Interrupt Of Accounting Depreciation

Interrupt Of Accounting Depreciation

There are two ways to interrupt accounting depreciation:

  • User

  • Batch Job for Asset Cards to Financing Contracts/Financed Object.

In order to be able to set the period of interruption of accounting depreciation from a specific date, a new field "Depreciation Interrupt from" has been added to the depreciation book.

The standard field "Depreciations Interrupted up to" is used to terminate the depreciation interruption.

To calculate the interruption of accounting depreciation "from" date, the "Calculate Depreciation" task has been modified. A detailed description of the principle of adjustment is described in the chapter Výpočet odpisů

On Tax Depreciation does not have any impact on the new field for interrupting depreciation from, nor does modifying the Calculate Depreciation task have any impact.

User Interruption of Accounting Depreciation

User entry of the date for the interruption of accounting depreciation "from" should be used only for asset cards that are not related to financing contracts/financed objects. That is, for Other Asset Cards.

In the Account Depreciation Book, in the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field, you can enter the date from which accounting depreciation should be interrupted for the asset card.

Above the field, there is a date fulfillment control so that it is not possible to enter a date larger than the one in the "Depreciations Interrupted up to" field.

Above the field, there is an additional check to make sure that the entered date does not fall within a period for which accounting depreciation has already been posted. If the date is entered by the user and the check finds that the entered date falls within the period for which depreciation is already posted, an information window is displayed asking whether the already posted depreciation should be deposted:

  • If the option is confirmed, the rows with the amount of posted depreciation for the period will be suggested to the Fixed Asset G/L Journals and the entered date will be entered in the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field

  • If No is selected, "only" the entered date is entered in the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field.

Suggested lines in the Fixed Asset G/L Journals must then be posted to the user.


Interrupt Accounting Depreciation Batch Job

This batch job resolves the interruption of accounting depreciation on Asset Card for Financing Contract / financed object.

Reasons to interrupt accounting depreciation:

  • Contract Termination

  • theft

  • Total damage, total economic damage.

For the Interruption of Accounting Depreciations batch job, a Batch Job Card must be created with Batch Job Type = FA – Interrupt to set up filters for detailed contract statuses, financing product types, and depreciation book code. A detailed description of the card settings is described in chapter Nastavení Finance .

According to the set filters in the batch job, the Fixed Asset Card No. from the Financed Object field is searched for the Fixed Asset Card No. field.

The task first checks whether the conditions for suspension of depreciation in the accounting book are already entered in the found asset card, i.e. in the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field, a date equal to the Termination Date from the currently related contract is entered. It also checks whether a date is entered in the "Depreciations Interrupted up to" field and that the date is less than the Termination Date of the currently related contract. This will find out that the previous conditions for suspension of depreciation have already expired and deletes both dates in order to set up new conditions for suspension of depreciation, i.e. in the field "Depreciation Interrupt from" enters the Terminated Date from the currently related contract.

A detailed description of the process of processing the task is described in chapter Přerušení účetních odpisů | Proces zpracování úlohy

The new field "Depreciation Interrupt from" affects the correct calculation of accounting depreciation, also with regard to the possible start of depreciation interruption retrospectively, i.e. in the period for which accounting depreciation has already been posted. Therefore, it was necessary to modify the Calculate Depreciation task. Modification of this task is described in chapter Výpočet odpisů | Účetní odpisy

Termination of suspension of accounting depreciation:

  • by transferring to a new contract. This case is solved by a new task on the item card "Asset Card Transfer" described in chapter Úloha Převod karty majetku

  • Successful resolution of theft – due to the rare occurrence of this situation, the system does not handle automatic processing. Manual processing is required. The Depreciation Interrupt from field is editable.

The task can be found and run from the following locations:

  • in the Fixed Asset overview is located in the Process -> Interruption of Accounting Depreciations menu or in the Actions menu, where tasks can be rearranged by the user using the Personalize function

  • Search using the System Magnifier.

Dependencies and assumptions

The dependency is on the batch job setup for interrupting accounting depreciation, i.e. with Batch Job Type = FA – Interrupt.

Another important dependency is that in the event of theft or total/economic damage, the detailed status of the contract changes. Correct processing of the task depends on the settings of specific detailed contract statuses.

Job Processing Process

When the Interruption of Accounting Depreciations task is invoked, a dialog box is displayed where you can set:

  • Post, by switching to Yes, the proposed lines will be posted according to the job process

  • Filters on fields from the contract header.

