Revision Of Data On The FA Card Report

Revision Of Data On The FA Card Report

A batch job Revision Of Data The FA Card (4046912) has been created, which deals with the posting of Salvage Value according to the value of the Residual Value Calculated field from the Financing Contract and also the posting of its change during the life of the Financing Contract. Furthermore, this task solves the recording of the change in the depreciation period (WMP) according to the financing period of the currently related financing contract. These are changes that are related to the calculation of accounting depreciation for the asset card.

The Tasks dialog box is added switch boolean Post (Post) for direct posting. After toggling to Yes, the task checks in Fixed Asset Setup to see if Post Residual Value is enabled and, if the condition is met, posts the suggested lines for posting Salvage Value directly.

The task works with contracts that are in the status Active, Closed or Settled.

The task does not work with asset cards that are:

  • STOCK = Yes

  • Blocked = Yes

  • Acquired = No

  • In the default depreciation book (accounting), in the Disposed Of field = Yes.

The task is divided into two areas Processing of asset cards for contracts/financed objects:

  1. Posting the First Salvage Value

If it is enabled to post Salvage Value in the Post Residual Value field in Fixed Asset Setup, the task first checks whether the Contract Extension = No field. Subsequently, he checks whether there is a FA Ledger Entries with FA Postin Type = Salvage Value for the depreciation book for the asset card.

If no such entry is found and the contract is not automatically extended (i.e. it is not a contract in Informal), the job suggests a line to post the first Salvage Value in the Fixed Asset Journal with the same amount as in the Residual Value Calculated field of the Financing Contract.

  1. Posting the Change in Salvage Value and Recording the Change in Depreciation Period (POH)

To check for changes in POH and RV, the task sets a filter for active (not accounted for and not blocked) asset cards that have a value in the field STOCK = No. If a non-conformance is found at the WMP, the task will write the current data from the contract on the asset card.

Next, the Finding the Difference Task between the RV on the Asset Card and the RV on the Financing Contract will calculate the difference and suggest lines for it to post the change of RV in the fixed asset journal.

If the posting date falls within a closed accounting period, the date is shifted to the first day of the open accounting period.

Cases where changes occur:

  • Change in Depreciation Period (POH):

    • when the financing period is properly extended or shortened, when the task checks for a match between the Depreciation Ending Date on the asset card and the Contractual End Date on the Financing Contract Card tab, provided that the value in the Contract Extension = No field on the Financing Contract Card

    • in the case of automatic contract extension (on a monthly basis when posting a payment calendar, the so-called Informal), when the task checks the correspondence between the Depreciation Ending Date on the asset card and the Preset Date date. Terminate after extension (Expec. Term. Date After Extension) on the Financing Contract Card tab, provided that the value in the Contract Extension = Yes field on the Financing Contract Card

  • Change of Residual Value (RV) – when the financing period is properly extended or shortened and when the mileage is changed.


The result, after running the Revision Of Data The FA Card task, is:


The task can be found and run from the following locations:

  • in the Fixed Asset overview, it is located in the Process -> Revision Of Data On The FA Card menu or in the Actions menu, where tasks can be rearranged by the user using the Personalize function

  • Search using the System Magnifier.

Dependencies and assumptions

Correct processing of the task depends on the field settings in the Fixed Asset Setup (FA) table:

  • Post Residual Value = Yes

  • Residual Value FA – Template

  • Residual Value FA – Batch

  • FA Revision – Template

  • FA Revision – Batch.

A very important prerequisite: Contract changes are not older than 60 days (A hard-coded restriction is set in the job).

In the payment calendar, the change of RV will be reflected in the first unposted payment. Therefore, the assumption that the change in the RV will be reflected in the asset card is that payments and depreciation are accounted for regularly.

Job Processing Process

When a task is invoked, the task dialog box is displayed first. In the dialog box, the user can select Post. It is also possible to enter filters for data from the Contract Header (e.g. contract number, customer number, date of contract signing, etc.). The task will work with the set conditions and filters after it is started by clicking the OK button.

