Contract Creation

Contract Creation

To create a new calculation or contract, the user uses the "Create calculation/contract" button on the Action Pane on the OneCore – Financing or OneCore – Financing (All products) Role Center.

After clicking, the system launches a three-step wizard (function) to create a contract.

Step 1


  • Type

    • The user selects the Calculation value if he wants to create a calculation and the Contract value to create a new contract

  • Financing Type

    • The user selects the appropriate type of financing of the financing contract by selecting from the following options:

      • Financial leasing

      • Operative leasing (only if it is an OL product without services)

      • Credit/Loan

      • Instalment Sale

  • Legal Form Code

    • The user selects from the list of legal forms, the system will then filter the Customer number to this value

    • If the value of this field is changed, then the system will always remove the value from the field:

      • Customer No.

      • Financing Product Type Code

      • Financing Product No.

      • Financing Template No.

  • Customer No.

    • Selects a user from the customer directory, which is filtered to the selected legal form, where it is possible to select not only by number, but also by other customer data.

    • If the user is creating a calculation, then an optional field. It is also possible to create an offer without selecting a customer number

    • If the user is creating a contract, then the required field

    • If the value of this field is changed, then the value in the Financing Template No. field will be deleted

    • When changing the customer number, the OC displays a message asking if the user really wants to change the customer. Once confirmed, it does the following:

      • Automatically overrides the customer number and customer name

      • If the user manually overrides Customer No., the OC will check if the new customer has the legal form that was selected in the previous field

      • If the legal form is suitable, it continues

      • If the legal form is not suitable, it will automatically change the legal form and change the name of the customer

    • When activating a contract, the field must be filled in

  • Customer Name

    • The field is editable if Type = Calculation, otherwise it is not editable

    • It is automatically overwritten with each change Customer Numbers

    • Completes OC automatically if Customer No. has been selected

    • To be completed manually by the user if the Customer No. has not been selected (it is not located in the customer directory)

    • Required field, without entering the user, the user cannot continue

  • Currency

    • Default value is blank (= local currency)

    • Selects the user from the currency table if they want to create an offer in a foreign currency

    • If the value of this field is changed, then the value in the field will be deleted

      • Financing Product No.

      • Financing Template No.

  • Commodity Code

    • Selects the user from the Catalogue Card Commodity table, which is filtered to valid and active records. The field is mandatory to select the right product

    • If the value of this field is changed, then the value in the field will be deleted

      • Group Code

      • Financing Product Type Code

      • Financing Product No.

      • Financing Template No.

      • Catalogue Card No.

  • Group Code

    • The user selects valid and active records from the Catalogue Group table, which is filtered to the selected commodity. The field is mandatory to select the right product

    • If the value of this field is changed, then the value in the field will be deleted

      • Financing Product Type Code

      • Financing Product No.

      • Financing Template No.

      • Catalogue Card No.

  • Used Financed Object

    • Editable field, default value N

    • Changes user to A when creating a calculation for a used object

  • ESG Object

    • Editable field, default value N

    • Changes user to A if creating a calculation with green financing

    • Evidence Fields

  • Branch Code

    • The system pre-fills with the value from the user settings

    • The user can change it by selecting from the Branch table

  • Salesperson Code

    • The system pre-fills with the value from the user settings

    • If it is up to the customer (Customer card, Other tab) is filled in the Branch Code field, the OC takes this value from the customer and writes the value that was originally imported from the User Setup

    • User can change by selecting from the Salesperson/Purchaser table

  • Financing Product Type Code

    • After selecting "Catalogue Card Groups", the system filters the "Financial Product Type" code list according to the following filters:

      • Contract with Services = NO

      • Financing Type

      • Legal Form Code

      • Commodity Code

      • Group Code

      • Valid From <= Current Date <= Valid To

    • If there is one matching record, then the system will automatically fill it in

    • If there are multiple matching records, then the user must select one

    • If the value of this field is changed, then the value in the field will be deleted

      • Financing Product No.

      • Financing Template No.

  • Financing Product No.

    • Selects the user from the Financing Products table.

    • After clicking on the lookup, you will see a tab to select the financing product. The card consists of two parts:

      • Financing Product Identification (Filter Field)

      • Financing Product subform.

