Standard Sales Codes Setup

Standard Sales Codes Setup

In Financial Settlement Types, a separate Standard Sales Code for the invoice is set for each Financial Settlement Type, as well as for the Standard Sales Code for Credit Memo.

On the standard sales code, it is necessary to specify:

Text, typically "We invoice you for financial settlement items..."/We credit you for financial settlement items... 

Items to be included in the invoice/credit memo including the VAT posting or posting group.

Setting the introductory text

If the Number is empty, you can select the Standard Text Code when you click on it.

This is where the first part of the text is set, which is to be added to the invoice "We invoice you for financial settlement items":

Na Kóde stand. sales sú Extended texts.

They are used to set the second part of the text, including the text variable, what is to be added to the invoice.

%1 is the set text variable into which the system fills the financing contract number.

Other text variables are described in Invoicing Sales.

Financial settlement items setup

We recommend that you set up a separate standard sales code for each type of financial settlement for the invoice as well as for the credit note. This Standard Sales Code is assigned to the given financial settlement type in Financial Settlement Types (for invoices and credit memos).

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