Calculation Of Radio And TV Fees

Calculation Of Radio And TV Fees


It is necessary to pay a TV and Radio licence fee for each vehicle in the business according to the applicable Act on Radio and Television Fees.

The fee payer is obliged to declare the number of receivers and then pay the fee from them. For this purpose, the Calculation of Radio and TV Fees report has been created, which calculates the total number of these fees from active contracts with services.

Dependencies and assumptions

The prerequisite is that the services for TV and RS fee are set up for the contract.

The dependencies are correctly set up services in the Service Types table, where for the TV fee the value Television Fee must be entered in the Fee Type field and for Radio the value Radio Fee must be entered in the Fee Type field.

Description of the documented area

This documented area describes how TV and radio fees are calculated. The report can be searched for using the system magnifier.

Report Calculation of radio and TV fees (Calculation of radio and TV fees - 4047065) selects records from the API Contract Service (4026681) table, where the following applies:

  • For TV Fee:

    • service type "Fee/Service" and at the same time the service code has Service Type (4026705) in the Fee Type = TV Fee field in the API table

  • For RS Fee:

    • service type "Fee/Service" and at the same time the service code has Service Type (4026705) in the API table in the Fee Type = Radio Fee field

  • Common conditions:

    • Contract Service Status = Active or Change Copy or Terminated

    • in the subject of financing – Object Return Date = empty, or is in the given period for calculation

    • checking for duplicate VIN, i.e. when finding multiple courses with the same VIN, enter number = 1

    • Contracts that have the flag "Change Copy = Yes" or "Calculation Variant = Yes" are excluded from the report. Originals of contracts for the duration of the Change Copy are included in the calculation for the report.

Items with an empty VIN or serial number are excluded from the calculation!

In the dialog box, the period for the calculation is entered. When you press the Preview & Close button, the report appears. The report can be created using the "Send to..." button. export it to PDF, Word, Excel or enter it into the planner.


Based on the parameters defined above, the task then prepares a report, where the filtered period is listed in the header and two lines below it, in which the number of TV and RS fees for the specified period is listed.

At the end of the report, there is a warning message about the existence of financed objects without a completed VIN, for financed objects with Object Category = Vehicle or serial number, for financed objects with Object Category = Machine. The warning report also includes a nominal list of such found financed objects.

Sample report:


A calculation check can be performed in Contract Services by specifying the filters described in the job conditions.




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