Recalculation Due To Change Of Mileage And Duration

Recalculation Due To Change Of Mileage And Duration

A new wizard for operational leasing and fleet management has been added to the system only for contracts with Financing with Services=A.

The user starts the change by clicking on the Change contract button (wizard), the system opens the contract change wizard - see description Změny smlouvy - změnové kopie / varianty .

  • In the first step of this wizard, the user selects a change in the "Change Type Code" field with Wizard object number=4026638.

After completing the initial wizard and before the first step, it will check if there is an unposted line with Recalculation Settlement=Y in the contract payment calendar:

  • If not, it continues and opens step 1/3 of the wizard.

  • If so, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue.

Note: this is the case when the user has performed recalculations on a change copy/variant and runs the wizard again on a certain one. If the user wants to perform recalculations for a different time/distance combination, he creates a new variant and performs recalculations on it.

If there is no unposted line with Recalculation Settlement on the contract, it opens "Contract Recalculation Wizard“:

Step 1/3:


  • Financing Contract No.

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Financing Product Type Code

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Financing Product No.

    • will complement the system from the financing contract, field Financing Product No. (4047000)

  • Customer No.

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Customer Name

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Financed Object No.

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Financed Object Name

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financed object

  • Licence Plate No.

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financed object

  • Change Date

    • Change effective date - first day of unposted payment period

    • After clicking, it opens the contract payment calendar from the change copy/variant (depending on where the wizard is launched from)

  • Odometer Entry No.

    • Lookup to Odometer Status History API Table (4026583)

      • Filtre:

        • Financed Object No.=same as above in the wizard

        • Financing Contract No.=same as above in wizard

    • By default, the Entry No. with the highest sequence number is added, the user can select another line

  • Odometer Status

    • the system will automatically take over the Mileage field (10) after selecting Odometer Entry No. from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API

    • Calculated Field (FlowField) If the user clears the value in Odometer Entry, the system displays an error message and does not allow continuing.


  • Change List

    • opens the corresponding row in the Contract Change History

  • Back

    • neaktívne

  • Next

    • checks if Odometer Entry No.<>empty

      • if it does not apply, it will display the error message "Odometer Entry No. cannot be empty." (Odometer entry cannot be empty.) And they won't allow it to go any further. The user then enters (selects) the item and can continue.

      • if true, it continues to Step 2 and performs updates (populate the fields) in Step 2)

  • Finish

    • neaktívne

Step 2/3:


  • Financing Contract No.

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Licence Plate No.

    • Completes from the subject as in step 1.

  • Change Date

    • Completes from the subject as in step 1.

    • Change effective date - first day of unposted payment period

    • After clicking, it opens the contract payment calendar from the change copy/variant (depending on where the wizard is launched from)

  • Contractual Distance

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Yearly Distance

    • will automatically take over the system similarly to the Contractual Distance from the contract (or the last record from the API Contractual Distance (4026671))

  • Predicted Contractual Distance

    • The system automatically adopts the Predicted Contractual Distance field according to Odometer Entry No. from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API

    • Predicted contractual mileage at the current financing period.

  • Predicted Yearly Distance

    • The system automatically adopts the Predicted Yearly Distance field according to Odometer Entry No. from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API

    • Predicted yearly mileage at the current financing period.

  • New Yearly Distance

    • Defaultne takes the value from Yearly Distance

    • Editable, the user can edit manually if he wants to make a change to the yearly mileage

  • Financing Period (in Months)

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Predicted Financing Period (in Months)

    • The system automatically adopts the Predicted Financing Period (in Months) field according to Odometer Entry No. from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API

  • Financing Period (in Months) after Extension

    • EN: Financing Period after Extension

    • takes over the field of the same name from the leasing contract

  • New Financing Period (in Months)

    • By default, it takes the value from Financing Period (in Months)

    • Editable, to be edited manually by the user if he/she wants to change the duration of the contract)

  • Calculation Residual Value

    • Fills the system automatically from the contract

    • Non-editable

  • New Residual Value

    • Fills the system automatically from the contract

    • Editable. The user enters a new residual value, if desired. The system will then add this new residual value to the contract as part of operations after the wizard is completed.


