MOT Check Validity Checking
In the system, it is possible to run a batch task to check the validity dates of the EK/TK on all contracts using the function "Check the validity dates of the EK/TK", which can be found through the viewfinder or in the role center.
After clicking on the Check EK/TK Validity Dates option, the Check EK/TK Validity Dates dialog box opens (MOT Check Validity Checking (4026704)).:
The task reports contracts that meet the following conditions:
Contract Status (Status) = Active|Suspended|Termination|Change Copy
Change Copy (Change Copy) = NO
Calculation Variant (Calculation Variant) = NO
It must also meet the values that the user enters in the dialog box:
Options tab:
Expiration till (Expiration till)
The system pre-fills the last day of the current month
The user can change the date by which he wants the system to include contracts with the EK/TK Validity Date in the report
Financing Contract Header Tab:
Customer No. (Customer No.)
A user can select the number of the customer whose contracts they want to review
Detailed Contract Status (Detailed Contract Status)
The user selects the detailed status he wants to check in bulk.
Note: the user can also add other filters from the Financing Contract Header
Financed Object Tab:
User can add any filter from Financed Object
To generate the report, we recommend that you choose to save to XLS, which you can do using the "Send to" button in the dialog window.
Where you choose the "Microsoft Excel Document" option.
OC then creates an Excel file.
Of course, you can also choose the other options:
Send To (Send to)
The system creates the requested file
Press (Print)
The system sends a report to the printer
Preview and Close (Preview - Close)
The system creates a report on a screen from which the report can be downloaded or printed