After starting the task with the OK button, the process of processing the task starts:

  • In Fixed Asset Setup (FA), it checks if the fields listed below are set. If they are not set (field is empty), the job is terminated with an error message

    • Default Depr. Book)

    • FA Revision – Template / Batch

    • Residual Value FA – Template / Batch

    • Example of an error message:

  • Checks if the journals set up in the Fixed Asset Setup table in the FA Revision – Batch field and the FA Batch residual value field are empty. If the condition is not met, it terminates the processing of the job with an error message. If the condition is granted, the processing continues

  • It deploys filters to contracts as follows:

    • Financing Contract Type = Operative Leasing and Contract with Services = Yes

    • Contract Status = Active, Closed or Settled

    • Checks the Calculation field in the Detailed Contract Status. If Yes, it stops processing the contract and moves on to processing the next contract. If it is No, it continues to process the next steps of the process

    • Change Copy = No

    • Calculation Variant = No

    • Contract changes not older than 60 days from the start date of the task

    • If the contract status is other than Active, it assesses the Termination Date

      • If the Temination Date is empty, it stops processing the contract and moves on to processing the next contract

      • If there are more than 40 days between the Task Start Date and the Termination Date, it will stop processing the contract and move on to processing the next contract

  • Checks that the Source Code must be set in the FA Jobs field in the Source Code Setup table. If the code is not set, it writes an error to the Fixed Assets Log (Fixed Assets Error Log) with the text "The FA Jobs field must have a value of (Must not be zero or empty) in the Origin Code Settings: Primary Key= table." (FA Jobs must have a value in Source Code Setup: Primary Key=. It cannot be zero or empty.). Stops processing the contract and moves on to processing the next contract.

  • He looks at the Financed Object Card and finds the Fixed Asset No. In the case of a blank value in the Fixed Asset No. field, writes to the Fixed Assets Log (Fixed Assets Error Log) notification "The Fixed Asset No. field must have a value (Must not be zero or empty) in the Financed Object table: Number=xxxxxx." (Fixed Asset No. must have a value in Financed Object: No.=xxxxxx. It cannot be zero or empty.) and continues to process another contract.

  • On the found asset card, he checks whether it is in the STOCK = YES field or in the Blocked = YES field. In the event of a match, they terminate the process and proceed to process the next contract. If STOCK = No in the field and Blocked = No in the field, the job continues to process according to the next steps.

  • Checks the Acquisition Date in the default (accounting) book of depreciation. If the date is empty, it will stop processing the contract and move on to processing the next contract

  • If direct posting was used by selecting from the Task dialog box, the task looks at the Default Depr. Book), after the check in the "All Acquisition in same Year = Yes" field is turned on. If the condition is met, the check is set to No and after posting, at the end of the job processing, it is set again to Yes. If he does not comply with the condition, he will do nothing

  • RV processing, i.e. Salvage Value

The Salvage Value is processed if:

  • the Post Residual Value field is set to Yes in Fixed Asset Setup

  • the contract is not automatically extended (not Informal), i.e. in the field Contract Extension = No on the contract.

First RV, Salvage Value

If the property card is searched for there is no items of the Salvage Value and Depreciation types find out the RV value, i.e. Residual Value (Salvage Value) on the financed object for the contract, the OC field tracks the difference in the Residual Value Calculated field from the Financing Contract.

Creates an entry in the Fixed Asset Journal. Filling the diary:

  • uses the journal template set in the Fixed Asset Setup table, in the Residual Value FA – Template field

  • uses the journal batch set in the Fixed Asset Setup table, in the Residual Value FA – Batch field

  • FA Posting Date (FA Posting Date) The job enters the same date as it is in the Depreciation Starting Date field in the Depreciation Starting Date field in the Depreciation Posting Book. If the FA Posting Date falls into a closed accounting period (General Ledger settings are taken into account, user settings are ignored), the same date as the date on the last FA entry = Assignment (FA Posting Type = Acquisition Cost) is used to the default depreciation book of the traced asset card.

  • Document No. will be used according to the settings of the FA Journal batch that is being used

  • The Depreciation Book Code takes the set value from the Fixed Asset Setup (FA) table, the Default Depr. Book)

  • Fills in the FA No. with the number of the FA card of the asset for which the RV change has been identified

  • FA Posting Type enters option = Salvage Value

  • Description enters "Residual Value plus Contract No."