  • Change List

    • opens a row in the Contract Change History

  • Back

    • vráti sa na krok 1

  • Next

    • checks if Yearly Distance=New Yearly Distance and Financing Period (in Months)=Financing Period (in Months) New:

      • If it is true, it will display the message:

        • ENG: Contract Conditions were not changed.

        • EN: The terms of the contract have not been changed.

        • After confirmation, it closes the message and leaves step 2/3 of the wizard open. The user can adjust the yearly mileage and/or duration of the contract and then move on.

      • If it doesn't, it continues.

    • checks if New Yearly Distance<>empty and is no longer divisible by the value of Annual Mileage-step (79540) from the tab API Financing Product/Template (4047009) - if the leasing contract contains a template, it takes the value from the template. If it does not contain a template, it takes the value from the contract financing product:

      • If it does not apply, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue:

        • "The new yearly mileage must not be empty."

        • The adjusted yearly mileage must be divisible by 1000."

      • The user then enters the adjusted yearly mileage and can continue.

      • If it is valid, it proceeds to the next check.

    • checks if New Financing Period (in Months)<>empty

      • if it does not apply, it will display the error message "New Financing Period (in Months) cannot be empty." and will not allow you to continue. The user then enters the adjusted financing period and can move on.

      • If it is valid, it proceeds to the next check to see if the following applies:

        • Financing Term-min<=New Financing Period (in Months)<=Financing Term-max

        • The values of Financing Term-min (180) and Financing Term-max (185) are obtained from the template (if the contract has a template) or from the financing product (if the contract does not have a template).

        • if it does not apply, it will display the message "New Financing Period (in Months) must be between ....Fin.Term-min and ... Fin.Term-max." (EN: The new financing period must be between ..... and ....." and it will not be possible to continue.

        • If true, it checks the time step to see if the following applies:

          • New Financing Period (in Months)/Financing Term-step=is an integer

          • if it does not apply, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue: "The new financing period must be dividable ..."

          • if it is valid, it checks for the maximum contractual mileage from the Financing Product/Financing Template API Financing Product/Template (4047009) (if the contract was created from a template, it takes the value from the template. If not, then from the product):

            • round ((New Financing Period from wizard/12)*New Yearly Distance from wizard); 0) =<Contractual Mileage - max (79550)

            • if it does not apply, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue.: "The maximum contractual distance XXX has been exceeded."

            • if true, continues to Step 3/3.

Step 3/3:


  • Financing Contract No.

    • Replenishes the system automatically from the financing contract

  • Licence Plate No.

    • Completes the system from the course as in step 1.

  • Contract Change Date

    • Completes the system from the course as in step 1.

    • Change effective date - first day of unposted payment period

    • After clicking, it opens the contract payment calendar from the change copy/variant (depending on where the wizard is launched from)

  • Recalculation Settlement Type

    • displays the field of the same name from the header of the leasing contract Enum=Retroactive,Forward CZ: Backward,Forward

    • Editable

  • Periodical Recalculation

    • Editable only if there is Recalculation Period = not empty in the contract.

    • Depending on this parameter, the wizard will fill in the contract fields:

      • Periodic Recalculation=N

        • Last recalculation date=fulfills current workdate

        • Nearest Recalculation Date=empty

      • Periodic Recalculation=A:

        • Last Recalculation Date=Wizard Change Effective Date

        • Depending on the Recalculation Period, the date of the next recalculation is fulfilled:

          • Recalculation Period = 1Quarterly: Last Recalculation Date + 90D

          • Recalculation Period = 2 Half-Year: Last Recalculation Date + 180D

          • Recalculation Period = 3 Yearly: Last Recalculation Date + 365D


  • Change List

    • opens a row in the Contract Change History

  • Back

    • Vráti sa na krok 2

  • Next

    • neaktívne

  • Finish

    • If there has been a change in the term (i.e. Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New), the following fields of the contract will be updated:

      • Financing Period (in Months) (23) in contract header = adds value from New Financing Period (in Months)

      • Expected Termination Date = according to existing functionality (described in PD OL Contract)

      • No.Of Payments = according to the new financing period

      • Contractual End Date (10100) = updates (description in PD OL Contract)

      • Expec.Term. Date after Extension (10105) = updates (description in PD OL Contract)

      • Financing Period Extended (in Months) (10110) = updates (described in PD OL Contract)

      • Contract Extension sets to N (10115)

    • if there has been a change in the duration (i.e. Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New, it will check the REFI code and make a change.

