Contact type

Contact type

There are two kinds of contacts in BC, the contact type is set in the field: "Type" on the contact form.

Types of contacts:

  • Company

    • It is set to a contact that is a business (contractual) partner of the company

  • Person

    • It is set to a contact who is the contact person of the company and does not have a direct contractual relationship with the company

Contact Type Company

All clients who are potential customers/suppliers (legal entities, sole traders and individuals) are stored as a contact of the "Company" type - it is possible to create a customer, supplier or bank from a contact of the "Company" type and it is possible to assign employees, executives (contacts of the "Person" type) who work for the company or represent it.

On the contact card of the Company type, it is possible to register/enter the so-called Company Registration Card. The contact's business relations by choosing Contact – Accounts.

When clicked, the Contact Business Relations overview opens.

When creating both a customer and a supplier, the system automatically creates Business relations for contact ZAK and DOD according to Marketing Settings – Interaction tab.

Other types of business relationships can be established manually.

Contact Type Person

Employees/executives, or only persons that the user needs to have registered in contacts, are stored as contacts of the "Person" type. The contact type "Person" can be created without a link to the Company (as a separate contact without a link), or a Contact of the "Person" type, with a link to a contact of the "Company" type

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