Services Recalculation When Change Of Mileage And Duration

Services Recalculation When Change Of Mileage And Duration

Wizard after pressing the Finish button Before Running the Recalculation Function Payment calendars are calculated in relation to the Reinvoice service flag (105) in API Contract Service (4026681):

  • if Reinvoice=Y - on the service in API Contract Service (4026681) sets only:

    • Valid To = Expected Termination Date from Contract

    • Valid To after Extension (325) = Expected Termination Date after Extension

    • It doesn't do anything else on the service - the service in this case always has a value of 0, there is no point in calculating anything.

  • if Reinvoice=N - calculates services matching the filters as described above as described above. In principle, the original services will be terminated and created under new conditions (exceptions are Rim and Rim Accessories, which will only be extended/shortened)

In general, if there is a flag on a given service Migrated Service=Y (i.e. it is a migrated contract or service), system:

  • It leaves flag Y on the terminated service and does not run the matching function on this service in the last instalment of the service

  • It will set flag N on the new service and will also run matching on this service.

For a detailed description of the matching function, see Contract With Services.

Recalculation of service Fee/Service

If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Fee/Service, Service Status=Active, Reinvoice=N and the financing period has been changed, i.e. if Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New in wizard, The system will perform:

  • Original service with Service Status=Active:

    • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that has been invoiced by the effective date of the change within the payments for the given service without of the first aliquot line (without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y). This value is also overridden in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

    • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin

      • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

    • deletes the value of the estimated total purchase price in the Purchase Price Total detail (65) and in Contract Services.

      • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

    • Sets the dates:

      • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

    • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

    • The payment schedule of the original service is stopped and calculated according to the duration of the service:

  • Creates a new service Fee/Service Here's how:

    • In Contract Services, create a service (service line) Copying original services and sets:

      • Service Status=Preparation

      • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the entire new duration of the contract without an aliquot line)

      • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

      • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

    • A service detail is created for the service by copying the original (already terminated service) in order to take over all original Values from the service detail (cost price, price for the customer, correction %, etc.)

      • calculates the details of the service:

        • the Contract Fee Calculation Amount, Purchase Price Total and Contract Fee Margin values in the service detail will be recalculated (according to the current functionality).

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Fee/Service, Service Type Code=same, Service Code=same and Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • calculates Purchase Price Total (65) and Contract Fee Margin (90) for the entire period

        • then proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

        • if Retroactive:

          • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

          • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

          • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Fee Calculation Amount-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT will be added to the contract services

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Fee Calculation Amount-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows:

        • Recalculates Splat.Kal. Services according to current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive services will be added to the payment schedule new line for Recalculation Settlement:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)


        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward It only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality without creating a settlement line

Note.: Originally, there were considerations that the monthly fee does not have to be calculated, it is enough to "drag". However, the reasoning is not correct - the total value of the fee must be recalculated, because it depends on the duration of the service. However, it is also true that in the case of a monthly fee, There should be no recalculation settlement, i.e. the amount of the instalment before and after the recalculation should be the same.

In the case of an annual fee or for the duration of the contract, a recalculation difference or a change in the instalment may occur.

Recalculation of service Maintenance

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Maintenance with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N, the OC will stop the original service and establish a new service always (when changing km and when changing duration):

    • Original service with Service Status=Active:

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that has been invoiced within the instalments by the effective date of the change (i.e. without the first aliquot if it is on the service). This value is also overridden in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

      • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin (70),

        • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • deletes the value of the estimated Purchase Price Total in Contract Services (this is not calculated in the detail):

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

      • The payment schedule of the original service is stopped and calculated according to the duration of the service

    • Creates a new service Maintenance Here's how:

      • In Contract Services, it creates a service (service line) by copying from the original service and sets the

        • Finds a new Service Code from the service price list

        • Service Status=Preparation

        • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the whole new duration of the contract without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y)

        • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

        • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

      • K složbe založí service detail:

        • From the original service, the following will be taken over:

          • Correction (+-%)

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Maintenance and Service Type Code=the same, Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • calculates the details of the service:

