    • A reminder line fee, if any, can be entered

    • This is a fee on reminder lines issued in the local currency (for invoices in the local currency). If the customer has invoices in different currencies, a separate reminder will be issued for each currency. Fees for these currencies can be set by selecting Related - Level - Currencies (see below).

  • Fee Calculation Type

    • Option (Fixed, Simple Dynamic, Cumulated Dynamic)

    • Specifies how the fee is calculated.

      • Fixed: fee values are used on the line in the reminder (Fee button, line fee is not editable)

      • Simple dynamic: the values on the line on the Fee Setup page are used (the Fee and Line Fee fields in the reminder level row are non-editable)

        • OC takes only the first row for a given currency in the table if multiple rows are specified for that currency. If the amount entered in both the Fee field and the Fee % field is entered, then the OC calculates:

        • the value in the Fee + field (if the value of the Balance is higher than the value in the Balance Threshold field, then the value of Balance is multiplied by the value in the Fee % field – the result is compared with the values in the Min. and Max. Fee Amount field and if the result is not within the range of values, it does not calculate the fee.

      • Accumulated dynamic: the values set in the table, which is opened by selecting Fee or Line Fee from the toolbar, are used (the Fee and Line Fee fields in the reminder level row are non-editable)


        • OC takes each line for a given currency that meets the conditions of the specified parameters. The fee is calculated as follows: Fixed Fee Amount (if entered in the Fee field) + ((Balance – the value in the Balance Threshold field) x the value in the Fee % field, and the result will be compared to the values in the Min. and Max fields against the fee amount. If the result does not match the range of min. and max. fee amounts, the fee will not be calculated.

    • The default value is Fixed.

  • Line Fee Description

    • The description is transferred to the fee line in the reminder print report

After pressing the Related – Level option, the user has the option to select the settings Text at the beginning, Text at the end, Currencies.

By selecting Currencies it is possible to enter a reminder fee and a line fee also for foreign currencies.

By selecting Text at beginning, you can enter the text that will be included in the reminder above the lines.

By selecting Text at the end, you can enter the text that will be included in the reminder below the lines.

It is possible to use text variables in texts (similar to penalization):

When you fill in the description on the reminder line, it takes the text from the ReminderLevel field." Add. Fee per Line Description" and replaces the % values as follows:


%1 – due date of the reminder from the reminder header

%2 – interest rate from finance charge terms

%3 – remaining amount from reminder header

%4 – Interest amount from reminder header

%5 – additional charge from reminder header

%6 – total amount of the reminder with VAT

%7 – reminder level

%8 – Currency Code

%9 – Posting Date

%10 – name of our company from company info

%11 – Charge per line

Detailed Contract Statuses

The code list is used to set the detailed status of the contract. In this code list, it is also possible to set in which detailed contract statuses it is possible to create reminders for the contract.

  • Code

    • Detailed Contract Status Code

  • Description

    • Description/Name of Detailed Contract Status

  • Reminder

    • Default N

    • Changes the user to A if they want the contract to be reminded in the given detailed status

Sales & Receivables Setup

In the Sales and Receivables Setup code list, the following settings are set for reminders:

  • On the General tab, field Multiple Interest Rates=N, unless more interest rates will be used for reminders

  • On the Number Series tab, fields needed to set up the numbering of reminders and issued reminders

  • Cancelled Issued Reminder Numbers

    • Issued reminders are used for cancellation, the user can choose or want to use the number series Issued reminders or the number series of canceled issued reminders

  • Reminder Numbers

    • User selects a number sequence for reminders

  • Numbers of issued reminders

    • User selects a number sequence for issued reminders

General Ledger Setup

In the General Ledger Setup code list, the Rounding Accuracy field is set for reminders in the VAT tab. VAT and rounding. Coef. VAT.

OneCore Setup

In the OneCore settings table, in the Finance Charge and Reminders tab, the user sets or proposes reminders for the A/N contract.

In the list of Issued reminders, if the field Suggest reminders for contract = A, the reminder is issued individually for the customer contract, i.e. the system will suggest only one reminder per contract.

If Suggest reminders by contract=N, the system processes the reminder for all customer receivables and the Financing Contract No. field is blank on the reminder.

General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditions stipulate the method of reminders:

  • Reminder Terms Code

    • Lookup to the Reminder Terms table

    • The user selects the reminder terms code for the given general terms and conditions.

Financing Products

On the Currency and calculation parameters subform, the user sets the General Terms and Conditions code -> This determines the default setting of reminder conditions for the financing contract.

Company Information

Company details will also be included in the reminder. These data are entered in the Company Information table by selecting the Related – Other – Document Footer button on the toolbar.

When the button is pressed, the Document Footer list opens.

Registration according to the Customer Language Code will then be added to the reminder. In case the Language Code is empty (in most cases in the company) it is necessary to create a line with the language code "empty" with the text in the local language.

The system then downloads the text in the local language to the reminder when the Language Code is empty.

Customer Card

If the customer has agreed on special reminder conditions, it is possible to enter the Reminder Terms Code on the customer card. Detailed description in  Address book .

Customer Master Agreement

The customer master agreement is used for Financing Type = Operative Leasing or Fleet Report.

It is possible to set some parameters that will be valid for all calculations/contracts that are assigned to the framework agreement. One of these conditions can be a Reminder Terms Code. Detailed description in  Address book

Financing Contract Card

Fulfillment of the Reminder Term Code field on the Financing Contract card when creating a contract with and without services by the wizard is described in detail in Contract With Services and Contract Without Services

Fulfillment of the Reminder Terms Code on the Contract Card when the Customer No. is changed

The fulfillment of the Reminder Terms Code field when fulfilling and changing the Customer No. on the calculation/contract card is described in detail in Contract With Services and Contract Without Services

Change Payment Terms, Finance Charge and Reminder Wizard

A change in the payment term, finance charge terms or reminders can be made by the user in the contract in Status>=Effective help of the wizard to change payment terms, finance charge and reminder.

To change the terms code of contract reminders in status>=Effective, you can use the Change of Payment Terms, Finance Charge and Reminders Wizard Change of Payment Term, Penalties and Remind.Terms (4046864) – see for a detailed description Contract Changes .

 Selection of Reports – Reminder/Finance Charge Memo

In the table Selection of reports – reminders/finance charge memos, the user can set the ID report for the reminder as well as for the structure of the email when sending the reminder.

The user selects the report ID for the reminders.

If you want to set Text Layout for email, it must be in the Use for email body field=YES

Then, in the Email Body Layout Code field, it selects the text layout. If they don't have it, select from the full list to open Select – Custom Report Layouts – More Options – Actions- New Document – New

Loads a mail template in Word.

Setting up a report on the customer

On the customer card, it is possible to define a different ID report of reminders and email body for a specific customer by selecting Related – Customer – Document layout.

In the Document Layout table, the user can define for a given customer:

  • Usage - Select from options, select Reminder option:

  • Report ID

  • Report Caption

    • Fills up the system automatically

  • Custom Layout Description

  • Send to email

  • Use for email text

  • Email Body Layout Description

  • Copy from Report Selection

  • Automatically creates records set in the Report Selector for all usage types

  • Select an email from your contacts

    • Different email, such as on the customer card, i.e. via the Select Email from Contact button, the user selects the contact person from whom the system copies the email