Setup for opportunity

Setup for opportunity

Opportunity Type 4046902

The table sets up opportunity types that define the created opportunity, or define why the opportunity was created. The opportunity type is set to the created opportunity in the Opportunity Type field.


  • Code

    • Primary key

    • Text max. 10 characters

    • User-Entered Unique Code

  • Name

    • Text max. 50 characters

    • User-Specified Type Description

Sales Cycle 5090

Before you can use sales opportunities, you must set up sales cycles and sales cycle stages. The sales cycle is made up of a series of phases that run from initial contact to closing the sale. Each stage may have certain requirements that must be met, such as a sales quote requirement before an opportunity can move on to the next stage. You can also specify whether the stage can be skipped. You can set up as many sales cycles as you need, and you can set up as many sales cycle stages as needed.

Implementing opportunity sales cycles involves setting up a sales cycle, defining the different stages of the cycle, and then assigning the cycle to opportunities. As part of setting up a sales cycle, you might also want to assign an opportunity activity or task.


  • Code

    • Specifies the sales cycle code.

  • Description

    • Specifies a user description of the sales cycle.

  • Type

    • The user selects the required type of sales cycle for the line

    • The selected type will also be applied to the created opportunity card

    • Options: Empty value; Acquisition; Renewal; Car Hire, Upsell; Mix/Tender

  • Probability Calculation

    • Specifies how to use the opportunity probability calculation to complete a sales cycle. There are four options: Multiplication; Add; Success rate %; % Complete

  • Closed (Blocked)

    • Specifies that the related record is closed for posting, such as a customer who is insolvent or an item that is quarantined.

  • Comment

    • Specifies whether you have assigned comments to a sales cycle.

Loss Difference (%) (API Loss - Difference (%) (4046901))

The table contains the values of the price difference in % by which the company lost a potential trade, which is represented by the created interaction.

The value is selected when you close an opportunity that has an Opportunity Status in the Lost Difference (%) field.

Table Fields:

  • Code

    • Specifies the reason code for the loss, entered by the user

  • Competition Lower By %

    • User-defined % will be the percentage range of the price difference per sales cycle

Close Opportunity Code (5094)

A code list for setting information about the reason why the opportunity was closing. The value from the spin list is entered at the end of the opportunity on the Close Opportunity tab.


  • Additional information

    • Default value = No. If the user changes to Yes, three fields become visible on the opportunity card

      • Loss against competition – Loss against competition

      • Contact name – Contact name

      • Price loss – difference % - Price loss – difference (%)

  • Code

    • Specifies the opportunity close code.

  • Type

    • Specifies whether the opportunity was successful or unsuccessful.

  • Description

    • Specifies a description of the reason for closing the opportunity.

  • No. of Opportunities

    • Specifies the number of opportunities closed by this code. This field cannot be edited.


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