Financial Settlement Field Setup

Financial Settlement Field Setup

The Financial Settlement Field Setup code list is used to define the fields that are to be filled on the Financial Settlement Card (one or the other) or that enter into the Financial Settlement calculation – all fields that are to be filled when creating a financial settlement must be defined in this table. 


  • Field No.

    •  represents the number of a specific field from the Financial Settlement table. Manually selected by the user from the Financial Settlement Tables 4046805 via a special system table with a list of all fields in the system.

    • All fields that are on the financial settlement card must be selected, including calculations, otherwise the fields in the financial settlement will not be filled.

  • Field Name

    •  The name of the selected field from the Financial Settlement by Field No. table. Fills in the OC automatically.

  • Financing Type Filter

    • The field specifies which type of financing the OC field will calculate for. It is entered by a digit filter with the following meaning:

      • 0 – Financial leasing

      • 1 – Operative leasing

      • 2 – Credit

      • 3 – Instalment sale

      • 4 – Fleet Management

    • If the user wants to enter more values, he separates them with a pipe, e.g. 0|1

    • If the field is blank, it is calculated for all financing types

  • Fin. Settlement Type Filter

    • The user selects the financial settlement type code for which type of financial settlement the item is to be filled or calculated.

    • Default empty field

    • Lookup to Financial Settlement Types. If the user selects multiple values, the system inserts a pipe |

    • If the field is blank, it is calculated for all Financial settlement types.

  • Detailed Contract Status Filter

    • It is possible to enter a filter of detailed contract statuses in which the contract must be at the time of the FIV calculation in order for the OC to calculate the value of the field

    • If the field is empty, the OC field calculates for all detailed contract statuses

  • Invoicing Entry Type Code

    • The system creates a final financial settlement invoice according to the Standard Sales Code on the fin type.  settlements. This Standard Sales Code also contains lines on which you can select an Invoicing Entry Type Code. When an invoice is created, the system populates the invoice lines using these invoicing item type codes from the financial settlement.

    •  The type of invoicing entry must be unique for each field, i.e. the Invoicing Entry Type must not be set on multiple fields.

  • Field Total

    • The field determines whether the OC should calculate the value of the field in the amount of the total bill for the client and with what sign:

      • empty - do not count in total bill

      • plus - add to the total bill with a positive sign

      • minus - add to the total bill with a negative sign

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