Contract Termination Tab

Contract Termination Tab

It contains fields related to the termination (ordinary and extraordinary) of the contract, see for a description of the processes Contract Changes and Contract Proper Termination.

Some dates will be filled in automatically if these fields are set to be filled in automatically. Other fields are also added automatically.


  • Customer Expected Return Date

    • It is used to record the date when the customer expects to be able to return the vehicle (used especially in operational leasing). It is only a registration date.

    • Editable only via the AssistEdit button, which starts the wizard Change Expected Return Date.

    • No. (No.)

      • The system automatically fills in the number of the given financing contract

    • Customer Expected Return Date

      • By default, it displays the value of the field from the header of the financing contract

      • Enter manually by the user.

    • After confirming with the Finish button, the system will enter the date into a field in the financing contract.

    • Note: this is handled in the form of codeunit API Ch.Cust.Exp.Ret.Date Wiz. (4047589) in order to be able to set write rights via standard User Permissions in derogation from the functionality of change copies/variants.

  • Termination Date

    • If the user changes the detailed status using the Status Change Wizard, and in addition to that, the "Fill in termination date" = YES code list is set in the "Detailed contract statuses" code list, then the system will fill in the date from the wizard in this field

    • If the user changes the detailed status manually (on the change copy), then this field must also be filled in manually

  • Fin. Settlement Date

    • If the user changes the detailed status using the Status Change Wizard and in addition to that, the "Fill in Financial Settlement Date" = YES is set in the "Detailed Contract Statuses" code list on the new detailed status, then the system will fill in the date from the wizard in this field

    • If the user changes the detailed status manually (on the change copy), then this field must also be filled in manually

  • Actual date. Actual Termination Date

    • If the user changes the detailed status using the Status Change Wizard and in addition to that, the "Fill in actual termination date" = YES is set in the "Detailed contract statuses" code list on the new detailed status, then the system will fill in the date from the wizard in this field

    • If the user changes the detailed status manually (on the change copy), then this field must also be filled in manually

  • Early Terimantion Reason

    • Filled in by wizard to change the detailed status

    • The user changes/fills in what was the reason for early termination by selecting from the Early Termination Reason code list.

  • Financing Period Real (in Months)

    • The system calculates automatically when adding/changing the Termination Date (19035) in the contract (manually or by wizard):

      • Financing Period Real (in Months)=round((Termination Date-Handover Date)/30,42; 2)

  • Financing Period Difference (in Months) (Financing Period Difference)

    • Calculates automatically when adding/changing the Termination Date (19035) in the contract (manually or by wizard): The system calculates automatically when adding/changing the Financing Period Real (in Months) field:

      • Financing Period Difference=Financing Period Real (in Months)-Financing Period (in Months)

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