Change Handover Date

Change Handover Date

The wizard is used to change (correct) the date of handover of the subject of the contract (e.g. if an incorrect entry was entered by mistake, etc.).

The Action – Change Contract wizard option opens the Change Contract Wizard. In the first step of this wizard, in the "Change Type Code" field, the user selects a change with Wizard Object No. equal to 4046859. The "Change Contract" wizard is described in detail in the Contract Changes - Change Copies/Variants

When you complete the initial wizard, the system performs the following checks:

  • If the Contract Status is<Active

    • i.e. this is the first activation of the contract

    • Displays the message "Please use Contract Activation Wizard.“ „Activation wizard used." and does not continue, the wizard dialog box does not open.

  • If Contract Status=Active

    • i.e. it is a correction of the handover date

    • checks whether a down payment or payment (which has not been credited) is posted in the contract payment calendar:

      • If there is a posted (and not credited) down payment or payment, it will display the message "The contract has Status=Active and posted payments exist. The activation process cannot continue.The user confirms OK, OC closes the message and terminates the process.

      • The contract will be on change copy/variant.

      • If there is no such payment, the OC will check the existence of the pre-insurance:

        • If it finds an insurance contract where Valid To= current handover date-1D, it will prompt the user to manually change the Validity date of the pre-insurance policy with the message "Preinsurance exists - change the dates of validity manually on insurance contract No. XY"

      • The contract remains on the change copy, where the user makes a manual change to the pre-insurance (fills in the administrative end date), then runs the wizard again

      • If there is no such fuse, the OC will open a dialog window to enter a new date:

After confirming with the Finish button, the system will perform checks:

  • If the Object Handover Date is filled in

If it is not, the system displays an error message and the user cannot continue: "Handover date must be completed!"


  • If Object Handover Date =< as the current sysdate date (in other words, it is not possible to activate the contract in the future)

If it is bigger, the OC will display a message and leave step 1 of the wizard open: Handover date must not be higher than the current date!"

If the date is suitable, the OC proceeds to the next check.


  • If Object Handover Date is >= as Contract Signing Date (Fin.Company):

If the Contract Signing Date is greater, the OC displays a message and leaves step 1 of the wizard open: "Handover Date cannot be lower than Contract Signing Date of the Company."

If the date is suitable, the OC continues with the next check:


  • Checking the date of first registration for road tax

If Service Kind=Road Tax exists in Contract Services, the OC will check:

  • Object Handover Date in wizard>=1st Registration Date (250) in API Financed Object (4026560) on the subject of the contract

    • If it applies, it continues

    • If it does not apply, it will display a message in the wording of the message:

      • Object Handover Date must be higher then 1th Registration Date.

      • The Object Handover Date must be higher than the First Registration Date.

      • Object Submission Date must be higher than 1st Registration Date


  • Informative check if the Handover Date is>=1.1.in the given year (activation until last year)

If it is valid, it continues without a message.

If it does not apply, the system will display a message (query): "The handover date should be in the current year. Do you want to continue?"

  • if he confirms Yes, he will continue

  • if he confirms No, he does not continue.


  • Actions after date checks

    • Temporarily changes the Expected Handover Date to the new date from the wizard (without validation, so it does not check the status and blocking of calc. inputs

    • Updates the Calculation Start Date and Expected End Date according to the settings on the contract model according to the new Expected Handover Date

    • Updates dates on calculation inputs (Integration Date, Calc. Enter Date)

    • Adds the Handover Date to the contract and returns the original date (which was there before the change) to the Expected Handover date

    • Update the date of services and insurance policies (except for terminated insurance policies)

    • If the Handover Date of the Object is different from the Expected Handover Date and the contract includes a Road Tax service, updates will be made to this service in relation to the new Handover Date.

    • Triggers recalculations (in this case, there will always be a T&A contract)

    • If there is a guarantee on the contract and Status=Active, it will change the Date From to the new Handover Date

    • If Financing with Services=Y is in the contract, it will update the first line in the Odometer Status History:

      • Mileage Date = will be added by a new Handover Date

    • If Financing with Services=Y is in the contract, it will add the value from Calculation start date to the row in the Contractual Distance table to Date From.

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