Account Schedules (Balance Sheet, Income Statement)

Account Schedules (Balance Sheet, Income Statement)


Account Schedules are used to create user reports on accounting data – general ledger items and financial budget items. The user can choose what data to display and how to display it. In addition, reports created in this way can be exported to Excel. It can also use templates defined in Excel, e.g. for the Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss statement.

You can set up different layouts to define the information that you want to get from the chart of accounts. You can also use formulas to compare two or more accounting schemes and column layouts. This kind of comparison provides the opportunity to:

  • Create your own financial reports.

  • Create as many accounting schemes as needed, each with a unique name.

  • Set up different report layouts and print a report with the current numbers.

MS regularly updates the documentation for this setting area. Documentation valid for BC22 is available at the following link:

Build Financial Reports Using Financial Data and Account Categories - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

CZ localization documentation valid for BC22 is available at this link:

Core Localization Pack for Czech - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

This documented area describes how schematics are created and set up.

Overview Account Schedules it is available from the Manual Setup list in the Finance category, or it can be accessed from the Role Center and can be searched using the magnifying glass.

Dependencies and assumptions

The basic prerequisite is a chart of accounts, i.e. accounts in the chart of accounts.

Description of the documented area

Creation of an account scheme 

The Account Schedules in the standard version of BC are the basis of standard financial statements that may not meet the needs of your business. To quickly create custom financial reports, you can start by copying an existing account schedule by using the Copy Account Schedule Or, you can create a new account schedule by using the New.

Afield Name It is possible to enter a unique name for the scheme and expand it in the Description. Afield Default Column Layout The user can select the default way of displaying the account scheme. If you want to, or if you don't like the layout you've chosen, you can edit it later. Field Analysis View Name It is used to link account schemes to analysis views. If there is an analysis view code in this field, the account schedule will display data from the aggregated analysis view entries instead of general ledger entries.

Field Accounting Schedule Type it can be Standard, Balance Sheet, or Income Statement.  

Account Schedule Setup

You can open the Account Schedule to set up or correct/modify the scheme settings using the Edit Account Schedule in the Process menu.

The definition of an accounting schedule consists primarily of setting up lines. The rows indicate the source from which the data will be displayed.

In order to be able to work with the rows, e.g. add them, it is necessary to fill in the fields Row No..

The text in the Description field should reflect the purpose of the line. 

  • Field value Totaling Type

    • Specifies the source from which the information in the row will be taken.

    • The possible choices are:

      • Posting Account

        • The information will be taken from the financial account

      • Total Accounts

        • the information will be taken from a financial account of the type End-Total or Total

      • Formula (Formula)

        • The information will be obtained from other lines of the account schedule

      • Set Base For Percent

        • Such a row is not displayed in reports, only the basis for calculating percentages on other lines is calculated here 

  • Field Totaling

    • is populated depending on the Totaling Type field. It can be used to specify a filter for selecting general ledger accounts, total accounts, or other schema lines

  • Afield Show

    • With the options Yes, No, the user can control the display of a given row in the report (some rows can be e.g. auxiliary for creating totals)

  • When the box is checked New Page

    • , the next line will be printed on a new page.

The row contains yet another field for formatting the display row in the report. They are checkboxes Bold, Italic (Italic), Underline and Show Opposite Sign (This option applies only to the amount).

In the other four hidden fields, you can enter dimension values to filter the values for the row. If the account schedule does not have an analysis view assigned, two global dimensions can be specified. If an analysis view is assigned, you can specify the dimensions defined for the analysis view. 

In the accounting scheme, it is also possible to define reports that are annexes to the financial statements, such as the balance sheet statement and the profit and loss statement. In order to control the display of rows according to the nature of the resulting amount (debit or credit), the Calc field is available with values of Always, Never, When Positive, and When Negative. 

Setting the display of columns

By using different column view definitions, the user can define different views of account schedule rows. To open the window, click Actions -> Functions -> Edit Column Layout Setup in the window Account Schedule.

Assigned Column No. It allows you to perform mathematical operations on columns. Field Column Header Contains a description that will appear in the preview of the account schedule and when printed as the column name. 

Field Column Type It more precisely determines what information will be extracted from the lines

  • If there are general ledger accounts in the schema rows, you can use the Movement (Net Change)Balance at DateBeginning BalanceYear to DateRest of Fiscal Year and Entire Fiscal Year

  • If only columns are calculated, the value of Formula (Formula).

Since the general ledger account stores information about the current status as well as the budget, you can use the Ledger Entry Type Choose between the two values (options Entries (entries) and Budget Entries). 

The user can select the nature of the displayed amounts in the Amount Type (values Amount (Net Amount)Debit Amount and Credit Amount).

Afield Formula (Formula) You can enter a mathematical expression to calculate with columns. For the purpose of comparison with previous time periods, you can enter a date formula either in the Comparison Date Formulaor Comparison Period Formula (hidden field).

Next, in the column definition, there are again formatting fields such as Show Opposite SignShow and Rounding Factor.

In the hidden fields, it is possible to enter values such as dimensions, according to which the values for the scheme will be filtered.

Preview of the accounting scheme

A preview of the account schedule can be viewed from the Account Schedule Click Preview (Overview) On offer Process.  




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