Summary Emails Order

Summary Emails Order

Create and send an order summary email

The system will allow the user to be guided through Sending multiple separate orders to the same vendor (must be created before a summary email is generated) within a single emailso that you don't have to generate a separate email for each order. The procedure in the system will be as follows:

  • By selecting the mouse, the user selects the orders that he wants to send in bulk in one e-mail, then presses Push/Send -> Send Object Order.

  • After marking the orders, they press the "Send" button.

  • If multiple lines are marked, the system checks that:

    • Marked orders have the following in the "Purchase from Vendor" field. Same Vendor No..

    • Marked orders have the following in the "Recipient's E-mail Address" field: Same email

    • They have the same Vendor Offer No.

    • No bulk order can be marked. If it is marked, the system will not generate a summary order, it will display the message "Financed Object Order must be equal to "Separate Order" in Purchase Header: Document Type=Order. Number = PO1800030. The present value is "Bulk Order". " and stops the process.

  • If the above conditions are met, the system will generate a summary e-mail (for the content of the e-mail, see below "E-mail template for summary orders"), which will contain as an attachment all PDF documents of the marked orders and the supplier's offers attached to them.

After confirmation, the mail is sent (but not stored anywhere in BC) to the recipient of the bow in the following form:



Differences from a separate order:

  • Subject

    • It is populated according to the mask from the Report Selection - Purchase setting, e-mail subject field summary

  • Attachment Name

    • By Object Name (Order)

  • Administration content

    • Default=Template of the management text of the sending email (i.e. the body of the email is filled according to the template from Report Selection-Purchase, field Email Body Layout Description Summarized)

    • If the user switches to Custom Management, the body of the email is deleted and it is possible to add your own text.

  • E-mail Body:

    • It is populated according to the template from Report Picker-Purchase, Email Body Layout Description field, summarized. Auto signature must also be defined in the template.

In the appendix are:

  • Object Order – The template is defined in Report Selection-Purchase/Orders "Email Body Layout Description Summarized". The PDF file contains separate orders for the given items (one after the other).

  • The second attachment is the vendor's offer – the system inserts it into the email as a copy of the Vendor Offer No. file from the path that is set in OneCore Settings.

  • XLS attachment – OC-Confirmation datumu.xlsx – is used for mass order confirmation (see below). Sample xls File (same for bulk and summary orders):


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