Contract Change Queue
The contract change queue is a special table in which some bulk jobs create entries:
Contract Services Change
The task creates change copies, recalculates the services on them, then writes these change copies to the change queue sheet
Contracts with Outrange Odometer Status, Contracts for Recalculation, Customer COntract Overview
These jobs only write the found contracts to the change queue sheet. Then it is possible to recalculate them directly from the queue, but individually.
Processed contracts (their change copies) or various data from the processed contract and related tables are entered into the table. The contents of the fields are evident from the name of the field.
The records contain the name of the sheet (Contr.Change Queue Code), based on which, after selecting the sheet name, the system displays the records in the table section.
Note: Sheet names are defined in the Contr API code list. Change Queue Batch (4046846) – see description Business Setup or directly when you run a bulk job.
After clicking on the sheet name, the user selects from which sheet they want to view the agreements.
If there are contracts on the contract change sheet, the system will then display them in the overview. Subsequently, the user uses Change Contracts (wizard) to recalculate or otherwise change them.
Functions / Buttons:
It is used to delete a record from the queue without any further processing of the contract.
Transfer Change Copies
It is used for mass transfer of change copies included in a sheet.
Remove Change Copies
It is used for mass deletion of change copies from a sheet.
Contract Card
It is used to open the contract or change copy.
Change Contract (Wizard)
It is used to start the execution of the contract change (as well as from the contract card). If the wizard recalculates to change the duration/mileage, the contract will be automatically removed from the queue.
The report contains the following field:
Field | Description |
Financing Contract No. | The number of the financing contract and/or change copy. |
Licence Plate No. (155) | Registration number from the financed object. |
Driver No. EN: Driver No. | Populating from API Financed Object (4026560) field Driver No.(1000) BLG: Execute from Financing Contract Header (4026397), BLG Driver No. field (79505). |
Driver Name EN: Driver Name | Populating from API Financed Object (4026560) Driver Name field (1002) BLG: Perform from Financing Contract Header (4026397), BLG Driver Name field (79510). |
Status | Status of the lease agreement |
Detailed Contract Status Code | Detailed status of the given financing contract |
Migrated Contract | Migrated contract, flag from financing contract |
Object Handover Date | Handover Date |
Expected Termination Date | Expected Termination Date |
Financing Period (Month) | Fulfillment from Financing Contract Header (4026397), Financing Period (Month) field (23). |
Origin Payment Excl.VAT | Fulfills the first (subsequent) unposted payment from the payment schedule of the original contract |
New Payment Excl.VAT | Fulfills the first (subsequent) unposted payment from the contract change copy payment calendar |
Product Type Code | Contract Financing Product Type |
Financing Product No. EN: Financing Product No. | Fulfillment from Financing Contract Header (4026397), Financing Product No. field (4047000). |
Financing Product Name EN: Financing Product Name | Fulfillment from Financing Contract Header (4026397), Financing Product Name (4047085) field. |
Financing Template No. | Fulfillment from Financing Contract Header, Financing Template No. |
Financing Template Name | Fulfillment from Financing Contract Header, Financing Template Name field. |
Customer No. | Customer No. with Financing Contract |
Customer Name | Customer Name from Financing Contract |
Registration No. | Customer ID No. |
Financed Object Name EN: Name of the Financed Object | Populate from API Financed Object (4026560), Name field (19065). |
Chassis No. (VIN) (160) | EN: Chassis No. (VIN) SK: Chassis No. (VIN) Fulfillment from the financed object. |
Contractual Distance (170) | Fulfillment from Financing Contract Header (4026397), field of the same name EN: Contractual Raid SK: Zmluvný nájazd |
Yearly Distance EN: Yearly Mileage | Fulfillment from Financing Contract Header (4026397), Yearly Distance field (4047150). |
Area EN: Area | Filling from the evaluated row from the Odometer Status History API (4026583), Area field (5). |
Mileage Date EN: Mileage Date | Populating from the evaluated row from the Odometer Status History API (4026583), Mileage Date field (20). |
Mileage (185) | Populating from the evaluated row from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API, Mileage field. |
Planned Mileage | Filling from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), field of the same name |
Km under/over Limit EN: Km under/over limit | Filling from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), field Km under/over Limit (160). |
Ratio km % EN: Ratio km % | Filling from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), field Ratio km % (65). |
