Annuity Recalculation

Annuity Recalculation

If there is a change in the duration or contractual mileage, the system will recalculate the annuity as follows:

  • if in step 3/3 of the wizard Recalculation Settlement Type=Retroactive, the conversion is performed as follows:

    • According to the calculation parameters, the financial calculator calculates the annuity from the beginning of the contract term

      • The new wizard 4026638, when selecting Calculation Settlement Type=Retroactive, will not copy the Payment Advisor rows from the tempo calculation, but will adjust the principal balance on the last posted line in the calculator. This will ensure that the values in the SPK will not change during the subsequent recalculation and that the payment numbering will remain continuous. So there is no separate row with recalc in the calculator. settlement, in T&Cs contracts and T&Cs of services, yes.

      • Financing period from wizard step 2 (New Financing Period (in Months))

      • Interest Rate (Current) - Changes during the duration of the contract are not taken into account

      • Debt at the beginning (Istina)

        • In the event that a technical improvement/depreciation has been performed on the contract, this will be taken into account in the calculation of the annuity as if the technical improvement had been from the beginning of the contract.

      • Residual Value

      • Periodicity of contract repayment.

    • The annuity calculated in this way will be included in the repayment from the first open contract period.

    • Interest and Principal Settlement Difference Up to the first open period, it will be calculated as follows:

      • In the financial calculator, it calculates the values of Recalc.Settlement Amount, Recalc.Settlement Principal, Recalculation Settlement Interest on the last line with Posted=Y

      • He fills in the billing line marked XXXRS (XXX number of the first unposted payment, RS=Recalc.Settlement) to which he adds:

        • Recalculation Settlement=Y

        • Date From a Date To, Posting Date, VAT Date, Due Date - will have the same values as the first unposted row;

        • Document No, Mass Invoice, Posting, Canceled, Contract Extension, Individual Tax Document = empty field;

        • Annuity Excl VAT = Sum of new payments from period with Posted=Y - Sum of payments with Posted=Y without aliquot line, taken from the financial calculator (new field, see below)

        • Principal= Sum of new payments from period with Posted=Y - Sum of payments with Posted=Y without an aliquot line, taken from the financial calculator (new field, see below)

        • Interest= Sum of new payments from the period with Posted=Y - Sum of payments with Posted=Y without an aliquot line, taken from the financial calculator (new field, see below)

        • Service=sum of RS rows from services of the same period (this should not work automatically)

        • Gen. Prod. Posting - takes over from the header of the contract (as well as for regular installments)

        • VAT Posting Group Principal - takes over from the contract header (as well as for regular installments)

        • VAT Posting Group Interest - takes over from the header of the contract (as well as for regular installments)

        • Calculation Interest % (p.a.) and Interest Margin % from the next unposted line (payment)


  • Financial Calculator:

On the last posted line, add the following values: Recalc.Settlement Amount, Recalc.Settlement Principal, Recalculation Settlement Interest:

  • these values are then transferred to the RS line in the contract payment calendar

Do tabuľky splatkového kalendára boli pridané pole:

  • Settlement Recalculation Period From

  • Settlement Recalculation Period To

The fields are hidden by default, if the user needs them, they have to pull it up via personalization.


A new field has been added to the calculator:

  • Recalculation Settlement Amount

  • Recalculation Settlement Principal

  • Recalculation Settlement Interest

The values represent the difference between the Pace Calculator and Physical Calculator accounts and are added to the last posted row in the calculator.

  • if in step 3/3 of the wizard Recalculation Settlement Type=Forward, the recalculation will be performed according to the current functionality without calculating the compensation difference.

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