          • Service Margin (70) according to the current functionality according to the new contract conditions

          • Mainten.Contract Amount Final Excl.VAT according to Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

          • if Retroactive:

            • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

            • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

            • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

            • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

            • Calculation Total Amount = Mainten.Contract Amount Final Excl.VAT-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT

            • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

          • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

            • Calculation Total Amount = Mainten.Contract Amount Final Excl.VAT-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

            • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

            • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

        • calculates the service payment schedule as follows:

          • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

          • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

            • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

            • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

            • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

            • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

            • Cost Amount = Empty

            • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

            • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

            • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

            • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

            • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

            • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

          • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward it only creates a service payment calendar according to the current functionality without Recalculation Settlement.

Recalculation of service Road Tax only for CZ/SK legislation

  • Service Road Tax It is only necessary to recalculate if There has been a change in the financing period, i.e. if Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New in wizard

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Road Tax with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • The original service with Service Status=Active (modifications Boldem):

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that has been invoiced within the instalments for the given service by the effective date of the change. This value is also overridden in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field. Note: the same applies to all other services.

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

      • If it finds an active Road Tax service that starts in the future, it deletes it (i.e. Creating an MV Tax Service = According to Discount Bands).

      • Note: the Road Tax service does not have a margin calculation, so we do not deal with margin on this service.

      • deletes the value of the expected purchase price Purchase Price Total in Contract Services (it fills in the value of monthly rate * number of months, the total purchase price is not shown in the detail).

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • The payment schedule of the original service is stopped and calculated according to the duration of the service.

  • Creates a new service Road Tax Here's how:

    • Creating a new service and calculating it is performed according to the parameter from Contract with Services Setup, Road Tax Calc.Type:

      • Discount Zone:

        • The services will be based on the current functionality on the basis of road tax.

          • The system will create as many services as there are discount bands within the new contract term. The service (or services) will have:

          • Service Status=Preparation (changes the system automatically when transferring a change copy/variant)

          • Valid From=Change Date from the wizard.

          • Valid To=end of discount zone if it is earlier as Expected Termination Date or Expected Termination Date (if the end of the discount zone ends after this date).

          • Valid To after Extension=same as Valid To.

        • It does not deduct the amount already paid from the total value, because the customer pays according to the legislation in this way.

        • For the same reason, there is no recalculation settlement.

      • Averaged:

        • The system creates only one service for road tax according to the current functionality, the modifications are marked Boldem. On the given service, he sets:

          • Service Status=Preparation

          • Valid From=Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. the service is initially created for the entire new duration of the contract)

          • Valid To=add Expected Termination Date

          • Valid To after Extension=adds the Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

          • On this new service, the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT from the original terminated service (or services) will be added.

        • Then it will proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

          • if Retroactive:

            • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

            • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) of payments with Posted=Y

            • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

            • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

            • adds Calculation Total Amount = Road Tax Total-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT to contract services

            • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

          • if Forward:

            • adds Calculation Total Amount = Road Tax Total-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT to contract services

            • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

            • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows

        • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality

Recalculation of service Highway Ticket

  • The Highway Ticket service only needs to be recalculated if There has been a change in the financing period, i.e. if Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New in wizard

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Highway Ticket with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • Original service with Service Status=Active

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the effective date of the change within the payments on the given service. This value is also overwritten in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

      • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin

        • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • deletes the value of the estimated total purchase price in the Purchase Price Total Excl. VAT service detail (85) and in Contract Services.

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

  • Creates a new service Highway Ticket Here's how:

    • In Contract Services, it creates a service (service line) by copying the original service and sets it up

      • Service Status=Preparation

      • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the whole new duration of the contract without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y)

      • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

      • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

    • A service detail is created for the service by copying the original (already terminated service) in order to take over all original Values from the service detail (cost price, price for the customer, correction %, etc.)

      • calculates the details of the service:

        • according to the new duration of the service, the calculation of the Quantity field

        • then the Highway Ticket Amount Excl.VAT, Purchase Price Total Excl.VAT and Highway Ticket Margin values on the service detail will be recalculated (according to the current functionality).

