Creation Credit Memo When Rental Bill

Creation Credit Memo When Rental Bill

Billed when the vehicle is returned if Contract Status = Done, Returned Date is filled in.

When the Create Invoice button is launched, the system compares the Last Posting Date and the Returned Date, if the Returned Date is lower, it will create a credit note for the given period, and if the Returned Date is lower, it will create a credit note for the given period, and if the Returned Date is lower, it will create a credit note for the given period.

  • Sales Invoice

    • It is created in the same way as described in the previous chapters

  • Sales Credit Memo

    • VAT Date = Document Date = Posting Date = Business Date

    • Creates lines according to the rate period (NOT according to the period of invoiced rentals)

      • If the rate has not been changed after the car has been returned, then one line is created by summing up all rentals (invoices) since the time the vehicle was returned

      • If a rate change has been made, then one line is created from the date of return of the vehicle to the date of rate change-1D with the corresponding amount according to the given rate. The next line is from the date of the rate change to the date of the last invoice period with the corresponding amount according to this rate. If the rate is changed several times, the procedure is the same.

      • SK SEYFOR Localization: the same value is added to each line of the document in the field "slt_Original Document No. (51611910, Code[20])" from the last posted invoice for RENTAL (in the table "Car Rental Billing Bill" the value of the field "Car Rental Billing Type" = Rental Amount)

    • The system will be included in the overview Billing of the car rental company lines that correspond to the lines from the resulting document, so there will be as many lines as there are lines in the document

      • Unposted document number, document number (after posting), posting date is the same for each line

      • Lease from, Lease to matches the period from the invoice line

      • Total Rental and Total Rental Incl. VAT correspond to the amount that is on the invoice line for the given period – it is not the total amount of the document

If a field was filled in the loan line:

  • Number of Trips

  • Posted Kilometer

  • Fuels Amounts

The system creates a non-posted invoice for charges.

At the same time, the system creates a credit note for the rent.

The system writes the rows to the Car Rental Billing table. For invoiced charges, it creates a separate line for each charge.

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