Financial Settlement Card For Contracts With Services
The Financial Settlement Card 4046815 for contracts with services consists of several parts:
It contains some basic data, e.g. from the financing contract or from the subject.
It is used in all types of financial settlements.
Contract Termination
It contains some basic information related to the termination of the contract.
It is used in all types of financial settlements.
Other tabs are visible according to the Type for contracts with services on the Financial Settlement Type:
Economic Repair – does not have an additional tab
Theft – the Theft tab is visible
Total Damage – the Total Damage tab is visible
Fact boxes on card
On the Financial Settlement tab for contracts with services, there are factboxes from the contract/object that display the basic data from the financing contract and from the financed object:
Object identification
Contract Details
For a detailed description, see Contract With Services.
General Tab
The General tab opens for all types of financial settlement (field Type for contracts with services in Fin. settlement types) and contains general data from the contract, customer, object, or some field for the financial settlement itself.
All of these fields must be selected in the Financial Settlement Field Setup, otherwise they will not be populated in the Financial Settlement.
Fills in the OC automatically as smlouvy_XX number, where XX is the serial number of the settlement for the given financing contract
Non-editable by the user
Contract Settlement Type
Values sú=Complete, Partial
For contracts with services, only Type=Full is used (type Partial is used only for multiple subject contracts without services)
Non-editable by the user
Financial Settlement Type
Automatically completes the OC with the settlement type selected by the user when it is created
Non-editable by the user
Early Termination Reason
Automatically fills in the OC Early Termination Reason from the Financial Settlement Type
Non-editable by the user
Fin. Settlement Status
Automatically completes the OC with "New" when creating a financial settlement. Subsequently, the status is changed using the status change buttons on the Process tab in the panel
Option values = New, Approved, Issued, Canceled (empty values will be invisible when you click on the option)
Financing Contract No.
Automatically fills in the OC with the number of the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Detailed Contract Status
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Type
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Product Type Code
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Product No.
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Product Name
Completes OC automatically according to Financing Product No.
Non-editable by the user
Financing Template No.
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Financing Template Name
Completes OC automatically according to Financing Product No.
Non-editable by the user
Currency Code (FDD11_RO) OC field
It is filled in automatically when a settlement is created from the contract header in the Currency Code (350) field from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Contract Exchange Rate ((FDD11_RO) OC field
It is filled in automatically when a settlement is created from the contract header of the Contract Exchange Rate (4026685) field from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Customer No.
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Customer Name
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
After clicking, an overview of customers with a filter for the given customer will open.
Non-editable by the user
Financed Object No.
The OC automatically adds the object number from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-user-editable for single subject contracts (contracts with services)
Financed Object Name
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Licence Plate No.
Fills in the OC automatically according to the number of the object from the given object
Non-editable by the user
Purchase Price Excl.VAT
The OC automatically completes the purchase price of the object (performance in the same way as the field of the same name on the contract card is filled)
Residual Value
Adds OC automatically from the financing contract (Calculation Residual Value field) from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Object Handover Date
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
Expected Handover Date
Completes the OC automatically from the financing contract from which the financial settlement was created
Non-editable by the user
To be completed manually by the user if he/she wants to attach his/her note to the financial settlement
Financial Settlement Date
Automatically completes the OC with the current date of creation of the financial settlement. The user can change to the desired date
Approval Date
Does the user fill in the date of approval of the financial settlement manually or add the functions for the approval of the financial off. when the status is changed to Approved if the field was empty (see further). The date is for informational purposes only
Posting Date
Completes the OC automatically as part of the function for issuing a financial settlement
Approved By
The user manually fills in the approver ID by selecting from User Setup.
If the field is empty when approving the application (by the Approve-Accept button), the system will automatically fill in the ID of the logged-in approver when changing the status to Approved.
Approved Currency (Approved By Name)
Completes the OC automatically according to Approved By from the User table.
Non-editable by the user
Created By Name
Adds OC automatically
Non-editable by the user
Contract Termination Tab
The Contract Termination tab opens for all types of financial settlement (field Type for contracts with services in Fin. settlement types) and contains general data from the contract, customer, object, or some field for the financial settlement itself.