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Highway Ticket, Service Type Code=same, Service Code=same and Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • then proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

        • if Retroactive:

          • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

          • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

          • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

          • Calculation Total Amount = Highway Ticket Amount Excl.VAT-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

          • Calculation Total Amount = Highway Ticket Amount Excl.VAT-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows

        • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality

Recalculation of service Replacement Car

  • The Replacement Car service only needs to be recalculated if There has been a change in the financing period, i.e. if Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New in wizard

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Replacement Car with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • Original service with Service Status=Active

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the effective date of the change within the payments on the given service. This value is also overwritten in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

      • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin

        • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • deletes the value of the estimated total purchase price in the detail of the Purchase Price Total Exl.VAT service (115) and in Contract Services.

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

  • Creates a new service Replacement Car Here's how:

    • In Contract Services, he creates a service (service line) by copying the original service and sets:

      • Service Status=Preparation

      • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the whole new duration of the contract without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y)

      • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

      • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

    • A service detail is created for the service by copying the original (already terminated service) in order to take over all original Values from the service detail (cost price, price for the customer, correction %, etc.)

      • calculates the details of the service:

        • according to the new service duration, the Contracting Days per Duration field calculates (total number of days for the duration of the contract)

        • then the Contract Price Total Excl.VAT, Purchase Price Total Excl.VAT and Replacement Car Price Margin values in the service detail will be recalculated (according to the current functionality).

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Replacement Car, Service Type Code=same, Service Code=same and Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • then proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

        • if Retroactive:

          • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

          • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

          • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Price Total Excl.VAT-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Price Total Excl.VAT-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows:

        • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality

Recalculation of service Fuel Card

  • The Replacement Car service needs to be recalculated (note: it is not enough to just take a puff for calculation) only if There has been a change in the financing period, i.e. if Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New in wizard

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Fuel Card with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • Original service with Service Status=Active:

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the effective date of the change within the payments on the given service. This value is also overwritten in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

      • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin

        • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • deletes the value of the estimated total purchase price in the card CompanyFee Sum Excl.VAT (165) and Purchase Price Total service detail in Contract Services.

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

  • Creates a new service Fuel Card Here's how:

    • In Contract Services, he creates a service (service line) by copying the original service and sets:

      • Service Status=Preparation

      • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the whole new duration of the contract without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y)

      • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

      • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

    • A service detail is created for the service by copying the original (already terminated service) in order to take over all original Values from the service detail (cost price, price for the customer, correction %, etc.)

      • calculates the details of the service:

        • according to the new duration of the service, the service will be calculated for the new duration of the service - Customer Fee Sum Excl.VAT (total value of the service) will be recalculated

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Fuel Card, Service Type Code=same, Service Code=same and Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • then proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

        • if Retroactive:

          • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

          • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

          • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

          • Calculation Total Amount = Customer Fee Sum Excl.VAT-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

          • Calculation Total Amount = Customer Fee Sum Excl.VAT-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows:

        • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality

Recalculation of service Tire Service/Tire

  • Service Tire Service/Tire It is only necessary to recalculate if there has been a change in Contract Distance, i.e. if the current Contractual Distance <> Contractual Distance on the original contract (cannot be determined from the wizard)

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Tire Service/Tire with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • Original service with Service Status=Active:

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the effective date of the change within the payments on the given service. This value is also overwritten in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

      • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin

        • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Clears the Purchase Price Total value in Contract Services.

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

  • Creates a new service Tire Service/Tire Here's how:

    • In Contract Services, he creates a service (service line) by copying the original service and sets:

      • Service Status=Preparation

      • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the whole new duration of the contract without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y)

      • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

      • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

    • A service detail is created for the service by copying the original (already terminated service) in order to take over all original Values from service detail (correction %, etc.)

      • calculates the detail of the service

        • according to the new Contractual Distance calculates the service for the new duration of the service - the Tires Amount in the header, Summer Tires Amount, Winter Tires Amount will be recalculated. It then writes them into lines in Tire Quantity and recalculates the Contract Total Price Excl.VAT on the lines while maintaining the corrections and prices. It then updates the Tires Total Excl.VAT in the header from the lines.