      • if there is a Don ́t Check REFI Fin.Perion=N on the Contract Model, the REFI check will be performed by the Contract Model:

        • if they are not suitable for the new Financing Period, it will find new Base Rate, Cost Interest and Special Liqui Cost rates that are suitable,

        • if they are satisfactory to the new Financing Period, if they are valid as of the Reference Date. If not, it will look for new valid rates

        • if he has made a new one, he recalculates the Calculation Interest Rate % (p.a.) while maintaining the Interest Margin %  

      • if Don ́t Check REFI Fin.Perion=Y is on the Model Contract, it will not check REFI rates.

    • if the duration has been changed (i.e. Financing Period (in Months)<>Financing Period (in Months) New), the update will be made Insurance Contracts that have:

      • Status=Active (i.e. do not deal with already terminated insurance contracts)

      • are allowed to extend in the Insurance Product Status Relation table API Ins. Prod. And Status Rel. (4027080) Contract Prologation Req. by Wizard=Y:

        • Valid To (135) = adjusted according to the Expected Termination Date of the contract

        • Valid To after Extension (137) = to be completed according to the Expected Termination Date after Extension from the contract

      • If it finds an insurance contract that cannot be renewed (the fixed-term flag is enabled on the framework contract or renewal is not allowed in the relationship table of the status and insurance contract), it will display an error message that the insurance contract no. It cannot be extended and continues after confirmation by the user. In the end, the insurance contract will not be extended, the contract and other insurance policies will not be extended.

    • creates a line in API Contractual Distance (4026671) - records of contractual mileage (note: this step will always occur, because the recalculation of the contractual mileage must always be performed if there is a change in the annual mileage or even the duration due to a change in the contractual mileage):

      • Financed Object No.

      • Date From = Change Date from wizard

      • Distance per Year = adds from New Yearly Distance from wizard step 2/3

      • Contractual Distance = calculates from Distance per Year according to the current functionality (it is a new contractual distance for the whole new duration)

      • Contractual Mileage=Contractual Distance+Initial Mileage

    • fills in the New Residual Value per item (Total Calc.Residual Value (LCY), recalculates to Total Calc.Residual Value, recalculates Total Calc.Residual Value %, updates Calculation Residual Value and Calculation residual Value %. It then writes the Calculation Residual Value and Calculation Residual Value % into the contract.

    • calls the contract recalculation function and recalculates the annuity according to the next chapter.

    • recalculates services according to of the following chapters, including the calculation of their payment schedules (an annuity calculation is required before they can be created). In general, it recalculates services that have:

      • Service Status=Active and

      • if Contract Extension=N

        • Valid To>=Change Date-1D

      • if Contract Extension=Y

        • Valid To after Extension>=Change Date

    • recalculate the payment schedules of insurance contracts

      • In general, it recalculates fuses that have:

      • if Contract Extension=N

        • Valid To>=Change Date-1D

      • if Contract Extension=Y

        • Valid To after Extension>=Change Date

    • Deploys the contract payment calendar (summation of service, insurance and annuity calendars)

    • if Calculate Excess km Rate=Y in the contract, recalculates the Excess km Rate-default in the contract

    • if Calculate Sublimit km Rate=Y in the contract, it will recalculate the Sublimit km Rate-default in the contract

    • Toggles the Contract Extension flag (10115) to N.

    • Fill in the contract fields as described in the wizard (according to the functionality described in step 3/3):

      • Last Recalculation Date

      • Nearest Recalculation Date

    • fills in the Recalculation Settlement Type contract with the value from step 3/3 of the wizard

    • After making changes to the contract, it displays the message:


  • After confirmation, it closes the message and leaves the contract on the change copy/variant.


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