Credit Setup

Credit Setup


The Credits functionality helps to offset receivables and payables from each other. Mutual credits are used when the company's customer is also its supplier.
Items to be counted can be entered manually or automatically from the Credit Card using the Propose credit lines function. In addition, there are functions for marking items to be counted and recalculating the balance.
A print of the Agreement by reciprocally credit receibables (Agreement by reciprocally credit receibables) is also available according to Czech legislation.

MS regularly updates the documentation for this setting area. Documentation valid for BC22 is available at the following link:

Compensations Localization for Czech (Extension) - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Dependencies and assumptions

In order to be able to design credits, it is necessary to have the Credit Setup table set up.

In order to be able to design credits in a foreign currency, it is necessary to have the Maximum Rounding Amount and rounding accounts set in the Credit Setup table.

Description of the documented area

The Compensation Setup table can be accessed from the Manual Setup list or by searching through the magnifying glass.

Field settings:

  • Trade-in account number (Credit Bal. Account No.)

    • Specifies the offset account number for posting the set-off, i.e. it is an auxiliary account that is zero after the credits are posted

  • Max. Rounding Amount

    • is set up for posting credits in a foreign currency

  • Credit Proposal By

    • specifies whether the credits will be proposed according to the ID number or Business relation, note: even an empty ID value means a match for BC Therefore, in the case of selecting the ID number, the Show empty field when found is checked ()

  • Show Empty when not found

    • Specifies whether only entries of the same customer and vendor can be displayed

  • Credit Nos.

    • A number sequence code is selected to be used for assigning numbers to credits.

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