        • similarly, it recalculates Total Tire Cost Excl.VAT and Total Tire Margin on the lines. Then, from the rows, it updates the Total Tire Margin field in the header.

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Tire Service, Service Type Code=same, Tire Service=Tire and Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • then proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

        • if Retroactive:

          • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

          • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

          • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

          • Calculation Total Amount = Tires Total Excl.VAT-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

          • Calculation Total Amount = Tires Total Excl.VAT-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows

        • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality

Recalculation of service Tire Service/Tire Storage

  • Service Tire Service/Tire Storage It is only necessary to recalculate if There has been a change in the financing period, i.e. if Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New in wizard

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Tire Service and Tire Service=Tire Storage with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • Original service with Service Status=Active:

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the effective date of the change within the payments on the given service. This value is also overwritten in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

      • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin

        • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • deletes the value of the estimated total purchase price in the detail of Total Purchase Price Excl.VAT (115) and Purchase Price Total in Contract Services.

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

  • Creates a new service Tire Service/Tire Storage Here's how:

    • In Contract Services, he creates a service (service line) by copying the original service and sets:

      • Service Status=Preparation

      • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the whole new duration of the contract without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y)

      • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

      • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

    • A service detail is created for the service by copying the original (already terminated service) in order to take over all original Values from the service detail (cost price, price for the customer, correction %, etc.)

      • calculates the details of the service:

        • according to the new duration of the service, the calculation of the service for the new duration of the service will be performed - the Contract Total Price (total value of the service) will be recalculated

        • recalculates Total Purchse Price Excl.VAT and Storage Margin Total in the same way

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Tire Service, Tire Service=Tire Storage, Service Type Code=same, Service Code=same and Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • then proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

        • if Retroactive:

          • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

          • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

          • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Total Price Excl.VAT-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Total Price Excl.VAT-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows:

        • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality

Recalculation of service Tire Service/Tire Change

  • Service Tire Service/Tire Change It is only necessary to recalculate if There has been a change in the financing period, i.e. if Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New in wizard

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Tire Service and Tire Service=Tire Change se Service Status=Active a Reinvoice=N:

    • Original service with Service Status=Active:

      • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, the OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the effective date of the change within the payments on the given service. This value is also overwritten in the contract services, the Calculation Amount Total field.

      • zmaže hodnotu prepopose margin na službe Service Margin

        • Note: the new estimated value of the service margin for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • deletes the value of the estimated purchase price Purchase Price Total in Contract Services (not on the detail).

        • Note: the new estimated value of the purchase price for the entire period will then be on the new service (see below).

      • Sets the dates:

        • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to change date minus one day.

      • Switches service status to Service Status=Terminated

  • Creates a new service Tire Service/Tire Change Here's how:

    • In Contract Services, he creates a service (service line) by copying the original service and sets:

      • Service Status=Preparation

      • Valid From = adds the Calculation Starting Date from the contract (i.e. in the first moment we will calculate the service for the whole new duration of the contract)

      • Valid To = adds the Expected Termination Date from the contract

      • Valid To after Extension = adds Expected Termination Date after Extension to the contract

    • A service detail is created for the service by copying the original (already terminated service) in order to take over all original Values from the service detail (cost price, price for the customer, correction %, etc.)

      • calculates the details of the service:

        • according to the new service duration, the service will be calculated for the new service duration - the Number of Tire Changes, Planned Number of Tire Changes and Contract Price Total Excl.VAT on the service lines will be recalculated.