In the Financing Product Identification tab, there are the following selection fields:

  • Commodity Code

    • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

    • Group Code

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

    • Used Financed Object

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

    • Financing Product Type Code

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

    • Currency

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

The Financing Product subform contains lines that are automatically filtered to:

  • Status = Active

  • Valid from<= today <= Valid to

  • Commodity filter – filter for a given value and blank

  • Group filter – filter for a given value and blank

  • Used Financed Object – filter for given value and empty

  • Financing Product Type Code – Filter for a given value

  • Payment period – filter for a given value

  • Currency code – filter in the Currency and calculation parameters table, where Type=Financing Product and the given currency

By clicking on the user, the user selects the relevant line of the subform and the Financing Product is selected. Subsequently, after clicking on the OK button, the form closes. The OC writes the Financing Product No. into the wizard field. Double-clicking on the row has a similar effect.

  • Selection of the Financing Product No. is mandatory, it is not possible to continue without selecting/adding. If the user wants to continue without entering the Financing Product Number, the OC will display the error message "Please enter the Financing Product Number." and will not allow the process to continue.

  • If the value of this field is changed, then the value in the field will be deleted

    • Financing Template No.

    • Updated fields in downstream steps

Other wizard fields:

  • Financing Product Name

    • Completes OC automatically based on Financing Product No.

    • Non-editable field

  • Financing Template No.

    • Selects the user from the Financing Templates table.

    • A financing template is not required to create a calculation.

    • After clicking on the lookup, the system will display a tab to select a financing template. The card consists of two parts:

      • Financing Template Identification (Filter Field)

      • Financing Templates subform.

In the Financing Template Identification tab, there will be the following selection fields:

  • Customer No.

    • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable. (there will also be a filter on empty, i.e. it will fill in the value from the wizard as well as the empty ones)

    • Branch Code

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable. (there will also be a filter on empty, i.e. it will fill in the value from the wizard as well as the empty ones)

    • Salesperson Code

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable. (there will also be a filter on empty, i.e. it will fill in the value from the wizard as well as the empty ones)

    • Financing Product No.

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

    • Commodity Code

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

    • Group Code

      • OC pre-fills automatically, non-editable.

    • Subgroup Code

      • Selected by the user

      • Lookup into subgroups that are filtered to Group on Catalogue Cards.

    • Type Code

      • Lookup into species, selected by the user

    • Make Code

      • Lookup into tags, selected by the user

    • Model Line Code

      • Lookup to model lines, filtered to Brand, selected by user

    • Model Code

      • Lookup to models, filtered to Model Line and Make

The Financing Templates subform will contain lines that will be automatically filtered to:

  • Status = Active

  • Valid From <= Calculation Starting Date <= Valid To

  • Customer No. – filter for a given value and blank

  • Financing Product No. – filter for a given value

  • Branch Code – filter for given value and blank

  • Salesperson Code – filter for the given value and blank

  • Commodity code – filter for a given value

  • Group code – filter for a given value

  • Subgroup code – filter for a given value

  • Type code – filter for a given value

  • Brand code – filter for a given value

  • Model Line Code – Filter for a given value

  • Model Code – Filter for a given value

  • Currency code – filter in the Currency and calculation parameters table, where Type=Financing Template and the given currency

The user clicks to select the appropriate subform row and the Financing Template is selected. Subsequently, after clicking on the OK button, the form closes. The OC writes the Financing Template No. into the wizard field. Double-clicking on the row has a similar effect.

If the Financing Template No. is empty, after clicking on the Next button, the system will display the message: "The Financing Template No. is not filled in. Do you wish to continue?"

  • If the user confirms Yes, they can continue.

  • If the value of this field is changed, then the value in the field will be deleted

    • Catalogue Card No.

    • Updated fields in downstream steps

Other wizard fields:

  • Financing Template Name

    • To be completed after selecting Financing Template Numbers

    • Non-editable

  • Catalogue Card No.

    • Selects the user from the Catalog table.

    • After clicking on the lookup, a card will appear to select the catalogue card. The card consists of two parts:

      • Catalogue Card Identification (Selection Box)

      • Catalogue Cards subform.