Lower Tolerance % | Filling from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), field of the same name |
Lower Tolerance | Filling from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), field of the same name |
Lower Tolarence Actual EN: Lower Tolerance Actual SK: Spodná tolerancia aktuálna | Lower tolerance current (see above for calculation). Filling from the evaluated row from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API, Lower Tolerance Actual field. |
Upper Tolerance % EN: Upper Tolerance % | Filling from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), field of the same name |
Upper Tolerance EN: Upper Tolerance | Filling from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), field of the same name |
Upper Tolerance Actual EN: Upper Tolerance Actual SK: Horná tolerancia aktuálna | Populating from the evaluated row from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API, Upper Tolerance Actual field. |
Predicted Mileage EN: Predicted mileage | Estimated tacho status at the end of the contract. Populating from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), Predicted Mileage field (190). |
Contractual Mileage EN: Contractual mileage | Fulfillment from the evaluated row from the Odometer Status History (4026583) API, Contractual Mileage field. |
Predicted Difference EN: Predicted Difference | Populating from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), Predicted Difference field. |
Predicted Contractual Distance EN: Predicted Contractual Mileage | Fulfillment from the evaluated row from API Odometer Status History (4026583), Predicted Contractual Distance field. |
Predicted Yearly Distance EN: Predicted Yearly Mileage | Populating from the evaluated row from the API Odometer Status History (4026583), Predicted Yearly Distance field. |
Predicted Financing Period (in Months) EN: Predicted Duration | Fulfillment from the evaluated row from API Odometer Status History (4026583), Predicted Financing Period (in Months) field. |
Last Recalculation Date | The date of the last recalculation, fulfillment from API Financing Contract Header from the field of the same name. |
Nearest Recalculation Date | The date of the last recalculation, fulfillment from API Financing Contract Header from the field of the same name. |
User Id | ID of the user who created the record |
Date Created | Record Creation Date |
Mass Change Copies Removal
The Mass Change of Contract Services task (or other mass tasks) will create change copies of contracts and after their successful processing, they will be included in the Contract Change Queue.
The user can check these change copies, or delete some of them, and can choose two ways:
Use the Contract Card button to open the change copy, then use the Changes / Remove Change Copy button to delete the change copy
It then returns to the Change Queue and manually deletes the change copy from the Change Queue.
Use the Remove Change Copy button – see below.
System at the touch of a button Remove Change Copy Opens the Request Form to specify filters to identify change copies per transfer:
It has only one tab Filter: Contract Change Queue In order for the user to be able to filter change copies for deletion, by default it will contain the field:
Contr. Change Queue List Code
It is populated automatically when opening a request in the form of a value from the Batch Name from the change queue header
Financing Product Type Code
Financing Product No.
Customer No.
No. (contract number)
Migrated Contract
additional filters can be added by the user via the + button (e.g. Fin.Template No., etc.).
The user can then use the +Filter button to add any additional filter to the field from the API Financing Contract Header.
An empty field in the filters means that the system will include all records in the filter.
In addition to these user filters, the fixed filter for the Mass Change=Y technical field is also enabled.
Note: filtering rules in BC: Sorting, Searching, and Filtering Lists - Business Central | Microsoft Learn
After confirmation by OK or Schedule... (it will be possible to run the task both manually and via the scheduler), the system will perform the following steps:
When executed, it checks whether Batch Name=Contr.Change is Queue List Code.
If it is valid, it continues.
If it does not apply, it will display the message "Contr. Change Queue List Code and Batch Name must be the same." EN: The Contr. Change Sheet Code and Sheet Name must be the same." and does not continue.
When running via Schedule... the message is not displayed.
filters the records in the queue to both user filters and fixed filters
From the queue line, the change copy deletion function calls "Delete Change Copy" (which is triggered by a button from the contract)
The function runs on the change copy with the number in Financing Contract No. on the queue line
User check for Change Copy Owner (User ID=Change Copy User ID) will not be performed (it gives a message when starting the deletion from the contract):
The following message to confirm the deletion of the change copy will not be displayed, or it will be confirmed in the background Yes: "Would you like to delete change copy from contract no.XXX?"
