Company Information

Company Information


When setting up a new company, it is necessary to set up a table first for Company Information (Company Information) before the other tables and code lists are set up.

This table contains basic information about the company such as name, address, company registration and tax identification number, telephone number, e-mail, logo, etc.

This table also includes a link to important system settings in individual tabs in the top ribbon of the table. For example, in the Application Settings tab, there is a link to the General Ledger Setup table, where other important information from the area of finance, such as the company's local currency, is set. A detailed description of how to set up all important tables for the general ledger is in the chapters below of this document.

MS regularly updates the setup documentation. Documentation valid for BC22 is available at the following link:

Overview of Tasks to Set Up Business Central - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

This area describes how to set up individual tabs of the table Company Information.

You can search for the table using the magnifying glass (in the upper-right corner of the screen image-20240822-083823.png , hereinafter referred to as the "Magnifying Glass" throughout the document).

General Tab

In this tab, you can set basic information about the company such as Name, Address, Country/Region Code, Logo, etc.

Individual fields are filled in according to actual information about the company. This data is then copied into individual documents, such as a sales invoice.

Description of field settings:

  • Country/Region Code

    • is selected from the Countries/Regions code list, which must first be populated with data.

  • Phone No.

    • is always entered without spaces between the individual numbers.

  • EORI Number

    • determines the registration and identification number of economic operators, which is used in the exchange of information with customs authorities when conducting trade to or from the European Union.

  • Picture

    • A company logo can be set. Additional settings for the company logo can be found in the Sales & Receivables Setup table, where you can choose whether the logo will be displayed or not and where it will be displayed on the sales document.

  • Company Name Shortcut

    • is set for the purpose of generating some printouts, or it can also be used to generate email subjects.

  • Language Code

    • The language of the local instance is being set. The user sets his local language by selecting from the Languages table.

    • The set value in the field is used for displaying the printed version of the English version of documents generated from OneCore, where based on the value in this field, certain data fields specified in the English language will be displayed (some data fields will remain in the CZ language, as well as in documents generated in the CZ language). This procedure ensures that the language is selected correctly for all multilingual documents. This logic is preferred in OC for selecting the language of print documents.

Connections Tab

The fields in the left column are set according to the actual information about the company. The phone number is set without spaces. This information is then entered into various forms, such as VAT, CT and SH returns, if the specified processor does not have this information set up in the user card.

"IC" fields are set only if the company has multiple companies (parent, sister, subsidiary) set up within one database.

Payments tab

This tab sets the default payment information (Default Bank Account Code) about the company, which is then added to sales invoices.

Description of field settings:

  • In the Allow blank payment info field. (Allow Bank Payment Info.)

    • You can specify whether you can create a sales invoice without filling in the setup fields on this tab.

  • In the Bank Account Format Check field

    • You can specify whether the bank account will be checked.

Shipment and Company Emblem Tab

Description of field settings:

  • Fields in the Shipping tab

    • does not need to be set up for leasing companies. It is related to the setup of the inventory module.

  • Fields in the Company Badge tab

    • It is used to set the display when installing multiple companies in a single database. For example, if you have a testing company and a production company in the same database, it is advisable to choose a different color and text for each so that users can better recognize which company they are currently in.

Registration & User Experience Tab

Description of field settings:

  • Fields in the Registration tab

    • the data is filled in according to the actual information about the company.

  • Tax Registration No. (Tax Registration No.) field

    • is filled in only for Slovak companies.

  • User experience is not set!