Contract Recalculation From Change Queue

Contract Recalculation From Change Queue

To recalculate contracts from the change queue, the wizard for changing contract conditions (time, km, ZH) is used. The tasks described below only check the data, or create contract queues (the change queue sheet is described above in the contract service change task). In the given task, the user selects on which sheet of the change queue the task should place the contracts, then the user can view (or recalculate) these contracts.

All tasks listed here are only for contracts with services Financing with services=Y.

The role of Contracts with Outrange Odometer Status

When you click Contracts with Outrange Odometer Status, the task starts.

  • After starting, a window will open for entering the input parameters (Contr. Change Queue List Code and Take into account the "Do Not Recalculate" parameter).

Field in Options:

  • Contr. Change Queue List Code

    • The user selects the change sheet code on which he wants to assign the agreements.

  • Take into consideration parameter "Do Not Recalculate"

    • If A, contracts with the Do Not Recalculate=A flag will not be included in the selection.

  • Area

    • User selects from the options (empty,Service,Tire Service,Fuel Card)

    • Specifies lines in the Odometer Status History that will be included in the report. If "empty", all rows will be included in the report, regardless of their area.

The Filter: Financing Contract Header section is used for more detailed definitions of the selection of a set of contracts (e.g. customer's contracts, etc.).

The batch "Contracts with Outrange Mileage" task creates a contract queue, creates a list of contracts with non-respected mileage limits and puts them on the change queue sheet that was selected in Options. The user then considers their recalculation, or performs recalculations using the Change Contract (wizard) button.

To create a list:

  • The task filters the financing contracts that match the filters:

    • Financing with services (4026780)=Y (in API Financing Contract Header (4026397)

    • Status (18) = Effective|Suspended|Termination|Change Copy

    • Calculation Variant (20000)=N (i.e. excludes contract variants)

    • Handover Date neprázdne (s prázdnym Handover Date preskočiť)

    • Handover Date+Do Not Recalculate Before<=workdate (this filter can be used to exclude e.g. contracts up to 6M after handover in Contract with Service Settings)

  • Do Not Recalculate (4026735):

    • If you do not recalculate=N in the Reflect parameter dialog box.

      • does not filter to contract flag

    • if you do not recalculate=A in the Reflect parameter dialog box,

      • in this case, the OC will also take into account the Do Not Recalculate contract parameter. Queues contracts that have Do Not Recalculate=N and meet the other queue criteria. Contracts that have Do Not Recalculate=A will not be queued even if they run less/more as limits.

  • match the other filters in the Filter section: Contract header

    • searches for records in the Odometer Status History for found contracts:

      • if Area=empty, it does not filter to Area

      • if Area=not empty, it filters to

    • from these, selects the last record (according to the highest number of Line No.). If this record is true - modify an existing condition:

      • Ratio km % < 0 and ABS(Ratio km%) > Lower tolerance % or

      • Ratio km% > 0 and Ratio km% > Upper Tolerance %

    • The contract is placed on the Change Queue List that was selected in the Contr.Change Queue Code in the dialog window (modification of the field according to chapter 1.4.2.).

  • When the job is finished, the system displays an info message that the user can open the Change Queue Sheet:


  • The user then opens the Change Queue Sheet, from where they can directly recalculate or otherwise change contracts. After the recalculation, the contract is automatically removed from the queue. If the user does not want to recalculate the contract, he can delete it from the queue manually.

The user then opens the Contract Change Queue, the list that is specified in the message.

The report contains the following fields as described Contract Change Queue

If the user wants to perform contract recalculations, he/she sets the contract and then starts the change using the Change Contracts (wizard) button. The system then triggers the execution of the change to the contract in the same way as from the contract.

Dequeue is performed by the wizard to change the conditions after the run is finished (the Finish button). It is also possible to dequeue the contract by deleting a row from the sheet.

Contract for Recalculation Task

The task is used to queue contracts that are approaching the date of the next recalculation (periodically recalculated contracts).

Contract fields are used for periodic recalculation:

  • Recalculation Period

  • Last Recalculation Date

  • Nearest Recalculation Date

on the Contract tab, Operative Leasing and Fleet Management tab.

The recalculation period is filled in when a calculation is created from a financing product/template.

The date of the last recalculation (non-editable) is filled in with the date of submission, then it is updated during the recalculation, if the parameter Periodic recalculation=A was filled in the wizard Change OPL Contract Conditions. The date of the nearest recalculation is filled in with the date = Date of the last recalculation + according to the value from the parameter "Billing period", with each update the Date of the last recalculation.

The report (task) can be run via the option Reports/Contracts for recalculation from the role center.

After confirmation, the report dialog window opens.

Field in Options:

  • Contr. Change Queue List Code

    • The user selects the change sheet code on which he wants to assign the agreements.

  • Nearest Recalculation Date filter

    • It is possible to specify the range in which the Nearest Recalculation Date can be in the financing contract

The Filter: Financing Contract Header section is used for more detailed definitions of the selection of a set of contracts (e.g. customer's contracts, etc.).

After confirmation, the system will check if the Contr. Change Queue List Code has been entered – if not, it will display a message and will not allow you to continue.

If the change queue code has been entered, the OC will queue/list those contracts on which:

  • Is on contract Financing with services=A

  • Status = Active, Suspended, Terminating, Change Copy

  • It is not a contract variant (Calculation variant = No)

  • Periodic Recalculation=A in Contract

  • Filter to Nearest recalculation date, corresponds to the entered date filter

  • The other filters in the Contract Header section are also met

When the run is complete, the system displays the following message:


In the same way, the Contract Change Queue, a batch is checked according to the change sheet code that was entered in the dialog box.

If the parameter Periodic recalculation = A has been entered in the User Wizard, the Date of Last Recalculation and Date of Nearest Recalculation will be updated on the contract during the recalculation.

The wizard for changing the conditions of the contract (km, period, ZH) removes the contract from the list. It is also possible to manually discard by deleting rows.

Customer – Contract List task

The task (report) executes only the assignment of the customer's contracts to the change queue/list. The task can be run from RC – Reports/Customer Contract List.

After the task is started, a window is opened for entering the input parameters (Contr. Change Queue List Code). Once confirmed, the task is executed.

After confirmation, the system will check if the Contr. Change Queue List Code has been entered – if not, it will display a message and will not allow you to continue.

Batch on the contract change sheet includes contracts that have:

  • Financing with Services = A

  • Calculation Variant = No (i.e. does not queue contract variants)

  • They meet the other filtering criteria specified by the user.

When the run is complete, the system displays the following message:


The user then opens the contract change queue with the corresponding sheet and can continue editing the contracts.

Note: the same overview as described in the previous chapter.

The wizard for changing the conditions of the contract (km, period, ZH) removes the contract from the list. It is also possible to manually discard by deleting a row.

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