Operative Leasing And Fleet Management Tab
The tab is visible only for contracts with Financing with services=A.
Framework Agreement No.
Empty by default, Lookup to Customer Master Agreement (4026497)
User selects the customer's master agreement
The functionality of filling the fields from the customer's master agreement will be preserved, extended by the modification that the OC will automatically take the values from the new framework agreement into the contract, if the following are filled in in the Master Agreement:
Payment Terms Code
Finance Charge Terms Code
Reminder Terms Code
Master Agreement No. - Customer
Non-editable field
Empty by default, OC automatically fills in the value of the No. – Customer No. – Customer (5) field from the Customer Master Agreement (4026497) table after filling in the Master Agreement number
Vendor Offer No.
Displays the value entered on the object card
Purchase Order No.
Displays the value entered on the object card
Order Date
Displays the value entered on the object card
Confirmed Delivery Date
Displays the value entered on the object card
Contractual End Date
It fills in the system automatically in relation to the Expected Handover Date or Handover Date:
Contractual End Date=Expected Handover Date or Handover Date after activation + Financing Period (in Months) and depending on the Normal End Date (depending on the contract model):
Next Day: +1D
Last Day: 1D not included.
It is the contractual end date, which is calculated from the date of handover (activation) of the contract.
Example: Handover Date=10.5.2021, Financing Period=36M. Contractual End Date=9.5.2024
Prep. Date Terminate After Extension (Expec.Termin.Date After Extension)
Replenishes the system automatically:
after the Expected Termination Date is calculated, the value is also taken to Exp.Termin.Date After Extension. Example above: 31.5.2024
After the automatic renewal (if the item has not been returned in the last month), the system will move to the end of the contract extension:
for the first automatic extension of two months (i.e. 31.7.2024)
with each successive month
The process of automatic renewal is described in another chapter.
Financing Period Extended (in Months)
Replenishes the system automatically:
After adding the Financing Period (in Months), the system will also take the value into the Financing Period Extended (in Months) field. Example above: 36M
after automatic renewal (if the item has not been returned in the last month), the system will shift the following when leaving the Financing Period (in Months):
On the first automatic renewal of two months
with each successive month
The process of automatic renewal is described in another chapter.
Contract Extension
Replenishes the system automatically:
N – default value, means that the contract is not in automatic renewal mode
Y – a contract in automatic renewal mode (no item has been returned in the last month) moves the system to the end of the contract extension.
The value is also reflected into:
Financial Calculators
Contract Payment Calendar on Automatic Extension Lines
The process of automatic renewal is described in another chapter.
Yearly Distance
The yearly (and contracted) mileage values are recorded in the Contractual Distance user table. The table can be opened (by clicking on the value) or from the object (using the Contractual Distance button) by opening the Contractual Distance table:
The content of the table is as follows – all fields are non-editable:
Financed Object No.
Fills up the system automatically
Date From
Contractual/Yearly Mileage Value Validity Date, the system will fill in automatically
When creating a calculation, the system fills in the Expected Handover Date from the contract header. Then, when activated, the activation wizard fills in the Handover Date value.
Contractual Distance
The system will be completed automatically from the wizard to create a calculation or change the mileage
The system will automatically complete the contractual mileage by recalculation from the Yearly Mileage (when changing the yearly mileage or also when changing the duration, if it is set that way):
Contractual Distance=round((Distance per Year*Financing Period (in Months))/12; 0)
A change in the Contractual Mileage will trigger an automatic update of the services concerned:
Finds a new rate
without update and recalculation
Highway Ticket
without update and recalculation
Fuel Card
without update and recalculation
Replacement Car
without update and recalculation
Road Tax
without update and recalculation
recalculates Tire Quantity and Detail
Tire Change
without update and recalculation
Tire Storage
without update and recalculation
without update and recalculation
Rim Access
without update and recalculation
If, at the moment of changing the value of the contractual mileage, the Upper Tolerance and Lower Tolerance are entered in the calculation, the OC automatically recalculates the values of Upper Tolerance % and Lower Tolerance %
The value of the field is rewritten in the contract header when the line is validated.
Distance Per Year
The system completes automatically from the wizard, non-editable
The value of the field is rewritten in the contract header when the line is validated.