After running the job by clicking the OK button, the job looks into the Batch Jobs Setup List 404786 table and looks for the job card with Batch Job Type = Dm – Interrupt (FA). If it does not find it, it terminates processing and an error message. If it finds it, it continues processing as follows:

  • Applies filters to Financing Product Type Filter, Contract Status Filter, and Detail Contract Status Filter according to the settings in the batch job

  • If a filter for Contract No. (No.) or another filter for a field from the contract header is specified in the task dialog, the filter is applied according to the specified

  • Checks the Calculation field in the Detailed Contract Status. If Yes, it stops processing the contract and moves on to processing the next contract. If it is No, it continues to process the next steps of the process

  • Checks the contract for the existence of a date in the Termination Date field. If a date exists, the task continues to be processed. In the absence of a date, the processing of the contract will be terminated and the processing of the next contract will continue

  • He looks at the Contract Item Card and finds the Fixed Asset Number. If there is a blank value in the Fixed asset number field, writes to the Fixed Assets Log (4047588) notification "Fixed Asset No. must have a value in Financed Object: No.=xxxxxx. It cannot be zero or empty"

  • If there is a field Blocked = Yes in the header of the FA card, it will terminate the processing of the contract and continue processing the next contract

  • On the asset card, check to see if there is a Disposed Of = No field in the Depreciation Book Ledger. In the event of a match, processing continues according to the next steps of the job. In case of disagreement, it terminates the process and continues to process the next contract

  • On the asset card, he checks whether the conditions for suspension of depreciation in the accounting book are not entered in the found asset card, i.e. in the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field, a date equal to the Early Termination Date from the contract is entered. In the event that:

    • If the value of the (date) field is empty, writes the Termination Date from the contract into the field

    • The value of the (date) field is not equal, so it checks to see if a date is entered in the "Depreciations Interrupted up to" field. If the result of the check is:

      • the entered date is less than the Termination Date from the contract. This will determine that the previous conditions for suspending depreciation have expired and deletes both dates. In the "Depreciation Interrupt from" field, enter the Termination Date found from the contract

      • entered a date higher than the Termination Date from the contract. Writes to Fixed Assets Log Error message with the text "Depreciation Book 1 - ACCOUNTING for Fixed Asset No. xxxxxx - Depreciation interrupted until is higher than the Termination Date on the financing contract." (Depreciation Book 1-ÚČETNÍ for FA No. xxxxxx - Depreciations Interrupted up to is higher than Termination Date on Financing Contract.)

    • The value of the (date) field is equal, so it ends the processing process and continues processing the next contract

  • If the Post boolean is in the Jobs dialog box:

    • = Yes, so it does:

      • In the Default (Accounting) Depreciation Book, checks if the Use Same FA+G/L Posting Dates field = Yes. If the condition is met, it switches to No and continues to process the next steps. At the end of contract processing, it reverts to the original settings. If the condition is not met, it continues to process the next steps

      • Reverse depreciation if the interruption date falls within the period with posted depreciation and the Termination Date is different from the Last Depreciation Date in the Depreciation Book of Accounts. That is, it suggests rows with the amount of posted depreciation for the period to the Fixed Asset G/L Journals (FA) and posts the proposed lines. Enters the 1st open posting period as the Posting Date if the original period is closed, otherwise it uses the same date as the canceled item. FA Posting Date enters the 1st open asset period if the original period is closed, otherwise it uses the same date as the canceled item. Uses Document No. from the journal batch setup for accounting depreciation

      • If the Termination Date is different from the Last Depreciation Date in the Depreciation Book of Accounts, it suggests rows in the Fixed Asset G/L Journals for depreciation on the specified date "Suspension of depreciation from" and posts the proposed lines. Enters the 1st open accounting period as the Posting Date if the original period is closed, otherwise it uses the same date as the Termination Date on the contract. In the description, enter "Depreciation according to data revision". Document No. enters the same as for the depreciation reversal lines

    • = No, so:

      • If it is not a case of suspending depreciation to the past, it performs the same actions as for "Yes", but does not post the proposed lines in the Fixed Asset G/L Journals. Suggested journal lines must be posted by the user

      • If the depreciation is interrupted to the past, the user must turn off the check on the Default (Accounting) Depreciation Book Use Same FA+G/L Posting Dates before running the task and turn the check back on after all entries have been posted. Subsequently, run the task. The task suggests reversing depreciation according to the same principle that is described in the direct posting paragraph. Suggested depreciation reversal lines must be posted on a user basis. Subsequently, the task to generate depreciation must be run. In the dialog window, the FA Posting Date is entered in the last previous month and the Posting Date is entered in the first current month. The proposed depreciation lines must then again be posted to the user

  • They end the process and proceed to process the next contract.

After the task ends, it is recommended to always check the Fixed Asset Error Log (FA) to see if any contract processing has been terminated due to an error found. After resolving/deleting the written error report, the task can be run repeatedly.

To run a task in Task Scheduler

Problem No. 4047510 It is possible to run it within the Task Scheduler by displaying the Send to Scheduler option after the task starts, then opening a dialog box with scheduler settings options.

The job scheduler is modified by toggling the boolean Post to Yes.

After completing a job, it is recommended to always check:

  • Job Queue Entries to determine whether the job was terminated by an error message. After solving/removing the written error, the task can be started again using the Restart button

  • Fixed Asset Error Log (FA) to determine whether any contract processing has been terminated due to an error found. After resolving/deleting the written error report, the task can be run repeatedly.

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