  • If only Financing Product has been entered, then the field will be added to the filter tab as follows:

    • Object Category

      • Completes OC automatically according to commodity, non-editable.

    • Commodity

      • Adds OC automatically from the wizard, non-editable.

    • Group

      • Adds OC automatically from the wizard, non-editable.

    • The other fields will be selected by the user

  • If the Financing Template has been entered in the wizard, then the field will be added to the filter tab as follows:

    • Object Category

      • Completes OC automatically according to commodity, non-editable.

    • Commodity

      • Adds OC automatically from the wizard, non-editable.

    • Group

      • Adds OC automatically from the wizard, non-editable.

    • Subgroup Code

      • If there is a non-empty value on the financing template, then it will be filled in and the field is non-editable. Otherwise, the user selects whatever

    • Type Code

      • If there is a non-empty value on the financing template, then it will be filled in and the field is non-editable. Otherwise, the user selects whatever

    • Make Code

      • If there is a non-empty value on the financing template, then it will be filled in and the field is non-editable. Otherwise, the user selects whatever

    • Model Line Code

      • If there is a non-empty value on the financing template, then it will be filled in and the field is non-editable. Otherwise, the user selects whatever

    • Model Code

      • If there is a non-empty value on the financing template, then it will be filled in and the field is non-editable. Otherwise, the user selects whatever

    • The other fields will be selected by the user

The subform contains a list of catalogue cards that:

  • If no catalogue cards have been entered on the calculation template, the list of catalogue cards in the subform will be filtered to the values entered in the Object identification tab

  • If catalogue cards have been entered on the financing template, there will be a list of them in the subform

  • If exactly one catalogue card has been entered on the financing template, OC will automatically fill in its number into the wizard.

The Catalogue Card No. field is mandatory, it is not possible to continue without selecting/completion. If the user wants to continue without entering the Catalogue Card Number, the OC displays the error message "Please enter the Catalogue Card Number" when moving to the next step (the "Next" button) and does not allow the process to continue.

Other wizard fields:

  • Financing Object Name

    • The system will be completed automatically according to the entered catalogue card number as follows.

      • Object Category=Vehicle Equipment: Group Name + Make Name + Model Line Name + Model Type Name

      • Object Category=Machine-Equipment or Real Estate: Group Name + Subgroup Name + Type Name

    • The field is editable.

    • If the user manually corrects the default value, this modified value is then transferred to the item card in the Name (subject) field

  • Financed Object Metod Usage

    • The system fills the default value from the API Fin. Object Usage Method (4047061) from the line Default=Y (similarly the Financed Object Metod Usage field (4047100) is filled in on the subject).

    • The user switches to a different type of usage manually if it is a special type of object

  • Vendor No.

    • Selection of suppliers (not mandatory for calculation)

  • Vendor Name

    • The system will be completed according to the vendor number

    • The field is non-editable

  • Contract No.

    • The field is used to create a contract directly with an existing contract number – a typical example is the manual creation of migrated contracts when the leasing company is moving from the old system to the new one.

    • The field is used to enter a manual contract number (i.e. not a calculation) if the following conditions are met at the same time:

      • Type = Contract

      • A Financing Product No. is selected with a Template that has a Contract Number Series set on the Financing Model with the flag Default Number = N

    • If the conditions above are met, the field is editable and the user can enter the contract number they want.

    • If the user does not enter the Contract No. and presses the Next button, the OC displays the message, "The Contract No. cannot be empty", otherwise it is not possible to continue with the creation of the contract. After pressing Ok, the message closes and the user can enter the contract number.

    • If the user enters the Contract No. and presses the Next button, the system will check if a contract with the given number already exists in the system. If it exists, it displays the message: "Contract with entered number already exists, please enter another number..“. After pressing Ok, it closes the message and the user can enter a different contract number:

At the end of step 1, the user has the following buttons:

  • Aback

    • Inactive button

  • Another

    • Proceed to the next step using the Next button, which will be checked to fill in the mandatory fields, see above

  • Finish

    • Inactive button

The wizard can be closed by the user using the cross in the upper right corner:

  • After pressing the OC button, it displays the message "Do you really want to close the calculation without saving?" If the user confirms

    • Yes

      • OC closes the window without saving the record to the database

    • No

      • The user can continue to enter data into the wizard

After confirming the "Next" button, the system opens the 2nd step of the wizard, in which the editability of fields differs according to the type of financing

Step 2


  • Lease Term (in Months)

    • If only the Financing Product No. has been entered

      • Fills in the OC automatically according to the Financing Product No. from the Financing Period field – default from the financing product.

