Currencies For Finance Charge Terms

Currencies For Finance Charge Terms

The code list is used to set finance charge terms in foreign currencies for all currencies in which the leasing company trades. It is possible to define many finance charge terms in foreign currencies for each code in the code list Finance Charge Terms.

When finance charge memos are created in a foreign currency, the system uses the foreign currency conditions set in this table to create finance charge memos. If no foreign currency conditions are set, the system will use the finance charge terms in the local currency set in the table Finance Charge Terms and converts them into the corresponding currency.

The availability of the dial is from the dial Penalty Terms, across Related > Currency > Terms.

Once confirmed, the system will display a dial pad.

A new record can be created via the button New on the Action Pane, or directly by clicking in a new row.


  • Currency code

    • The code of the currency for which you want to set the amount of the finance charge charge fee

  • Fee (Additional Fee)

    • The amount of the fee for the selected currency.

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