Contact Business Location
You can view the list of Contact Business Places from:
Contact Overview
You can view business locations from the contact overview by selecting Process – Contact Business Locations.
Contact, Vendor Card
You can view business places from the contact card through the Process – Contact Business Places option.
Business locations can also be displayed from the vendor card, where they are not editable.
You can create a new contact business location from the contact card in the Contact Business Places table by selecting New.
The user enters the unique code of the business location of the contact
A user enters a description of a business location
Vendor Business Location
The user clicks whether it is a vendor's or customer's business location.
Options Yes/No
Default value = NO
Customer Business Location"
The user clicks whether it is a vendor's or customer's business location.
Options Yes/No
Default value = NO
Address Code
The user selects the address of the Business Location. The selection is made from the table List of Alternative Addresses of the given contact filtered to Address Type = Business Locations. The user can also create a new business location address.
Contact Person 1
The user selects a contact person for the business location. The selection is made from the contact persons of the contact.
Contact Person 2
The user selects a contact person for the business location. The selection is made from the contact persons of the contact.
Contact Person 3
The user selects a contact person for the business location. The selection is made from the contact persons of the contact.