General Tab
Calculation/Contract No.
Assigns a wizard to create a calculation or a wizard to create a contract.
Financing Type
The value is taken from the wizard, it is a non-editable field in the form
Financing Product Type Code
The field displays information about the type of financing product, it is filled in by the wizard for creating a contract. The product type defines the basic settings of the product
Financing Product Type Description
Financing Product Type Name
When clicked, the given type of financing product opens.
Financing Product No.
The field displays information about the financing product, it is filled in by the wizard for creating a contract. Financing product contains a more detailed definition of the product.
Financing Product Name
Financing Product Name will be displayed by OC by Financing Product No.
After clicking, the card of the financing product will be displayed
Financing Template No.
The field displays information about the financing template, if the template has been selected in the wizard for creation. A financing template can contain even finer product definitions, serving as a template with predefined calculation/contract values.
Financing Template Name
Financing Template Name will be displayed by OC according to Financing Template No.
When clicked, the card of the financing template will be displayed
Contract Model
The field displays information about the contract model, which determines the calculation and other parameters of the contract. The field is non-editable, it is defined on the contract template
After clicking, the card of the given financing model will be displayed
Template No.
A template number that contains some of the accounting settings for the contract. The field is non-editable, the template is defined on the financing product.
When clicked, the card of the given financing template will be displayed
The field displays information about the branch under which the contract is created. The field can be edited.
Source Calculation No.
Fills up the system automatically
If the calculation was created by copying from another calculation, then the number of the original calculation is given here
If a contract was created from a calculation, then the number of the calculation from which the contract was created is listed here.
Source Contract No.
Fills up the system automatically
If the calculation was created by copying from another contract, then the number of the original contract is given here
Legal Form Code
Adds OC Code of the customer's legal form from the wizard for creating a calculation/contract
If the field is empty after creating a calculation/contract from the wizard, then the system will fill in the value after selecting the Customer No.
Customer No.
Fills in the OC automatically with the Customer No. entered in the wizard
Editable for calculation/contract before activation, lookup to customer directory. Selection pre-filtered to Legal form. If Legal Form Code is empty on the Calculation/Contract tab, then the system filters by Legal Form Code that is enabled on the Financing Product/Template
When changing the customer number, the OC displays a message asking if the user really wants to change the customer. Once confirmed, it does the following:
Automatically overwrites the customer number on the financed object card and displays a message
It will automatically overwrite the customer number on all insurance contracts (collective and individual).
If an insurance rate linked to the original customer (exception) has been used in the insurance contract, the system will change the customer, delete the unsatisfactory rate or product variant and display the message "The insurance contract No. XY did not meet the rate, so the rate was deleted. Edit the insurance contract manually and update the quote.".
If a rate suitable for the new customer has been used on the insurance contracts, then the system will display the message "The customer has been changed, the offer needs to be updated."
After replenishment Customer No. No. (2) on the header of the financing contract (the customer was not filled in when creating the calculation/contract), the OC completes the field:
Payment Terms Code (93) from the Financing Payment Terms Code field
Charge Terms Code (1654)
Reminder Terms Code (new field)
Legal Form Code
from the fields on the customer, if they are filled in.
If the field is blank on the customer card, the OC will leave the value of the field on the contract header unchanged
After Manual Change Customer No. Customer No. (2) on the header of the financing contract (on an inactive contract, this is not a transfer of the contract to a new customer), OC completes the fields:
Payment Terms Code (93) from the Financing Payment Terms Code field from Customer
Charge Terms Code (1654)
Reminder Terms Code (new field)
from the fields on the customer card, if they are filled in
After you manually change the customer number Does not occur It is not recommended to update the posting groups of the contract – i.e. for example changing from a domestic customer to a foreign customer (or vice versa). In such cases, it is recommended to cancel the offer (contract before activation) and create a new one for the correct customer.
Customer Name
If the Customer No. has been selected, the OC will be completed automatically from the customer directory
If the Customer No. has not been selected, the OC will be filled in automatically with the value entered in the wizard or the name can be filled in manually by the user
It is automatically copied every time the Customer No. is changed
Editable only if Customer No. is blank
Contract Type
Single Subject/Multiple Subject
Completes the system automatically from the product/template
For contract with services, only the Single Object option can be used.
Financed Object No.
The system will fill in the course number automatically after creating the course. When clicked, the item card opens
Non-user-editable field
Financing Object Name
The name of the subject. After clicking, an overview of courses will open with a filter for the given course number.
Non-user-editable field
General. Terms and Conditions Code
completes the system automatically from the financing product (Currency and calculation parameters subform).
When changing the OC General Condition Code Automatically tightens new values Fin. Charge Terms Code, Payment Terms Code and Reminder Terms Code according to the new General Terms and Conditions Code if:
For contracts with Contract with Services=N: these fields are empty on the Customer (if they are filled in on the Customer, OC will not get the values from the GTC)
For contracts with Contract with Services=A (Operating Lease and Fleet Report):
on the Customer, these fields are blank and the Framework Agreement No. on the contract is blank, or
on the Customer is empty, the Framework Agreement No. on the Agreement is blank and the codes are blank on the Customer Master Agreement
Fills in the system automatically from a template, non-user-editable field
If empty – the currency of the contract is the local currency.
Contract Exchange Rate Date
Fills up the system automatically
If the Currency Code is
The system will automatically fill in the workdate of the calculation creation. It does not change when activated.
Not empty
The system looks up the Contract Exchange Rate in the Currency Exchange Rates table (see description below), then takes the date from the Starting Date field.
Contract Exchange Rate
The default value is 1, it is filled in when creating a calculation/contract in the Financing Contract Header table.
