Expected date of handover

Expected date of handover

Filling in the expected handover date to the customer

On the order card, it is possible to enter the Expected Handover Date to the Customer (i.e. when the vendor expects that the item can be handed over to the customer).

Then click on Expected Supplier Submission Date to open the Vendor Confirmed Dates table.

By inserting a new record, the user writes:

  • Record Type

  • The system will automatically fill in Record Type = Expected Handover Date to Customer

  • Confirmed Date (Confirmed Date in an open table)

    • Entered manually by the user

  • Comment

    • Optional text field

    • Entered manually by the user.

If, for example, there is a delay (change in delivery time) after some time, the user can register a new date by creating a new record (this will preserve the history of the dates).

After closing (confirm with the Ok button), the system displays an informative message that the user should inform the fleet manager and the driver.

The system then displays the last record from this table on the order card.


Restrictions for creating a new row in the Vendor Confirmed Dates table, where Record Type = Expected handover date to customer:

  • If the order is related to a financing contract for which there is a change copy or an active variant, then it is not possible to create a new row where Record Type = Expected Handover Date to Customer

Fleet Manager Notification

The user can notify the fleet manager or conductor about the expected delivery date by email.

It is possible to send a notification e-mail from the order from the order list or directly from the order card using the Print/Send->Notify Fleet Manager option:

When the button is pressed, the system opens a dialog box.

The list offers those printouts from the Printout Definition that have:

  • Print Category=Object Order

The user selects the appropriate printout (Select=A). Subsequently:

  • Parameter Input

    • N – the system sends the email without opening the email in the client

    • A – the system generates and sends an email in the BC client

Individual fields or attachments are filled in according to the settings of the given printout – see chapter Definition of printouts.

After confirming Ok, the system will send an e-mail (e-mails are not stored in any history in BC).

To receive an email in Outlook:



Object Card and Financing Contracts

On the item card, several fields with values from orders are displayed (their meaning was explained in the chapter Object Modifications)

On the contract card, in the Operative leasing and fleet management tab, the fields from the orders are displayed.

After clicking on them, the Order List opens with a filter for the given item (Vendor Offer No.) or the Item Purchase Order Card (Purchase Order No., Order Date and Confirmed Delivery Date).

Other functionality of purchase orders is governed by the standards of MS Dynamics 365 Business Central and is not the subject of this product documentation.