Tire Service

Tire Service

The service Tire Service – Tire is defined in the tire price list, where the prices for particular tires are also listed. The tire is identified by its technical data and according to this technical data, the correct tire from the price list is found in the calculation, i.e. the technical parameters from the price list are paired with the technical parameters of the tire of the object. In the definition of the tire service – PNEU, it is possible to define discounts from suppliers according to individual brands of tires, which are added to the tire price list.

For administrative functioning, it is necessary to set up several tables – description in the following chapters.

Tire Make

It is used to define brands and classify them as tires.


  • Code

    • The user enters a unique tire brand code

  • Description

    • The user enters a description of the tire brand

    • Note: when importing tires, the system does not check for the existence of a Brand Code from this dial, but a description

  • Category (Tire Category)

    • The user assigns the tire brand to one of the categories Basic, Medium, Premium

    • Note: The system filters the calculation to the tire category and adds the average price of these suitable tires from this set of filtered tires to the calculation


Tire Discounts

It is used to define tire discounts.


  • Make Code

    • The user selects the tire brand from the tire make dial

  • Tire Vendor Code

    • The user selects the tire vendor code from the vendor code list

  • Tire Vendor Name

    • The system fills in the name of the tire supplier automatically after filling in the Tire Vendor Code

  • Season

    • User selects the tire period for which the tire discount is defined from the options Summer, Winter, Year-Round

  • Tire Discount in %

    • The user enters a discount in % for a given tire brand, period and supplier

  • Valid From

    • The system will automatically fill in the current system date and time

    • The user can't change the value

  • Valid To

    • When a new row is created, the system automatically fills in the same values in the Make Code, Tire Vendor No., and Period fields with the same value as the value of the Valid From field in this new row

    • The user also has the option to complete this field using the Replenish Valid To function, but only to the row where the value of this field is Blank

Automatic update in the tire price list:

 Any change to the record (adding a new one, changing an existing one (any field), deleting an existing one) in the Tire Discounts code list is triggered Automatic function, which pulls the current discount from the Tire Discounts code list to the Tire Pricelist code list, i.e. sets the current value in the "Tire Discount in %" field, depending on the brand, supplier, period and validity of the discount for those items in the tire price list that have the value of the Do Not Offer=NO field. At the same time, the value of the field "Price after discount excl. VAT" = "List price excl. VAT" * "Tire discount in %" / 100 is calculated.

Tire Pricelist

The tire price list is used to record suppliers' price lists with tire technical data and price. The records are then used to calculate the tire service.


  • Tire Code

    • The user manually enters the unique tire code (unique in combination with the Vendor No. and Brand) or populates the system when importing from the Code column from the imported file

  • Service Type Code

    • The user selects Service Types from the code list or fills in the system during import

  • Make

    • Does the user manually select the Make Code from the Tire Makes table or populate the system when importing from the Make column from the imported file

  • Tire Category

    • The system fills in the value after selecting a value in the Make field from the Lower, Medium, Higher options

    • Non-editable field

  • Vendor No.

    • Can the user manually select it from the Vendor code list or fill in the system automatically during bulk import from the import filter

  • Season

    •  Selects the user from the Summer, Winter, Year-Round options, or populates the system when importing from the Period column from the imported file

  • Type

    • Selects the user from 4x4, VAN, Personal, or populates the system when importing from the Period column from the imported file

  • Width

    • Is it selected by the user from the Tire Widths code list or populated by the system when importing from the Width column from the imported file. (e.g. 225)

    • The system filters to the value of this field in Object Tire when searching for the price on the service

  • Profile

    • Selects the user from the Tire Profiles code list or populates the system when importing from the Profile column from the imported file. (e.g. 45)

    • The system filters to the value of this field in Object Tire when searching for the price on the service

  • Rim (Rim)

    • Does the user select from the Rim Diameters code list or populate the system when importing from the Rim column from the imported file (e.g. 17)

    • The system filters to the value of this field in Object Tire when searching for the price on the service

  • Pattern

    • To be entered manually by the user or populated by the system when importing from the Pattern column from the imported file (e.g. ContiEcoContact 3)

    • Informative Field

  • Loan Index (LI)

    • The user selects the Tire Load Index from the code list or populates the system when importing from the Load Index (LI) column from the supplier tire price list. (e.g. 91)

    • If the value of this field is entered in Object Tire, then it filters to the value of this field when searching for the price on the service

    • If the value of this field is not entered in Object Tire, then it does not filter to this field when searching for a price on the service

  • XL (XL)

    • To be entered manually by the user or populated by the system when importing from the XL column from the imported file

    • If the value of this field is entered YES in Object Tire, then it filters to the value of this field when searching for the price on the service

    • If the value of this field is not entered YES in Object Tire, then it does not filter to this field when searching for the price on the service

  • Tire Special Property

    • The user selects the Tire Special Property from the code list or populates the system when importing from the Tire Special Property column from the imported file

    • The system filters to the value of this field in Object Tire when searching for the price on the service

  • Speed Index (SI)

    • The user selects the Tire Speed Index from the code list or populates the system when importing from the Speed Category (SI) column from the imported file. (e.g. V)

    • If the value of this field is entered in Object Tire, then it filters to the value of this field when searching for the price on the service

    • If the value of this field is not entered in Object Tire, then it does not filter to this field when searching for a price on the service

  • Comment 1

    • To be entered manually by the user or populated by the system when importing from the Note 1 column from the imported file (e.g. FR LT).