      • If the Financing Period-min is not reached, the system displays an error message and the user cannot continue

      • If the Financing Period-max is exceeded, the system displays an error message that the user cannot continue

      • If the check for min and max time passes, the system will perform a check on the new financing term against the financing term-step on the product so that the new financing term must be a multiple of the step on the product. If it doesn't fit, it displays an error message and doesn't allow you to continue

    • If a Product Template No. has been entered

      • Completes the OC automatically according to the Financing Template No. from the Financing Period – Default field from the Financing Template.

      • If the Financing Period-min is not reached, the system displays an error message and the user cannot continue

      • If the Financing Period-max is exceeded, the system displays an error message that the user cannot continue

      • If the check for min and max time passes, the system performs a check for the new financing term against the financing term-step on the template so that the new financing term must be a multiple of the step on the template. If it doesn't fit, it displays an error message and doesn't allow you to continue

    • Editable field.

    • After a value change

      • If REFI code is Optional = No Interest rate type field is filled in on the financing product, OC will search for a new REFI code or rates related to the REFI code according to the description of the REFI code.

  • Repayment Period

    • If only the Financing Product No. has been entered, the OC will be completed automatically according to the Financing Product Number.

    • If the Financing Template No. has also been entered, the OC will be completed automatically according to the Financing Template No.

    • The user can change the

  • Exchange Rate Contract of

    • The system will fill in the contract exchange rate date, see the Contract Exchange Rate Date field on the financing contract card for a description

    • Non-editable

  • Contract Exchange Rate

    • The system will automatically fill in the exchange rate if a foreign currency has been selected in the first step of the wizard, see fields for description Contract Exchange Rate On the Financing Contract tab

    • Non-editable

  • Purchase Price Excl. VAT

    • If a financing template was not selected in step 1/3:

      • The system fills in the value of this field by recalculating the value of the field in the catalogue card Object List Price Without VAT (LCY) according to the exchange rate of the contract

    • If a financing template was selected in step 1/3 and a catalogue card was selected from the template catalogue cards:

      • and Purchase Price Excl.VAT from the Object Promoted Price without VAT (LCY) field from this table.

    • The user can change the value of the field

    • After completing the wizard, the system will automatically create a calculation input for the purchase price of this amount

  • VAT Amount

    • The system determines the VAT rate:

      • For Financing Type=Credit: according to the setting of the information VAT group in Financed Object Settings

      • For Financing Type=Other: according to the principal settings from the calculation

    • The system then calculates and adds the value of this field from the Purchase Price Excl. VAT according to the exchange rate of the contract

    • It will be recalculated automatically when the Purchase Price Excl. VAT is changed

    • The user can change the value of the field

  • Purchase Price Incl. VAT

    • It is calculated automatically as the sum of Purchase Price Excl. VAT + VAT Amount

    • The system recalculates the value automatically with each change Purchase Price Excl. VAT or VAT Amount

    • The user cannot change the value of the field, it is not editable

  • Initial Fee excl. VAT

    • If only Financing Product has been entered and the value of the Input Fee excl. VAT field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will automatically fill in the Input Fee in % from this field and calculate the value of the Input Fee field in %

    • If a Financing Template has been entered and the value of the Input Fee excl. VAT field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will automatically fill in the Entry Fee field in % from this field and calculate the value of the Entry Fee field in %

    • The user can change the value of the field

    • After completing the wizard, the system will automatically create a calculation input for the entry fee

  • Entry Fee %

    • If only Financing Product has been entered and the value of the Input Fee in % field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will fill in automatically from this field and calculate the value of the Input Fee Excl. VAT field

    • If a Financing Template has been entered and the value of the Entry Fee in % field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will fill in automatically from this field and calculate the value of the Initial Fee Excl. VAT field

    • The user can change the value of the field

  • Amount Paid By Customer %

    • Empty by default

    • Editable for Financing Type=Loan, not for other types.

