Insurance Condition Text

Insurance Condition Text

Insurance Condition Text

Possibility of recording external and internal texts for insurance.

Insurance condition texts can be entered at the following levels:

  • Insurance Company Product

  • Product Variant Code

  • Master Agreement

  • Set

  • Rate

The text of the insurance conditions has two tabs.

On the General tab, the level for which the condition is entered is specified. In addition to the insurance company's product, variant, framework agreement, set, and rate, it is possible to determine the time validity of the condition by filling in the Valid from, Valid to fields.

In the Texts tab, there are 4 text fields only formally marked external: VPP 1, VPP 2 and internal: Text 3, Text 4.

Then, on the insurance contract, the user can see the text terms and conditions from all levels that apply to the insurance contract.

On the insurance contract, the text conditions of the insurance are not editable. They can be divided into external and internal texts. They can be used for printing.

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