Contract Payment Calendar

Contract Payment Calendar

Contract Payment Calendar

A new field has been added to the table and to the overview of the contract payment calendar - described in detail here Splátkový kalendář smlouvy :

  • VAT Payment for Goods Delivery

    • Amount of VAT to be paid if the Financing VAT flag is set = Yes on the contract header. The calculation of the payment is described in detail under the link above.

  • Balance of unpaid VAT on delivery of goods

    • The amount of the balance of the VAT amount to be remitted if the VAT Financing flag is set = Yes on the contract header.


A payment calendar that contains financed VAT (the Shipment VAT Payment field) is posted in the usual way.

Based on settings Nastavení účtování OneCore | Nastavení účtování finančního leasingu s dodáním zboží the amount of financed VAT from the payment calendar is included in the invoice as a separate line and an internal document is generated at the same time:

  • Posted Sales Invoice

    • A customer entry of the Invoice (MD) type is created

    • The total amount of the invoice includes the VAT from the payment calendar (Credit)

    • Customer Entry Pending Customer Payment

  • Internal Document

    • A customer entry of the "empty" type (credit) is created

    • the amount of the item is only in the amount of the VAT from the payment calendar

    • This item automatically settles the original VAT invoice upon delivery of goods (according to the field Document No. - Tax Document upon Delivery of Goods on the contract header), if this item is open.

    • Variable symbol – the Variable symbol from the line of the contract payment calendar is filled in (it is filled in when posting the contract, according to the settings in the Contract model, field Variable symbol type)

Split Down Payment Wizard API

Due to the changes that may occur when splitting the down payment in terms of the structure of the payment calendar and marking the payments in terms of VAT, which has an impact on the calculation of the VAT base for Leasing with delivery of goods, modifications were made within the implementation - logic on the Finish button:

  • If it is a contract with the Leasing mode active with delivery of goods, the message "After Down payment splitting contract (Leasing with goods delivery)" will be displayed.

  • At the same time, the Calculation Lines – Updated flag will be set to No


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