    • The user enters the %n value of the amount paid by the customer.

    • Amount paid by customer = Purchase price incl. VAT x (Amount paid by customer % /100) is automatically recalculated after entering/changing

  • Amount paid by customer

    • Empty by default

    • Editable for Financing Type=Loan, not for other types.

    • The user enters the absolute value of the amount paid by the customer.

    • Amount paid by customer % = Amount paid by customer x 100 / Purchase price incl. VAT is automatically recalculated after entering/changing

  • Down Payment %

    • If only Financing Product has been entered and the value of the Down Payment % field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will fill in automatically from this field and calculate the value of the Down Payment without VAT field

    • If a Financing Template has been entered and the value of the Down Payment % field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will fill in automatically from this field and calculate the value of the Down Payment excl. VAT field

    • The user can change the value of the field for Financing Type=Financial Leasing, Instalment Sale or Operative Leasing

    • Non-editable for Financing Type=Credit

  • Down payment excl. VAT

    • If only Financing Product has been entered and the value of the Down Payment excl. VAT field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will automatically fill in from this field and calculate the value of the Down Payment % field

    • If a Financing Template has been entered and the value of the Down Payment without VAT field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will automatically fill in the Down Payment % field from this field and calculate the value of the Down Payment % field

    • The user can change the value of the field for Financing Type=Financial Leasing, Instalment Sale or Operative Leasing

    • Non-editable for Financing Type=Credit

    • After tightening/changing the Purchase Price Excl. VAT or Down Payment %, it is recalculated automatically according to the formula:

      • Down Payment Excl. VAT = Purchase Price Excl. VAT x (Down Payment %/100)

  • Financed Value

    • Non-editable for all types of financing

    • It counts:

      • Financing Type=FL, OL, SP: Purchase Price Excl. VAT – Down Payment Excl. VAT

    • Financing Type=Credit: Purchase price incl. VAT-Amount paid by customer. It is recalculated when changing:

      • Purchase Price Excl. VAT

      • VAT Amount

      • Amount paid by customer

      • Down payment excl. VAT

    • If Down Payment-default is entered on the financing product (typically for Financial Leasing), it calculates the Input Amount/Purchase Price – Down Payment without VAT as the difference

    • If the maximum loan to value (LTV) % is set on the financing product, the system checks whether the financed amount does not exceed the maximum financing limit to the base amount after changing this field

    • If the condition is not met (max. limit is exceeded), the system displays an error message and stops the contract creation process. Once the financed amount has been adjusted, the user can continue

  • Residual Value excl. VAT

    • If only the Financing Product has been entered and the value of the Residual Value field without VAT is filled in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will be filled in automatically from this field

    • If a Financing Template has been entered and the value of the Down Payment Residual Value excl. VAT field is filled in in the Currency and Calculation Parameters table, the OC will be filled in automatically from this field

    • User can change the value of the field if the Residual Value Amount = A is allowed on the Financing Model, otherwise not

    • It is a calculation parameter that determines the amount of the installment of the sales price and the residual value in the financial calculation

  •  Leasing with delivery of goods

    • Filled from the financing product (step 1/3)

    • Non-editable.

  • VAT Financing

    • By default n,

    • Editable if Leasing with delivery of goods=A, otherwise not.

    • Enable if the user wants to include VAT financing in the calculation.

At the end of step 2, the user has the following buttons:

  • Aback

    • active button, can return to step 1

  • Another

    • continues to step 3 of the wizard

  • Finish

    • Inactive button

To close the wizard, the user can help the cross in the upper right corner

  • After pressing the OC button, it displays the message "Do you really want to close the calculation without saving?" If the user confirms Yes, the OC closes the window without saving the record to the database. If he confirms No, then the user can continue entering data into the wizard.

After confirming the "Next" button, the system opens the 3rd step of the wizard:

Step 3


  • Interest Rate Type

    • If only the Financing Product has been entered, the OC will be completed automatically according to the Financing Product No. and Currency Code from the table Currency and calculation parameters:

    • If Blank and the Financing Product Type contains parameter Optional Financing=N, the user can choose from Fixed, Variable values

    • If the value is different from Blank, non-editable.

