Replacement Car
The replacement vehicle service can be divided into categories, which is enabled by the Replacement Vehicle Types code list. This division is applied in the Price List of Replacement Vehicles, where it is possible to divide the price list, for example, according to brands that are classified into different categories. The replacement vehicle service is calculated in relation to the number of days of entitlement to the replacement vehicle, the default value of which can be defined in the price list.
Replacement Vehicle Types
To set up the replacement vehicle price list, you need to set Replacement Vehicle Types.
Fields in the dial list:
The user enters a unique replacement vehicle type code
The user enters a detailed description of the replacement vehicle type
Replacement Vehicle Pricelist
The price list of replacement vehicles is used to keep records of replacement vehicles. The records are then used to calculate the replacement vehicle service.
Fields in the dial list:
The user enters a unique service code identifying the replacement vehicle
Service Type Code
The user selects the Service Type Code of the replacement vehicle from the Service Types code list
Spare Car Type
The user selects from the code list Replacement Vehicle Types
Car Type Description
Displays the system automatically according to the Replacement Vehicle Type
The field is editable, so the user can change the description
The user can define a replacement vehicle with a specific make, then the user selects the make from the Makes table
Model Line Code
The user can define a replacement vehicle with a specific model series, then the user selects the model series from the Model Line table
Model (Model)
The user can define a replacement vehicle from a specific model, then the user selects the model from the Model table
Vendor No.
The user selects the supplier number of the replacement vehicle from the vendor code list if the replacement vehicle is supplied from a specific supplier
Vendor Name
The system automatically fills in after selecting Vendor Numbers
Days Per Year
The user enters the default number of days per year, which is entered into the replacement vehicle service calculation as a default value
Valid From
The user enters the start date of the replacement vehicle.
Valid To
The user enters the expiry date of the replacement vehicle
The user can enter any comment about the service
Replacement Vehicle Rates
The table is available from the Replacement Vehicle Pricelist via the Rates button.
Fields in the dial list:
Replacement Vehicles Rates
The system will automatically fill in the Replacement Vehicle Code from the Replacement Vehicle Pricelist line from which the rates were opened
Purchase Price Excl. VAT (LCY) (Purchase Price Exc. VAT (LCY))
The amount of the purchase rate of the replacement vehicle is entered manually by the user
Margin % (Margin %)
To be entered manually by the user in %
If the Fee Amount Excl. VAT (LCY) has been entered, then the system will automatically calculate the value of the Margin % field according to the formula:
Margin % = 100 x (Fee Excl. VAT (LCY) / Purchase Price Excl. VAT (LCY) – 1)
Fee Amount Excl. VAT (LCY)
Rate for the customer, entered manually by the user. The value is entered into the payment calculation.
If Margin % has been entered, the value is calculated according to the formula:
Fee Excl. VAT (LCY) = Purchase Price Excl. VAT (LCY) x (1+Margin %/100)
Valid From
The user enters the effective date of the rate.
Valid To
The field is non-editable. If the user creates a new rate (new line), then the field is filled in automatically with the Valid From date on the new rate minus one day.