Modifications after Contract Activation
The first VAT invoice generated when the contract is activated and the document of the Contract Transfer Invoice type (i.e. the VAT document issued to the new customer) are considered to be Original Tax Documents.
All other cases are Corrective documents (credit notes and debit notes), i.e. on the header of posted sales documents, there is the following identification data:
Corrective Document - Credit Memo
Type = Credit note
Credit Memo Type = Corrective Tax Invoice
Corrective = No
Correction = No
Corrective document - debit note
Type = Invoice
Corrective = No
Fix = Yes
The Corrective = True/No fields use the standard corrective functions that are run from the Posted Sales Invoice header; They are not used for corrective documents in leasing with delivery of goods
Corrective documents can be generated using the functions on the Financing Contract (option Actions) - the buttons are visible only if the Leasing with delivery of goods=Y:
Cancel Tax Invoice on Delivery of Goods
Posted sales documents for VAT can be cancelled
Post Invoice on Delivery of Goods.
It is possible to post unposted VAT calculation inputs that arose after the contract was activated, and both corrective and original tax documents can be created
A corrective tax document is created if the original non-cancelled VAT document (invoice) has already been posted
The original tax document (invoice) is created if the originally posted original document has been cancelled and a new VAT calculation input has been generated
An unposted VAT calculation input before contract activation cannot be posted by this function, a Handover date is required, which is not yet known before activation. In this case, the posting ends with an error message: Contract No. % does not have a Handover Date set.
To correct (cancel) a VAT invoice upon delivery of goods, you need to use the Cancel Invoice on Delivery function on the contract header, not the standard Business Central corrective functions from Posted Sales Invoice! When using these standard Business Central correction functions, the Financing Contract and Calculation Inputs are not updated!