    • If a Financing Template has been entered, the OC will be completed automatically according to the Financing Template No. and Currency Code from the table Currency and calculation parameters:

    • If Blank and the Financing Product Type contains parameter Optional Financing=N, the user can choose from Fixed, Variable values

    • If the value is different from Blank, non-editable.

    • If the values were taken from a product/template, the system will try to find the REFI code automatically (described below)

    • If it was not taken from the product/template and the user selects it manually, the system will try to find the REFI code automatically (description below)

    • When changing the value manually, the system will also try to find a new REFI code:

    • If it finds it, it will add the Base Rate and Cost Rate rates.

    • If it does not find it, it deletes the original REFI code, but keeps the interest rates (for technical reasons it is not possible to delete them).

    • When changing to an empty value, the original REFI code is deleted, but the interest rates remain (for technical reasons it is not possible to delete them).

  • REFI Code

    • For parameter Optional REFI code=A according to Financing Product Type Code it is an optional field and OC does not search for REFI code.

    • If parameter Optional REFI code=N on the Financing Product Type Code, then the system will find the REFI code as follows:

    • According to the following filters, it will find a matching REFI code:

      • Currency

        • There must be the same currency code in the calculation/contract as on the REFI code

      • Valid From

        • The "Valid from" date must be equal to or less than the Reference Date (when creating a calculation, the Reference Date is filled with the workdate)

      • Valid To

        • The "Valid To" date must be empty, equal to or greater than the Reference Date

      • Interest Rate Type

        • Fixed, variable

        • The interest rate type must match the interest rate type of the REFI code.

      • Active=Yes (on REFI code)

    • If it does not find a matching REFI code, it displays a message and does not continue.

    • If it finds exactly one matching REFI code, it proceeds to check the REFI code rates:

      • For the REFI code, there must be Base Rate and Cost Ratethat have:

        • Valid From

          • The "Valid From" date must be equal to or less than the Contract Reference Date

        • Valid To

          • The "Valid To" date must be empty, equal to or greater than the Contract Reference Date

        • Base Rate i Cost Rate can also have a zero value

        • Financing Period (Month) must be Min. Leas.Contr.From<=Financing Period<=Max. Period leas.sml.do

        • Active=A

      • If the Base Rate and Cost Rate are suitable, then it will take them into the wizard fields:

        • Basic Rate

        • Cost Rate

      • Then calculates:

        • Reference Interest=Base Rate+Cost Rate

        • Calculation Interest = Reference Interest + Interest Margin (Takes Margin from Product/Template)

    • If the system finds more matching REFI codes, then it ends and the user has to select himself, while the same conditions as described above apply.

  • Base Rate %  

    • It will automatically complete the system according to the selected REFI code as described above

    • Non-user-editable field

  • Cost Interest %

    • It will automatically complete the system according to the selected REFI code as described above

    • Non-user-editable field

  • Reference Interest %

    • Replenishes the system automatically:

    • Reference Interest=Base Rate+Cost Rate

    • It represents a rate that serves as a basis for the calculation of some financial indicators on the contract (IRR, DB)

    • Non-user-editable field

  • Interest Margin %

    • If only the Financing Product has been entered, the OC will be completed automatically according to the Financing Product No. and Currency Code from the table Currency and Calculation Parameters

    • If a Financing Template has been entered, the OC will be completed automatically according to the Financing Template No. and Currency Code from the table Currency and Calculation Parameters

    • Editable if the interest rate type is equal to Variable, the system then calculates the Calculation Interest %

  • Calculation Interest Rate % (p.a.)

    • The user manually enters the calculated interest rate in % if the interest rate type is "Fixed" (i.e. an editable field for this case)

    • If the interest rate type is "Variable", the field is not editable by the user. The system calculates the value of the field automatically based on the value entered in the Interest Margin % field.

At the end of step 3, the user has the following buttons:

  • Aback

    • Active button, it can return to the previous screen

  • Another

    • Inactive button

  • Finish

    • After confirming Finish, the wizard will perform a flag check on the Financing Contract Product Type

      • If REFI code=N is Optional and the REFI code field is empty, it will display an error and will not allow you to continue. If the REFI code is entered, it continues to create the calculation.