If the Currency Code is
Not empty
The system finds (calculates) the exchange rate of the contract when creating the calculation as follows:
Takes the Currency Code and the Calculation Creation Date (=work date or Reference Date, respectively)
It continues to the Currency Exchange Rate table (330) and looks for the row for the given currency code and Starting Date= Calculation Creation Date. If it doesn't exist, it looks for the row with the next lower Starting Date. If found, the Contract Exchange Rate calculates:
Contract Exchange Rate = round(1/Currency Factor; 4) = round(1/ (Exchange Rate Amount/Relational Exch.Rate Amount); 4)
Note: the Currency Factor formula is the BC standard
By clicking on the field, it is possible to open the Contract Exchange Rate History table, the first record is created when creating a calculation/contract:
Contract No.
Fulfilled automatically from the contract from the contract header
Hidden field.
Line No.
Does the system fill in the current value+10000 automatically when creating a row
Hidden field
Currency Code
Fills the system automatically from the contract header Currency Code
Contract Exchange Rate Date
Does the system fill in automatically from the contract header Contract Exchange Rate Date
Contract Exchange Rate
Fills the system automatically from the contract header Contract Exchange Rate
Contract Exchange Rate Introduction (Contract Exchange Rate Origin)
The Contract Exchange Rate History table is included in all copy functions:
Copy offer/contract
Delete (offer/contract'
Create Contract from Offer
Change Copy functionalities
Variant functionalities
The field is not user-editable.
Main Calculation / Contract Status. It is designed on a detailed build. It is non-editable, the system switches automatically in relation to the detailed status.
Values=Calculate, Quote, Waiting for Approval, Approved, Signed, Active, Paused, Exited, Settled, Archived, Template, Change Copy
Detailed Contract Status
The initial status is assigned by the system automatically, the subsequent status switching is performed by the user manually (before activation) or by a wizard (after contract activation).
When manually changing the field after clicking on the field, the lookup to API is Det.Contr.Status Seq. Def. (4046812) with filter on:
Original Det.Status Code (1) = current detailed status of the contract and at the same time
Allow Manual Status Change (10) = Y (i.e. show only those transitions where manual change is allowed) and at the same time
If the Financing with Services (4026780) field is in the contract:
N – will filter to those transitions that have Financing with Services=All or N in the definition of allowed transitions
Y – will filter to those transitions that have Financing with Services=All or Y in the definition of allowed transitions
Detailed Contract Status Name
The name of the detailed contract status. When clicked, an overview of detailed contract statuses opens with a filter for the given detailed contract status.
Last Det. Status Change Date
It fills the system automatically when the detailed status of the contract changes.
Offer Creation Date
Fills in the system automatically according to the working date, if a calculation (offer) is being created:
Calculation/Contract Creation Wizard option Type=Calculation (for FL and UV) or
Create Calculation with Services Wizard (OPL with Services).
Offer Validity Date
By default, the Offer Creation Date + Date Formula is set according to Default Offer Validity Period in OneCore Settings.
The field is user-editable.
Contract Creation Date
Non-editable. Filled in automatically by the system when creating a contract from the calculation according to the working date.
Customer's Signature Date
Empty by default. The user fills in the date of signing the contract by the customer
When activating a contract, the field must be filled in
Contract Signing Date of the Financial Company
Empty by default. The user fills in the date of signing the contract of the financial company
Reference Date
Auxiliary date, the system fills in automatically when creating a calculation/contract according to the workdate.
According to this field, the system searches for REFI code and REFI rates
The date is automatically updated according to the current system date when:
Change the type of interest rate
Changing the REFI code
When posting individually from a payment calendar
Within the task "Post Financing Payments (Without Services) – Task to Run Manually
Within the job "Batch Payment Posting (Scheduler Without Services) - Job to run automatically within the job queue (scheduler)
Expected Handover Date
Completes the OC automatically according to the settings on the Contract Model (Explanation: The field is needed to calculate payments. The field is needed to determine the duration of the contract).
Handover Date
Non-editable, populates the system when activated.
Calculation Starting Date
Non-editable. It fills the system automatically according to the settings on the financing model.
It is the first day of the payment schedule.
Expected Termination Date
Based on the duration of the contract in months and the Expected Handover Date field, the system calculates the Expected Contract Termination Date and displays it in this field. The field is non-editable.
Last Modified DateTime
Fills the system automatically according to the system date and time the change was made. The field is not user-editable.
The system automatically fills in the ID of the logged-in user who made the change. The field is not user-editable.
Modified By Name
The system will automatically fill in the name of the logged-in user according to the ID of the user who made the change. The field is not user-editable.
Migrated Contracts
System non-editable flag, it is taken from the product (for migrated contracts, it is recommended to create a separate product).
Last Change Code
Non-editable. Fills in the system when the contract changes.
Change Copy Exists
Flag if there is a change copy for the contract. Non-editable by the user
Change Copy to Contract No.
If the user has an open contract for which there is a change copy, the system displays the original contract number in this field.
Change Copy
In this field, the system displays a flag if there is a change copy for the contract. If so, there is a check mark A in this field. The field is non-editable.
Change Copy User ID
If the current contract is a change copy, this field displays the ID of the user who created and can edit the change copy. The field is non-editable.
Number of Calculation Variants
If there are calculation variants for a given contract, the system displays their number. After clicking, the list of contracts opens, in which the calculation variants of the contract are displayed.
Calculation Variant
symptom. If the user has an open calculation variant, the flag is A.
Calc. Variant Status
Option with values:
Active – the status of the variant is active if it can be transferred to the original. Sets the system automatically when creating a variant
Inactive – the variant status is inactive if it cannot be transferred to the original. Sets the system automatically on non-transferred variants when transferring the given variant
Transferred – state of the transferred variant after its transfer to the original.
Date and Time of Calculation Variant Creation
Date and time of creation of the change copy.