  • The amount is filled by the determined RV, i.e. Residual Value (Salvage Value), from the financed object to the contract, turning the sign to minus

  • Populates the Source Code with the value set in the FA Jobs field in the Source Code Setup table

  • Dimension populates from the asset card

If direct posting has been specified in the Jobs dialog box, the proposed line is posted. If direct posting has not been entered, the lines are suggested to the journal and the posting must be done by the user. Then the task moves on to processing the next contract.

Change RV, Residual Value (Salvage Value)

If the property card is searched for exists items of the Salvage Value and Depreciation types, the task looks at the value in the Calculation Residual Value field on the Financing Contract, in the Default Depreciation Book (Default Depr. Book) of the traced asset card looks at the current Book Value and the total Salvage Value.

Compares the RV from the financing contract and the current Book Value in the Default Depreciation Book (Depr. Book).

If a non-zero difference is found, the task defines a branch of Positive or Negative difference and calculates the RV difference, i.e. it calculates the difference between the found RV from the financing contract and the total Salvage Value on the asset card.

Branch definitions are performed by looking at the current Book Value on the asset card and checking whether the new Salvage Value from the Object card is higher than the current Book Value on the asset card:

  • when it is higher, it defines POSITIVE branch. Calculates the difference between the current Book Value and the new Salvage Value. He then suggests the following lines in the Fixed Asset G/L Journal:

    • to top up the Book Value in the form of a reduction in depreciation. Filling journal lines is described in the process below

    • for the calculated RV difference in the form of additional Salvage Value accounting. Filling journal lines is described in the process below

  • when it is not higher, it defines NEGATIVE branch. Then it proposes the calculated RV difference, i.e. Salvage Value, to the Fixed Asset Journal. Filling journal lines is described in the process below.

Fill in the fields of Fixed Asset G/L Journal (G/L Journal) lines for the defined POSITIVE RV Difference:

First Line

  • The Depreciation Book Code takes the set value from the Fixed Asset Setup (FA) table, the Default Depr. Book)

  • uses the journal template according to the settings in the FA Revision – Template table

  • uses the journal batch according to the settings in the Fixed Asset Setup table from the FA Revision – Batch field

  • The task can find out the Posting Date by finding the first unposted line of the payment calendar for the contract

    • If there is one, it will take Date From plus one day from the searched line

    • If there is no such line, it finds the last posted line of the payment calendar for the contract and takes Date To as the date. If the calculated date falls within a closed accounting period, it shifts the date to the first day of the open accounting period.

  • Uses Document No. according to the settings of the journal batch used

  • The Account Type enters the value of the Fixed Asset option

  • Fills in the Account No. with the number of the processed asset card

  • FA Posting Type enters the value of the Depreciation option

  • Description enters Corrective depreciation +account number

  • The amount is filled with the calculated difference between the Book Value and the new RV

  • Corection = Yes

  • Leaves No. of Depreciation Days blank

  • Populates the Source Code with the value set in the FA Jobs field in the Source Code Setup table

  • Dimension populates from the asset card

Second Line

  • is filled in using the "Insert FA Counter-Account" function (Insert FA Bal. Account)

Third line

  • The Depreciation Book Code takes the set value from the Fixed Asset Setup (FA) table, the Default Depr. Book)

  • uses the journal template set in the FA Revision – Template field in the FA Revision (Fixed Asset Setup) table

  • uses the journal batch set up in the FA Revision – Batch field in the FA Revision (Batch) table

  • To find out the Posting Date, the task finds the first unposted line of the payment calendar for the contract:

    • If there is one, it will take Date From plus one day from the searched line

    • If there is no such line, it finds the last posted line of the payment calendar for the contract and takes Date To as the date. If the calculated date falls within a closed accounting period, it shifts the date to the first day of the open accounting period.

