Insurance Product Variants
Insurance Product Variants
Insurance Company Products / Calculation Settings / Variants
For each insurance company's product, the user enters at least one variant Product. Insurance restrictions and coverage can be set for the variant.
The user enters the variant code
The user fills in the description of the variant
Priority (Priorities)
The priority of the user determines what the level of offer of the given variants will be
No. of Restriction (No. Of Restriction)
This is a calculated field. When clicked, the system displays specific insurance restrictions
Entering Insurance Restrictions vid. chapter
Coverage Code (Converage Code)
Selection from the Insurance Coverages code list. A user code list with the ability to record insurance coverage.
No. of Coverages (No. Of Coverages)
The calculated field displays the number of coverages from the Insurance Product Coverage code list.
The advantage is that the user can enter a different deductible for each insurance cover. In the event of an insured event, he can then check the deductible deductible.
Valid From (Valid from)
Variant validity from, if not filled in, applies without limitation
Valid To (Valid To)
Variant validity until, if blank is not filled in, applies without limitation
Insurance Limit Code (Insurance Limit Code)
Selection from the user code list Insurance Limits
Participation Code (Insurance Participation Code)
Selection from the user code list Insurance deductibles