Marketing Setup
A description and functions of the standard fields can be found on the page Set Up Marketing and Contact Management Information - Business Central | Microsoft Docs. ("No Guarantee").
In Marketing Settings, it is possible to define how BC should manage contacts, campaigns, segments, interactions, opportunities, and tasks. For example, you can decide whether to synchronize the contact card with the customer card, vendor card, and bank account card, as number sequences are defined, and so on.
You set up marketing and contact settings on the Marketing Setup page. To open the Marketing Setup page, select the "search" icon, type Marketing Settings, and then select the related link.
The Marketing Setup tab is divided into tabs:
Email Logging
General Tab
Attachment Storage Type
Specifies how you want to save attachments. There are the following options:
A file on disk.
Attachment Storage Location
Specifies the drive and path to the location where you want to save the attachments if you select File on disk in the Attachment Save Type box.
For the folder that you specify in the Attachment storage location Read, write, and delete permissions must be set for the user.
Inheritance Tab
On this tab, it is possible to set a field (by checking it) for which the condition of automatic copying of data from the contact card to the contact card applies to individual contact persons or persons working for this company
Due to functionalities developed separately for OC, the Address Details value must be set to = NO.
We recommend that you also set the Communication Details field to = NO. So that the phone numbers and e-mails set up at the company are not transferred to the company person in case the user does not enter their own.
Salesperson Code
Specifies that you want to copy the salesperson code from the company's contact card to the contact card for each contact person or person who works for this company.
Territory Code
Specifies that you want to copy the territory code from the company's contact card to the contact card for each contact person or person working for this company.
Country/Region Code
Specifies that you want to copy the country/region code from the company's contact card to the contact card for the individual contact person or people who work for that company.
Language Code
Specifies whether you want to copy language codes from the company's contact card to the contact card of an individual person or a person who works for the company.
Address Details
Specifies that you want to copy the address details from the company's contact card to the contact card for the individual contact person or people who work at the company.
If the field is visible to the user, set the value to = NO
Communication Details
Specifies that you want to copy communication details, such as telex and fax numbers, from the company contact card to the contact card for the individual contact person or people who work in the company.
If the field is visible to the user, set the value to = NO
Defaults tab
On this tab, you can set preset values for automatic filling in of the fields when creating new contacts.
Field inheritance overrides the defaults that you set. For example, if you have set English as the default language, but the language of the contact company that you set on the contact card is German, the application automatically assigns German as the language code of the contact persons recorded for that company.
Salesperson Code
Specifies the salesperson code that is automatically assigned to the contact when it is created
Territory Code
Specifies the territory code that is automatically assigned to the contact when it is created.
Country/Region Code
Specifies the Country/Region code that is automatically assigned to the contact when it is created
Language Code
Specifies the language code that is automatically assigned to the contact when it is created.
Correspondence Type
Specifies the preferred type of correspondence for the interaction. Note: If you are using the web client, you must not select the Printout option because you cannot print from the web client.
Company Salutation Code
Specifies the salutation code that is automatically assigned to the contact when it is created.
Person Salutation Code
Specifies the salutation code that is automatically assigned to the contact when it is created
Sales Cycle Code
Specifies the sales cycle code that is automatically assigned to the contact when it is created.
Task Date Calculation
Specifies the calculation formula for calculating the date of the job that will be used to calculate the deadline date for the job in Business Central if you have not entered any date in Outlook. If you leave the field blank, today's date will be used.
Interactions tab
On this tab, you can define the Windows Language ID that you want to use to name the merge fields that are displayed when you edit an attachment in Microsoft Word and to set up automatic account creation for specified entities.
The ID of the language of the group. field (Mergefield Language ID)
Specifies the Windows language ID that you want to use to name merge fields that appear when you edit an attachment in Microsoft Word
The account code for (Bus. Relation Code for)
Specifies the account code that identifies that the contact is also a customer.
Specifies the account code that identifies that the contact is also a vendor.
Bank Accounts
Specifies the account code that identifies that the contact is also a bank account.
Specifies the account code that identifies that the contact is an employee of the company
Numbering tab
On this tab, it is possible to set numbering rules, selection of values from the table of number series, according to which the numbering of individual areas will take place.
Contact Nos.
Specifies the code for the number sequence to be used for numbering contacts.
Duplicate Contact Nos.
Specifies the code for the number sequence to be used for numbering duplicate contacts in the OC
Hidden field
Campaign Nos.
Specifies the code for the number sequence to use when assigning campaign numbers.
Segment Numbers (Segment Nos.)
Specifies the code of the number sequence that will be used to assign numbers to segments.
Task Nos.
Specifies the number sequence code that is used to assign numbers to jobs.
Opportunity Nos.
Specifies the code of the number sequence that kt
ERÉ is used to assign numbers to opportunities.
Duplicates tab
You can choose to automatically search for duplicates each time you create a contact for a company, or you can manually run a search after the contacts are created. You can also choose to have the app automatically update search strings every time you change contact information or create a contact. You can choose the percentage of search hits, that is, the percentage of identical strings that two contacts must have in order for the app to consider them duplicates.
Maintain the string dupl. search (Maintain Dupl. Search Strings)
The box will be checked if you want the system to automatically update the search strings it will use to search for the duplicate. You can set up string search in the Duplicate Search String Settings code list, which is described in the next chapter.
Autosearch for Duplicates
The box will be checked if you want the system to automatically search for duplicates every time contacts are created or edited.
Search Hit %
It contains a percentage that indicates how much of the string must be identical between two contacts for the system to decide that they are matched.
Duplicate Search String Setup (5095))
The user can set the fields to check for duplicate contacts.
Field Name
Specifies the field that you want to use to generate the search string. A field is selected from a set of preset fields by clicking in the field.
Part of Field
Specifies the part of the field to use when generating the search string. There are 2 options: First and Last.
Specifies how many characters the search string will contain. You can insert a number from 2 to 10. The program automatically inserts 5 as the base value.
Email Logging Tab
In this tab, it is possible to set the time interval and user ID for e-mail logging.
Autodiscovery Email Address
Specifies the e-mail address that you want to use for Exchange discovery. You can enter a valid e-mail address that allows the associated Exchange server to be discovered. You can verify the email address by entering the address.
URL služby Exchange (Exchange Service URL)
Specifies the URL of your Exchange service. By setting the URL, you will speed up the email verification performed according to Verify Email Logging Settings.
Authentication Type
Specifies the type of authentication that will be used to connect to Exchange.
Client ID
Specifies the Azure Active Directory application ID that will be used to connect to Exchange
Client Secret
Specifies the Azure Active Directory application secret that will be used to connect to Exchange.
Redirect URL
Specifies the redirect URL of the Azure Active Directory application that will be used to connect to Exchange.
Email Batch Size
Specifies the number of e-mail messages that you want to process during a single job run from a job queue set up to handle e-mail logging. By default, the number of messages to process is set to 0, which means that email messages are not processed together. You can adjust this value when you have finished debugging your process so that the performance of the queue job does not take too long. Any e-mail message that is not logged in a particular process will be processed in the subsequent run that was scheduled.
Queue Folder Path
Specifies the name of the queue folder in Microsoft Outlook
Storage Folder Path
Specifies the name of the drop folder in Microsoft Outlook.
Specifies whether e-mail logging is enabled. If you select this check box, you must sign in with an administrator user account and consent to the application that will be used to connect to the Exchange server.