Alternative addresses

Alternative addresses

An alternative address is used in BC to store:

  • Registration Addresses

  • Correspondence Addresses

  • Business Place Addresses

  • Addresses of the location of the financed object.

After pressing the Alternative Addresses button, the user is presented with an overview of all their alternative addresses

Use the New User button to enter a new alternative address (Registration, Correspondence, Place of Business, Financed Object).

Subsequently, a blank form for setting a new alternative address opens, where the user enters the data of the desired alternative address.


  • Address Type

    • The user chooses the type of address they are creating. The options are Registration, Correspondence, Subject, Business Location.

  • Code

    • The system will automatically generate a Code from the "number series" that is set in the Financing Settings. A separate numbering is set for each Address Type.

  • Valid from

    • The user fills in the date from which the address is valid. If the field is left blank, then the system will automatically fill in the current system date after closing the address card. If a registration address already exists, then the system at this address will add Valid to as the Current system date minus one day.

  • Valid to

    • The field is non-editable and is used for the Registration address, for other address types it remains empty. The value of the field is added for the registration address, to the original registration address.

Other fields are filled in according to standard functionality (the meaning of the field is clear from the field name).

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