It is calculated when changing the Contractual Mileage:
Distance Per Year=round((Contractual Distance/Financing Period (in Months))*12; 0)
Contractual Mileage
Fills in the system automatically when changing the Contractual Distance (or when creating a record):
Contractual Distance (15) + Initial Mileage (4026685) from API Financed Object (4026560)
The value of the field is rewritten in the contract header when the line is validated.
Contractual mileage. after extend. (Contrac. Mileage after Ext.)
Replenishes the system automatically:
When changing the Contractual Mileage, it will take the data from that field
With automatic extension, the system automatically calculates:
Contractual Mileage after Extension = round(((Distance per Year*Financing Period after Extension (in Months))/12; 0)+Initial Mileage (4026685) from API Financed Object (4026560)
The value of the field is rewritten in the contract header when the line is validated.
Modification Date
The system will fill in the date automatically according to the current system date, without the possibility of editing
Modified By
It completes the system automatically according to the logged-in user, without the possibility of editing.
It is possible to change the annual/contractual mileage:
Before Contract Activation
Clicking on the AssistEdit button in the case of Annual or Contractual Mileage will open a Dialogbox for changing the Yearly Mileage:
The user enters the New Yearly Distance and confirms the button Execute. The system then executes:
calculation of the Contractual Mileage from the Yearly Mileage * number of years of the contract duration. It then performs a check:
new Contractual Distance<=Contractual Mileage-max on product/template
If it does not apply, it displays an error message and does not continue
If it is valid, it continues
the new values are added to the existing row in the Contractual Mileage table
updates the Maintenance and Tire/Tire services as described above (a change in the contractual mileage does not affect other services)
The system then recalculates the contract according to the Complete Calculation flag. Performs a Complete Calculation (4047060) contract flag check:
Complete Calculation=No (i.e. there is no payment schedule for the contract, the recalculation is done by formula):
The system automatically recalculates the Payment Calculation contract and updates the Annuity Excl.VAT, Insurance Excl.VAT, Service Excl.VAT, Payment Excl.VAT, and Payment Incl.VAT contract fields.
Complete Calculation=Yes (i.e. there is a payment schedule for the contract, the recalculation is done using a financial calculation)
The system automatically starts the contract recalculation using the financial calculator in the background and updates the contract fields Annuity Excl.VAT, Insurance Excl.VAT, Service Excl.VAT, Payment Excl.VAT, and Payment Incl.VAT. In this case, the system will add the values of these fields from the contract payment calendar, from the first unposted regular payment (i.e. it will skip any aliquot payment).
After the contract is activated
using the wizard to change the contractual mileage, time and residual value – see detailed description Contract Changes
Contractual Mileage
Contractual mileage values are recorded in the Contractual Mileage user table, the principles are described above.
It is filled automatically from the field of the same name from the Contractual Distance table (see above).
A change in the contractual mileage is possible in a similar way as a change in the annual mileage:
Before you activate your contract:
using the AssistEdit button (before activating the contract). After clicking, a dialog box will open for making changes to the contractual mileage. Once confirmed, it will perform the same steps as when changing the yearly mileage
After the contract is activated:
or wizard for contract recalculation (after activation).
The table can be opened (by clicking on the value of contractual mileage or yearly mileage) or from an object (using the Contractual mileage button) by opening the Contractual Distance table.
Contractual Mileage
It is filled automatically from the field of the same name from the Contractual Distance table (see above).
Contractual mileage. After extend.
It is filled automatically from the field of the same name from the Contractual Distance table (see above).
Upper Tolerance (%)
Upper tolerance for contract recalculations above which the contract will be queued for recalculations (see Contract Recalculation). Contract Changes, the role of the Contract with Exceeded Mileage)
The value is taken from the product if the calculation was created from the product or template, if it was created from templates and if the value is entered on the product/template
The field is editable.
If this value has been entered on the product/template and the Contractual Distance is changed in the contract, the system will recalculate the Upper Tolerance while maintaining this value.
Upper Tolerance (Value)
The value is taken from the product if the calculation was created from the product or template, if it was created from templates and if the value is entered on the product/template
if a value has not been entered on the product/template, the system will automatically calculate:
Upper Tolerance=Upper Tolerance (%)/100) x Contractual Distance
if a value has been entered on the product/template, the system recalculates the Upper Tolerance % each time the Contractual Distance is changed
Lower Tolerance (%)
Lower tolerance for contract recalculations, below which the contract will be queued for recalculations (see Contract Recalculation). Contract Changes, the role of the Contract with Exceeded Mileage)
The value is taken from the product if the calculation was created from the product or template, if it was created from templates and if the value is entered on the product/template
The field is editable.