      • If REFI code =A is optional, the check will not be performed and will continue

    • It creates the header of the calculation/contract (under the number from the number series of calculations/contracts or entered in step 1/3) and the subject, calculation inputs, etc., then sets the parameters entered here (see below).

    • Performs the initial calculation:

      • If Calculate APR= and Calculate IRR=N and Leasing with Goods Delivery=N on the financing product (or already in the calculation), it calls the functions as current, i.e. calculate the payment using formulas without calling the financial calculator.

      • If Calculate APR= or Calculate IRR=Y or Leasing with Goods Delivery=Y on a financing product (or already created calculation), it calls the calculation function (starts the financial calculator and deploys the payment calc., etc.) in the background.

        • As a result, a repayment contract is created, APR and IRR are calculated, or a calculation input for VAT is created. If VAT is Financing=Y, then the payment calendar has this VAT in instalments. The payment calendar is completely created by the contract and there is no need to run the calculator again.

    • Subsequently, it notifies the user that the calculation/contract has been created and asks if he wishes to display the created record.


The user can close the wizard via the cross in the upper right corner

  • After pressing the OC button, it displays the message "Do you really want to close calculations without saving?" If the user confirms Yes, the OC closes the window without saving the record to the database. If it confirms No, it can continue with the entry.


CZ localization (luxury tax):

  • After creating the calculation input for the purchase price and/or the initial fee, it will also create another calculation input for the unclaimed part of VAT if:

    • System Work Date=> VAT Limitation Valid From and

    • Financing Type= Operative Leasing and

    • Financed Object Metod Usage has Calculate limitation for VAT=Y and

    • Catalogue Group Code of the course has Maximum price for VAT<>0 (this value is then compared with the purchase price, if the purchase price is higher than the setting in the category of the card, then it meets the criterion for the unclaimed part of VAT).

  • If these conditions are met, it is a vehicle that has a price cap for the application of VAT. The wizard then creates another API Contract Calculation Input (4026450) for the contract as follows:

    • Calculation Input Type = according to Unapplied VAT Calculation Input Type Code from the financing product of the contract

    • Base Amount = calculated as follows:

      • Base Amount = (Purchase Price Excl.VAT from wizard - Maximum price for VAT from item catalogue card group)*(VAT rate according to Informative VAT Bus.Posting Croup and Informative VAT. Prod. Posting Group z API Financed Object Setup (4026437)/100)

    • Other values of the calculation input as in the case of the calculation input to the purchase price

  • It then notifies the user that the contract has been created and asks if they wish to display the created record.

    • The user confirms No:

      • The system does not open the card of a newly created contract, the user can return to it later from the contract overview

    • The user confirms Yes:

      • The system automatically opens the contract card and the user can add additional data to the contract


Filling in the basic dates for the calculation will be performed by the OC after pressing the Complete button as follows:

  • The Financing Product No. and Currency Code determine the Contract Template. On the template, the Financing model is assigned

  • According to the Financing Model settings (described above), the OC fills in the following fields:

    • Expected Handover Date

    • Calculation Starting Date

    • Expected Termination Date


If a simple fee, simple service, and simple insurance have been used, they will also complete the contract fields:

  • Simple Fee % (Simple Fee %)

    • The system fills in the field only if there is a flag on the Financing Product Type Used Simple Fee (Use Simple Fee) = Y as follows:

      • If the Template No. has been selected in step 1/3 of the wizard (i.e. the calculation is based on a template), the value will be taken from the template from the API FP/FT Curr.and Calc.Param. (4047013)

    • If the template number was not selected in step 1/3, the value is taken from the financing product

  • Simple Fee

    • Calculates automatically

  • Simple Fee Sum

    • Calculates automatically

  • Simple Insurance Code

    • Adds the system to the contract automatically only if the Financing Product Type is Simple Insurance Used (Use Simple Insurance) = Yes, otherwise no

  • Simple Insurance

    • Completes the system according to the Simple Insurance Code (Simple Insurance Code) to the contract automatically

  • Simple Service Code

    • To be added to the contract automatically if the Financing Product Type is Use Simple Maintenance (Use Simple Service) = Yes, otherwise no

  • Simple Service

    • Completes the system according to the Simple Service Code (Simple Service Code) to the contract automatically

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