Contract Change Log
When processing changes, the Contract Services Change task writes to a special log – the Contract Change Log.
Entry No.
Automatically fills in the next number in the sequence, increment=+1
Financing Contract No.
The task automatically fills in the number of the financing contract to which the record relates.
Detailed Contract Status Code
The task automatically fills in the detailed status of the financing contract related to the record.
Original Service No.
Automatically populates the job with the service number that has been changed.
New Service No.
The task automatically fills in the number of the new service.
User ID
The task will automatically fill in the ID of the user who changed the record (under which the task was running).
Date Changed
Completes the task automatically.
Recalculation Result
The result of processing is Success or Error.
Error Detail
Detailed description of the error.
Record Origin
The name of the job pile that created the record.
The log is not editable, i.e. it is not possible to delete the record.