    • Informative Field

  • Comment 2

    • To be entered manually by the user or populated by the system when importing from the Note 2 column from the imported file. (e.g. FR LT).

    • Informative Field

  • Rolling Resistance (RR)

    • To be entered manually by the user or populated by the system when importing from the Rolling Resistance (RR) column from the imported file (e.g.: C)

  • Wet Grip (WG)

    • To be entered manually by the user or populated by the system when importing from the Wet Surface Grip (RR) column from the imported file. (e.g.: D)

  • Noise Outside (NO)

    • To be entered manually by the user or populated by the system when importing from the NO column from the imported file. (e.g.: 72)

  • Pricelist Price excl. VAT (Pricelist Price excl. VAT)

    • Does the user manually enter the price in the local currency or populate the system when importing from the column Price in Local Currency (LCY) excluding VAT from the imported file

  • Tire Discount (%) (%)

    • Fills the system automatically according to the Make, Vendor Code, Period and Validity of the tire discount (according to the condition Valid from <= Current system date/time < Valid to) from the Tire Discounts table. The filter for the validity of the discount is also applied when importing the tire price list.

  • Discount Price Excl.VAT (Discount Price Excl.VAT)

    • The system fills in the value of the field automatically by recalculation according to the formula:

      • List Price Excl. VAT * (100 - Discount in %) / 100

  • Do Not Offer

    • The default value will be No (unchecked). When updating the data (re-importing), the box will be checked if the system does not encounter an entry in the Tire Pricelist with the same tire code as the vendor number in the import file during the import.

  • Import Date

    • The system automatically fills in the date of import/input of the tire after filling in the mandatory fields (Code, Brand, Vendor No.)

Working with Tire Pricelist

  • Setting the Tire Makes Dial

  • Tire Discount spin box setting, in which there must not be two lines with identical values in the Brand Code, Tire Vendor Code, Period, and Valid From fields. This situation cannot even occur because Valid From is of the Datetime data type.

  • After receiving the price list from the tire supplier, the user modifies the price list to the form that is specified in the Universal Import File. The use of the Universal Import File is necessary due to the different structure of tire suppliers' price lists.

  • The user enters the tires manually into the Tire Pricelist table or imports a Universal Import File (see below for a description).

Import Tire Pricelist

To import tires, in the opened Tire Pricelist window, click on button Import.

When you click on the import function, a window will open Import Tire Pricelistto provide more detailed information about the import.

After entering the data into the dialog window, the user confirms with the OK button and then the import takes place.

The price list is usually imported (updated) twice a year (1x summer and 1x winter price list). The import will follow these steps:

  • After modifying the vendor price list into a universal import file, the user starts the import. Selects the Tire Vendor whose price list you want to import and the Tire Service Type.

  • The system fills the Tire Pricelist table, which:

    • Based on the user-specified supplier, the Make Name from the import file and the Period field from the import file, the system detects the appropriate valid discount from the Tire Discounts table, which it uses to calculate and complete the Price Excl. VAT in the Tire Pricelist table

    • If it finds an entry in the Tire Pricelist table that has the same Tire Code as the Code from the imported price list in combination with the Vendor Number, it will update the List Price Excl. VAT, Tire Discount % (depending on the validity of the discount), Price after Discount without VAT of the tire (the system does not update the technical parameters in this case)

    • If no such record is found in the Tire Pricelist table, the system will create a new record (tire) in the database

    • If the system does not find a record with the same tire code in combination with the Vendor No. that is located in the OC but is not listed in the import file, then the Do Not Offer field will be checked and will not be used further (it will not enter the subject and therefore the calculation)

    • If the system does not find an entry in the Tire Width, Tire Profile, Rim Diameter, Speed Index, Load Index or Tire Special Property code list, then the system will create a new value from the import file into these code lists and add it to the price list after the record is created.

    • If the system does not find a brand from the import file in the OC, then it displays an error and checks the brand for a description from the Tire Make code list (in the import file, the brand column must contain the same value as the value in the OC Tire Make code list and the value in the description field)

After successful completion/processing of the import, the system displays a message indicating how many new records have been inserted or updated.



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