Functional Description
A financial settlement of a contract can be created using the Create Financial Settlement, which is located in the list of financing contracts or on the financing contract card – the button is visible only if the detailed contract status contains Calculation=N (i.e. only for contracts).
A financial settlement can only be created from the original contract – it is not possible to create it from a change copy, nor from a variant, nor from an original by which a change copy exists.
After pressing the Create Financial Settlement button, the system performs the following checks on the contract fields:
Change Copy
If A, the system displays an error message and stops the process
If N, it proceeds to the next check
Change Copy Exists
If A, the system displays an error message and stops the process
If N, it proceeds to the next check
Calculation Variant
If A, the system displays an error message and stops the process
If N, it proceeds to open the report.
If all checks are passed, the system opens the filtered Financial Settlement Types overview and allows you to select from the financial settlement types that have:
the same type of financing as in the lease agreement, and
The Financing Product Type Filter contains the Product Type Code from the contract. If the Financing Product Type Filter on Financial Settlement Type is empty, only the previous filter is valid (product type codes are not filtered).
For Contract Type = Single Subject:
Same Code det. status for creation, such as the detailed status of the contract (if the Det. Status Code is filled in). If the Detailed Status Code for Creation is empty, the given Fin. Issue Type is empty. It is possible to select for a contract in any det. builds.
For Contract Type=Multiple Object
Detailed status isn't filtered to
The user selects a specific type of financial settlement to perform on the contract. Once confirmed, it will create a Financial Settlement in Financial Settlement Status=New and open the Financial Settlement Card.
In general, there are currently basic functionalities for calculating financial settlements according to financing types in OCs:
Operative leasing – uses the financial settlement card 4046815
Economic Repair
Total Accident
Financial leasing – uses the financial settlement card 4046816
Early redemption by the customer
Returned Object
Individual cards have different tabs (structure), but it is true that they use the same principles and functionalities.
The system creates a financial settlement using the card that is defined in the Financial Settlement Type field Card Object No. field.
When creating an FIV, the system gradually goes through the fields set in the Financial Settlement Field Settings (in the order of the field number from the smallest at the top) and fills in or calculates their values.
In the following text, we describe both cards – if the functionality is described without specifying the card number, it is the same for both financial and operating leases.