Individual Order

Individual Order

Create a separate order from an object

With the help of the functionality, it is possible to create orders for items and additional equipment, and in general, the following applies:

  • If an item also has additional equipment, but there is no specified supplier for this equipment or there is a certain supplier, it is assumed that the supplier of additional equipment is the supplier of the item. In this case, the additional equipment will become part of the item order. Only one order can be created per financed object vendor before the contract is activated. If, after creating an order for an item, the user creates additional equipment for the same vendor as the item supplier, the system will no longer allow to create an order for such equipment. It is necessary to delete/cancel the order for the item and then start the order creation again.

After the contract is activated, it is possible to create an order for the same vendor as the object vendor. This is possible through technical evaluation, i.e. by entering new additional equipment on the same supplier as the supplier of the item. When creating an order, the system checks whether the contract is active and the additional equipment has Technical Evaluation = YES, then the system creates a new order. The process of technical evaluation is described in the PD of contract amendments.

  • If another vendor, such as an object vendor, is specified on the additional equipment, a separate order is created for the additional equipment. Respectively, the number of orders is created equal to the number of suppliers of additional equipment different from the object supplier.

To create a separate order, use the Create/Create Object Order button. The button is located on the list of financed objects, or on the subject card:

After pressing the Create Order button, the system performs the following item checks:

  • check whether the supplier is filled in on the financed object, if not, the system displays an error message and does not create an order,

  • Check or fill in the supplier's offer number, if not, it stops the process

  • check or filled in E-mail address for item order, if not, it stops the process

  • check or the color code is filled in, if not, it stops the process

  • check or is filled in Color description, if not, it stops the process

After checking the item, the following goes on to check the existence of orders for that item:

  • whether the item has created all the necessary orders (for the supplier of the item, or for suppliers of additional equipment other than the supplier of the item. If an additional equipment does not have a supplier filled in, it is assumed that the supplier of this equipment is the supplier of the item):

    • if all orders have been created and all of them have Order Status<>Canceled, it will display the message "To Financing Object No. ... All necessary non-cancelled purchase orders already exist. A new order cannot be created" After pressing OK, it closes the message and does not continue.

    • if no orders have been created, the Allow Item Ordering flag continues to check the detailed status.

      • If N, the system displays an error message: "Detailed Status of Financing Contract No...... is not allowed to create an item order" and does not create an order.

      • If A, it checks to make sure that all vendors have the Object Vendor Contract field not blank:

        • If all vendors have a non-empty value, it continues to create the order (or orders)

        • If the supplier has no contract, the system will display the message "Vendor No. XYZ has no contract. Do you wish to proceed with the order creation?". If the user answers yes, the function continues to create the order. If the user answers No, they stop the process and don't create any order.

    • if the contract has already created orders, but does not have all the necessary orders (i.e. some or all of them have been deleted) or have Status=Canceled, the OC will proceed as follows:

      • The check of the detailed status flag "Allow Object Ordering" will no longer be performed

      • Finds a vendor for whom an order needs to be created (finally, an order with Status<>Canceled must exist for both item and additional equipment vendors):

        • If the order exists but has Status=Canceled or

        • The order does not exist, 

      • The OC will check for the supplier (or suppliers) found in this way whether the Contract with Object Vendor field has been filled in.

        • If not, the system will display the message "Supplier No. XYZ of object No. ABC has no contract. Do you wish to proceed with the order creation?". If the user answers, yes, the function continues to check the next vendor or create an order (if there is no other vendor). If they confirm No, they stop the process and do not create any order)

        • If the field is filled in, it proceeds to create the order.

  • Subsequently, it performs checks from the standard:

    • Or there is an account that is set up on the Standard Purchase Code (OneCore Setup) for orders. If not, it displays a message and does not continue:

    • Note: Direct Posting=Y must be set on the account.

Once all checks have been completed, the system will create the necessary orders.

If a separate additional equipment order has been created, the system will display an informative message after the orders have been created:

The message is because after creating an order, the system tries to check the value of the order in relation to the value of the item. If sa ale vytvorí viac ako jedna jednavka, túto kontrolu nevie vykonať.

After creating the order(s), it displays the message "Purchase orders have been created for the contract ....number..... Do you want to view the purchase orders of the contract?"

  • If not, it closes the message, it doesn't open anything

  • If Yes, the purchase order overview opens the Purchase Order List (9307) with a filter on the contract number:

Tlačítka na prehľade objednávok sú totožné s tlačítkami ktoré sa nachádzajú na karte objednávka – význam niektorých bude popísaný dál.

Note: for example, a separate item order and a separate additional equipment order have been created.

Purchase Order Card

System pri vytvorení nákupnej objednávky do samotnej objednávky prebere všetky dôležité údaje ktoré sú potrebné k objednaniniu předmětu or príkrkovkej equipmenty.

V ďalšom budú popísané iba upravené polia resp. tlačítka voči štandardu MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.