  • Uses Document No. according to the settings of the journal batch used

  • The Account Type enters the value of the Fixed Asset option

  • Fills in the Account No. with the number of the processed asset card

  • FA Posting Type enters an option value Acquisition Cost

  • Description enters Increase RV + account number

  • Amount (Amount) leaves blank

  • Residual Value (Salvage Value) – fills the calculated difference RV with the opposite sign

  • Populates the Source Code with the value set in the FA Jobs field in the Source Code Setup table

  • Dimension populates from the asset card

If a direct posting was specified in the Jobs dialog box, the proposed lines are posted. If direct posting has not been entered, the lines are suggested to the journal and the posting must be done by the user. Then the task moves on to processing the next contract.


Fill in the General Fixed Asset Journal line fields for the defined NEGATIVE RV Difference:

  • uses the journal template set in the Fixed Asset Setup table, in the Residual Value FA – Template field

  • uses the journal batch set in the Fixed Asset Setup table, in the Residual Value FA – Batch field

  • The FA Posting Date (FA Posting Date) is the same as the last FA Ledger Entries for the traced FA card, which should be the depreciation for the previous period. If it does not find, enters the user's Work Date. If the calculated date falls within the closed FA accounting period, it shifts the date to the first day of the open FA period

  • Document No. will be used according to the settings of the FA Journal batch that is being used

  • The Depreciation Book Code takes the set value from the Fixed Asset Setup (FA) table, the Default Depr. Book)

  • Fills in the FA No. with the number of the FA card of the asset for which the RV change has been identified

  • FA Posting Type enters option = Salvage Value

  • The amount is filled with the calculated RV difference, i.e. the difference in Salvage Value, with a minus sign

  • Populates the Source Code with the value set in the FA Jobs field in the Source Code Setup table

  • Dimension populates from the asset card

If direct posting has been specified in the Jobs dialog box, the proposed line is posted. If direct posting has not been entered, the line is suggested to the journal and the posting must be done by the user.

Then the task moves on to processing the next contract.


  •  Date Revision (POH) - Change of Depreciation Period

    • Fixes the Default Depr. Book) on the property card found for the contract. In the contract, it looks at the value in the Contract Extension field, and if the value equals:

      • No – compares the Contractual End Date on the contract with the Depreciation Ending Date in the default book of depreciation on the Fixed Asset Card. In case of mismatch, overwrites the date on the asset card with the date from the contract and validates the No. of Depreciation Months field

      • Yes – Compares the date Preset Date Terminate after extension (Expec. Term. Date After Extension) on a contract with the Depreciation Ending Date in the Default Depr. Book) on the Fixed Asset Card. In case of a mismatch, it overwrites the date on the asset card with the date from the contract and validates the No. of Depreciation Months field.


  • A FA card that is not spooled at the time the job starts, i.e. in the Acquired = No field, will not be processed by the job. It will be processed only after its accounting classification, i.e. after posting the Acquisition Cost to the FA card.


Then the task moves on to processing the next contract.

If direct posting was used by selecting from the Task dialog box, the task looks at the Default Depr. Book), after the check in the "All Acquisition in same Year = Yes" field is turned on. If the condition is met, the check is set to No and after posting, at the end of the job processing, it is set again to Yes. If he does not comply with the condition, he will do nothing

After all contracts have been processed, if direct posting has been used in the Jobs dialog box and the job has turned off the flag in the "All Acquisition in same Year = Yes" field in the Default Depr. Book), then turn the flag back on.

Once all contracts have been processed, a notification will appear about the end of processing and the number of contracts processed.

The duration of job processing (API Batch Job Log) is recorded in the batch job log. This log is not user-accessible.

Attention: Posting Date – shifting the date to the open period will work provided that the Shift Posting = Yes field is in the OneCore Setup table and also takes into account the settings of the user who runs the task and his allowed period, which has a higher validity as the allowed period set in the General Ledger Setup table!!

To run a task in Task Scheduler

Problem No. 4046912 It is possible to run it within the Task Scheduler by displaying the Send to Scheduler option after the task starts, then opening a dialog box with scheduler settings options.

The job scheduler is modified by toggling the boolean Post to Yes.

After completing a job, it is recommended to always check:

  • Job Queue Entries to determine whether the job was terminated by an error message. After solving/removing the written error, the task can be started again using the Restart button

  • Fixed Asset Error Log (FA) to determine whether any contract processing has been terminated due to an error found. After resolving/deleting the written error report, the task can be run repeatedly.