If this value has been entered on the product/template and the Contractual Distance is changed in the contract, the system will recalculate the Lower Tolerance while maintaining this value.
Lower Tolerance (Value)
The value is taken from the product if the calculation was created from the product or template, if it was created from templates and if the value is entered on the product/template
if a value has not been entered on the product/template, the system will automatically calculate:
Lower Tolerance=Lower Tolerance (%)/100) x Contractual Distance
if a value has been entered on the product/template, the system will recalculate the Lower Tolerance % each time the Contractual Mileage is changed
If the value of Maximum Contractual Distance Tolerance (absolute value) is entered on the product/template and the value of Upper Tolerance or Lower Tolerance exceeds this limit (up or down), the system will display a message to the user warning about exceeding the limit (not an error message), but it will allow the values to be written and continue
Lower Tolerance Limit
is entered manually by the user, it is the limit for crediting unused km (possible use in financial settlement).
Distance Unit
Fills in the system automatically from the product/template when creating a calculation
Recalculation Settlement Type
It is filled from a product or template.
Can be used for contract recalculation due to a change in the contract period and/or contractual mileage – see for detailed description Contract Changes
Calculate Excess Rate
It is filled from the product, or template, from the tab. Currency and Calculation Parameters
If A, the system recalculates the Rate for excess km-default value each time the installments are recalculated.
The field is uneditable on the page
Allow Editing Excess Rate
Changes the user to A if they want to manually adjust the value in the Excess Rate field, and so that this value is not updated by the Excess Rate field-default if it is recalculated
Excess km rate – default
It is filled from the product, or template, from the tab. Currency and calculation parameters, respectively calculates with the formula ak is Calculate excess rate=A
The field is uneditable on the page
Excess km Rate
The fields are filled in as follows:
If Allow editing excess rate=N:
Field is non-editable
When recalculating the offer, it is updated according to the Excess Rate field-default
If Allow editing of excess rate=A:
The field is editable
When recalculating the offer, it is not updated according to the Excess Rate field-default
Calculate Sublimit Rate
It is filled from the product, or template, from the tab. Currency and Calculation Parameters
The field will be uneditable on the page
Allow Editing Sublimit Rate
Changes the user to A if they want to manually adjust the value in the Sublimit Rate field, and so that this value is not updated by the Sublimit Rate field-default if this is recalculated
Sublimit Rate - Default
It is filled from the product, or template, from the tab. Currency and calculation parameters, respectively calculates with the formula ak is Calculate sublimit rate=A
Pulled behind the Allow Editing field Sublimit Rate
The field is uneditable on the page
Rate per km below limit
The fields are filled in as follows:
If Allow Edit Sublimit Rate=N:
Field is non-editable
When recalculating the offer, it is updated according to the Sublimit Rate-default field
If Allow editing of sublimit rate=A:
The field is editable
When recalculating the offer, it is not updated according to the Sublimit Rate-default field
Do Not Recalculate
Possibility of entering if the contract is not to be recalculated during its duration.
It is used in the Contracts with Exceeded Mileage report (see Contract Changes)
Recalculation Period
Specifies the period in which the contract is to be recalculated. Possible values (calendar period):
The value is taken from the financing product/template
The field is user-editable
Last Recalculation Date
completes the system automatically, not user-editable
The first filling of the field is during activation, when it is filled with the date of handover of the object
then it is filled in during recalculation of contracts (Financing with services=A) by the recalculation wizard as follows:
Periodic Recalculation=N
Last recalculation date=fills the current workdate
Nearest Recalculation Date=empty
Periodic Recalculation=A:
Last Recalculation Date=Wizard Change Effective Date
Nearest Recalculation Date
If Periodic Recalculation=N
Field is always empty
If Periodic Recalculation=A, the system will automatically fill in the following depending on the Recalculation Period when activating or recalculating the contract:
if Billing period=empty: the field is not filled in
If Recalculation Period=Quarterly: Last Recalculation Date+30days
If Recalculation Period=Half-Year: Last Recalculation Date+180days
If Recalculation Period=Year: Last Recalculation Date+365days