        • then updates the Contract Total Price Excl.VAT from the lines in the service header

        • recalculates Total Purchase Price Excl.VAT and Total Tires Change Margin in the same way, then updates Tires Change Margin Total in the service header

        • from the same already terminated services (Service Kind=Tire Service, Tire Service=Tire Change, Service Type Code=the same and Service Status=Terminated) will take over the sum of already invoiced installments Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

        • then proceed according to the following procedure according to the Recalculation Settlement Type in step 3/3 of the wizard:

        • if Retroactive:

          • creates a tempo payment calendar for the service by adding the Posted=Y flag from the lines of the original same services

          • calculates the value Theoretically Invoiced = sum of Amount (55) from payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y

          • Calculates Recalculation Settlement = Theoretically Invoiced - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in the service contract, it sets Valid From = Change Date From Wizard

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Total Price Excl.VAT-Theoretically Invoiced Excl.VAT

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

        • if Forward (proceeds according to the current functionality):

          • Calculation Total Amount = Contract Total Price Excl.VAT-Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT

          • in contract services, sets Valid From = Change Date from the wizard

          • calculates Calculation Amount Per Payment = Calculation Total Amount / number of months of service duration

      • sets Valid From=Change Date on the property

      • calculates the service payment schedule as follows:

        • Calculation Amount Per Payment will be added to the payment service according to the current functionality

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive A new line for Recalculation Settlement is added to the service payment calendar:

          • Part Payment No. = the same number as my payment in the next unposted period (note: originally we thought of the same method as in the XXXRS T&C, but it doesn't work. Part Payment No. is an Integer, it must be a number).

          • Financing Part Payment = the same number as in the contract payment calendar in the recalculation (XXXRS)

          • Period From, Period To, Posting Date = from the service payment for the next period after the last posted period

          • Amount = Recalculation Settlement from Service Detail

          • Cost Amount = Empty

          • Created At = recalculation line creation date (standard)

          • Created By Name= user performing recalculation (standard)

          • Gen. Bus. Posting Group = By Contract (strandard)

          • Gen. Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab. API Service Type (standard)

          • VAT Bus. Posting Group = From Contract Card (Standard)

          • VAT Prod. Posting Group = settings of the service in tab API Service Type (standard)

        • If Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward only creates service payment calendars according to the current functionality

Recalculation of service Tire Service/Rims

Since the calculation of the total value of this service of the service is not affected by duration or kilometers, it is not necessary to recalculate the service.

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Tire Service and Tire Service=Rim with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • The service will not be terminated, it will continue to have Service Status=Active

    • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the Effective Date of the change within the payments for the given service.

    • Sets the dates:

      • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to the value of the Expected Termination Date from the contract

    • The value of Rims Total Excl.VAT - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT is calculated by the system into open service instalments.

Recalculation of service Tire Service/Rim Accessories

Since the calculation of the total value of this service of the service is not affected by duration or kilometers, it is not necessary to recalculate the service.

  • If there is one in the contract Service Kind=Tire Service and Tire Service=Rim Accessories with Service Status=Active and Reinvoice=N:

    • The service will not be terminated, it will continue to have Service Status=Active

    • In the Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT field, OC fills in the amount that was invoiced without an aliquot line with Aliqout Payment=Y by the Effective Date of the change within the payments for the given service.

    • Sets the dates:

      • Valid To a Valid To after Extension to the value of the Expected Termination Date.

    • The value of Rim Accessories Total Excl.VAT - Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT is calculated by the system into the open instalments of the service.


General for Fee/Service, Replacement Car, Fuel Card and Highway Ticket services:

In general, for all services, the wizard calculates services in the background from their first occurrence (i.e. not automatically from the beginning of the contract). This mechanism was introduced because the service can be added during the contract and it would not be correct to calculate the recalculation settlement from the beginning of the contract.

For these 4 services, another modification has been added, which partially modifies the quoted mechanism and solves the following situations. The services were in the contract from the beginning of the contract. Then, after some time, they were stopped (the customer no longer wanted to have them in the contract). Then, after another time, they were added again. After some time, a recalculation (change of km and time) took place.

During the recalculation, the system will only take into account those services that existed continuously before the recalculation – i.e. services that existed at the beginning of the contract and were then stopped, will not be taken into account.

General for all services for Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward - current functionality:

  • If Contract Total Price Excl.VAT<Invoiced Amount Excl.VAT is released on the new service (i.e. there was more invoicing as the new value of the service should be according to the new conditions), the system will add a value of 0 to the Calculation Total Amount to Contract Services - i.e. a minus payment cannot arise from the service.