The change copy will be deleted (same process as for individual deletion)
After the deletion is complete, the job writes the contract to the API Fin. Contract Change Log (4046845) with Recalculation Result=Success, Record Origin=API Mass Change Copy Removal.
If the deletion does not take place, the entry will also be executed with a description of the error why the change copy has not been deleted (the line will continue in the queue) and continues to the next line.
if the deletion has taken place, deletes the row from the Contract Change Queue (Delete function)
When finished, it continues to the next line.
Note1: the deletion of the change copy blocks the contract tables, so we recommend that the deletion be carried out outside of working hours.
Note2: Deleting a large number of change copies is a time-consuming process. The actual time duration of the process cannot be predicted in any way at the current moment.
Mass Change Copies Transfer
The Mass Change of Contract Services task (or other mass tasks) will create change copies of contracts and after their successful processing, they will be included in the Contract Change Queue.
The user checks these change copies (or deletes some of them – see below), then he can proceed to their transfer:
Use the Contract Card button to open the change copy, then use the Changes / Transfer Change Copy button to transfer the change copy
It then returns to the Change Queue and manually deletes the change copy from the Change Queue.
Using the Transfer Change Copy button – see below.
This bulk transfer can be started from the contract change queue by pressing the button Transfer Change Copy.
After pressing the button, the system triggers a report to select the change copy for transfer:
It has only one tab Filter: Contract Change Queue In order for the user to be able to filter change copies for transfer, it will by default contain the field:
Contr. Change Queue List Code
It is populated automatically when opening a request in the form of a value from the Batch Name from the change queue header
Financing Product Type Code
Financing Product No.
Customer No.
No. (contract number)
Migrated Contract
additional filters can be added by the user via the + button (e.g. Fin.Template No., etc.).
The user can then use the +Filter button to add any additional filter to the field from the API Financing Contract Header.
An empty field in the filters means that the system will include all records in the filter.
In addition to these user filters, the fixed filter for the Mass Change=Y technical field is also enabled.
After confirmation by OK or Schedule... (it will be possible to run the task both manually and via the scheduler), the system will perform the following steps:
Note: filtering rules in BC: Sorting, Searching, and Filtering Lists - Business Central | Microsoft Learn
After confirmation by OK or Schedule... (it will be possible to run the task both manually and via the scheduler), the system will perform the following steps:
When executed, it checks whether Batch Name=Contr.Change is Queue List Code.
If it is valid, it continues.
If it does not apply, it will display the message "Contr. Change Queue List Code and Batch Name must be the same." EN: The Contr. Change Sheet Code and Sheet Name must be the same." and does not continue.
When running via Schedule... the message is not displayed.
filters the records in the queue to both user filters and fixed filters
From the queue line, the change copy transfer function calls "Transfer Change Copy" (which is started by a button from the contract)
The function runs on the change copy with the number in Financing Contract No. on the queue line
checking the user for Change Copy owner (User ID=Change Copy User ID) will not be performed - it gives a message from the contract:
the message about active variants will not be displayed, or it will be confirmed in the background Yes:
The following message to confirm the transcription of the original change copy will also not be displayed, or it will be confirmed Yes in the background:
The change copy will be transferred (same process as for a single transfer)
After the transfer is complete, the job writes the contract to the API Fin. Contract Change Log (4046845) with Recalculation Result=Success, Record Origin=Mass Transfer Job Name.
If the transfer does not take place, the write is also executed with a description of the error why the change copy was not transferred (the line will still be in the queue) and continues to the next line.
if the transfer has taken place, deletes the row from the Contract Change Queue (Delete function
When finished, it continues to the next line.
Note1: The transfer of the change copy blocks the contract tables, so we recommend that the transfer be carried out outside of working hours.
Note2: Transferring a large number of change copies will be a time-consuming process. The actual time duration of the process cannot be predicted in any way at the current moment