All of these fields must be selected in the Financial Settlement Field Setup, otherwise they will not be populated in the Financial Settlement.
Requested Termination Date
To be completed manually by the user for calculation types for early termination of the contract
To be completed manually by the user for calculation types for early termination of the contract
Object Return Date
Fills in the system automatically from the field of the same name from the financed object (if the item has already been returned)
Contract Termination Date
Fills in the system automatically from the field of the same name from the financing contract (if the contract has already been terminated)
Financing Period Real (in Months)
Fills in the system automatically from the field of the same name from the financing contract (if the contract has already been terminated)
Financing Period Difference
Fills in the system automatically from the field of the same name from the financing contract (if the contract has already been terminated)
Mileage upon Return
Fills in the system automatically from the Mileage upon Return field (1055) from the financed object (if the item has already been returned and the value has been filled in)
Expected Mileage
It completes the system automatically from the Planned Mileage field (60) from the Odometer Status History API (4026583) from the line:
Financed Object No.=same
Object Returned=Y
Mileage Difference
It fills the system automatically from the Km Under/Over Limit field (160) from the Odometer Status History API (4026583) from the line:
Financed Object No.=same
Object Returned=Y
Real Yearly Distance
It completes the system automatically from the Predicted Yearly Distance field (180) from the Odometer Status History API (4026583) from the line:
Financed Object No.=same
Object Returned=Y
Note: the contractual yearly mileage can be found in the Contract Details factbox
Yearly Distance Difference
It completes the system automatically from the Prodicted Yearly Difference field (170) from the Odometer Status History API (4026583) from the line:
Financed Object No.=same
Object Returned=Y
Unpaid Principal Amount
Adds OC automatically from the financing contract:
searches for the last posted line of the SPK. It then looks for a PC (Partial Credit=Y) with a Posting Date within Valid From<=Posting Date from PC<=Valid To on the posted payment. When the PC line does not check for Posted, only the existence of the PC. If there is a PC, it takes the Principal Remaining value from it. If the PC does not exist, it will take the Principal Remaining from the last posted line as before.
If it doesn't find it, it looks for the first non-billed one. If it finds, it takes the Principal Remaining value from it.
If he doesn't find it either, he takes the "Input Price" - "Down Payment" from the contract header
If the user presses the Update button after manual editing, the system keeps the manually entered value and does not update it
Maintenance Revenues
Replenishes the system automatically:
Maintenance Revenues = the sum of booked payments (Amount) from all services of the contract Service Kind=Maintenance (including the first aliquot and PC line)
Note: same calculation as the Maintenance Payment Total field on the service allowance
Maintenance Costs
Replenishes the system automatically:
Maintenance Costs = the sum of the Reinvoiced Amount Difference values from the contract (subject) service permission lines.
To filter service allowances:
Service Kind=Maintenance
Financed Object No.=Financial Settlement Object No.
Purchase Invoice Created (275)=Y
Note: similar calculation to the Maintenance Draw Amount field on the service allowance, but there is one filter on the service allowance, increase Purchase Invoice Created=Y.
Maintenance Balance
Replenishes the system automatically:
Maintenance Balance = Maintenance Costs - Maintenance Revenues
Tire Service Revenues
Replenishes the system automatically:
Tire Service Revenues = the sum of posted payments (Amount) from all services of the contract Service Kind=Tire Service (including the first aliquot and PC line)
Note: same calculation as Tire Service Payment Total field on service allowance
Tire Service Costs
Replenishes the system automatically:
Tire Service Costs = sum of the Reinvoiced Amount Difference values from the contract (subject) service permission lines.
To filter service allowances:
Service Kind=Tire Service
Financed Object No.=Financial Settlement Object No.
Note: Similar calculation to the Tire Service Draw Amount field on the service allowance, but there is one filter on the service allowance, increase Purchase Invoice Created=Y.
Tire Service Balance Bill
Replenishes the system automatically:
Tire Service Balance = Tire Service Costs – Tire Service Revenues