The purchase order card for an object or additional equipment is different from the standard order card.

Object Purchase Order:

General tab:

  • Contract Code

    • Contains the number of the financing contract to which the order is assigned

  • Order Content Type

    • Adjusts the system automatically, depending on whether the item or additional equipment is ordered.

  • Object Order Status

    • Once created, the system will automatically set to New. Other values are Sent, Confirmed, Cancelled (their meaning will be explained below). The user can manually set only the status to Cancel, the other statuses are set automatically by the system during individual steps

    • It is not possible to change from the Canceled status to any other state

Lines tab:

They contain a description of the object, or additional equipment, including the Financed Object Number, order codes, as well as the price without discount, discount and final price. The data are taken from the subject of financing. The quantity for each item is set to 1.

Below the lines is a summary of the prices.

Detailed field description:

  • The system generates the order line by using a copy of the vendor's standard purchase code. From the standard purchase code, the system copies the first line of the account type to the purchase order. We assume that only one line of the Account type will be set up in the standard purchase code.

  • The system will have a Standard Purchase Code specified in the OneCore Settings table, on the "Financing Object Ordering" tab to create purchase order lines:

    • From the standard purchase code line, the system takes the following data to the order line:

      • Line Type

      • Account number

      • Gen. Prod. Posting Group

      • VAT Prod. Posting Group

  • To the order line generated by using the standard purchase code, it fills in the following information about the ordered financed object (Values excl. VAT/incl. VAT are filled in according to which flag Prices with VAT (Y/N) is on the Supplier):

    • Financed Object No.

      • Code 20 data type

      • The system automatically fills in the number of the financed object that is the subject of the order.

    • Ordering Code

      • Code 20 data type

      • The system automatically fills in the order the order code of the item from the course card, tab General.

    • Colour Code

      • Code 20 data type

      • The system will automatically add technical data to the order from the financed object.

    • Object Colour

      • Text 50 data type

      • The system automatically fills in the color of the ordered item from the item card, technical data tab (text description of the color).

    • Interior Colour

      • The system automatically fills in the interior color of the ordered item from the item card, technical data tab (text description of the color).

      • Fulfilled only for Order Type=Object

    • Quantity

      • The system automatically fills in the "1" quantity.

    • Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT

      • The system automatically fills in the value of the "Object List Price" field (excl. VAT / with VAT) from the Price and Equipment page on the Financed Object card.

    • Object List Price Discount Excl. VAT

      • Decimal data type

      • The system automatically fills in the value of the field "Discount from the list price of the object without VAT" from the page Price and equipment on the card of the financed object.

    • Line Discount Excl. VAT

      • The system automatically calculates this field as the sum of the fields from the purchase order line:

        • Discount on the list price of the object (without VAT / with VAT)

    • Line Amount Excl. VAT

      • The system automatically calculates the value of the line amount excluding VAT as the difference between the "Purchase Price Excl. VAT" and "Line Discount Amount" fields. Then, when creating an order, it performs a check (see the message above):

        • If only one order is being created:

          • The system checks that the sum of the Line Amount Excl. VAT field differs by more than 0.1 from the value of the "Acquisition Price Excl. VAT" field on the Price and Equipment page on the financed object card. If not equal, after the purchase order is created, the system displays information about the user that "Line Amount Excl. VAT of the purchase order does not match the Purchase Price Excl. VAT of the financed object by more than 0.1. Check the calculation of the vehicle price." Once confirmed, the order is created.

        • If multiple orders are created (one for an item, another for additional equipment for another supplier):

          • The check cannot be performed because it is not possible to sum lines from multiple orders and compare it with the purchase price from Price and Equipment.

          • In this case, the OC will display the message "An additional equipment order will also be created, check the order values manually." After pressing OK, the orders will be created.

      • For an order denominated in a foreign currency, the "Line Amount Excl. VAT (LCY)" must match the Acquisition Price Excl. VAT (LCY) on the Price and Equipment page. The proportion of these amounts is determined by the order's exchange rate.

Optional and additional equipment items are automatically inserted by the system into the order as additional order lines with the type "empty" (text lines). The system fills in the order lines for optional and additional equipment items:

  • If the financed object contains at least one item of optional equipment:

    • the system automatically fills in the text line "Optional equipment:" in the Description field

    • Below the text line, the system lists the individual items of optional equipment (one order line for each line of optional equipment) in the range of fields:

      • Equipment Line No.

        • Integer data type

        • In this field, the system inserts the row number from the Optional Equipment / Additional Equipment table of the item.

        • This is a relationship to the primary key of the table.

        • Field Hidden

      • Order Code

        • The system copies the value of the "Order Code" field of the optional equipment from the Optional Equipment of the Object from the Financed Object window into this field

        • For additional equipment, it fulfills the Additional Equipment Code

      • Description

        • Into this field, the system copies the value of the "Description" field of the optional equipment from the Object Optional Equipment window of the financed object.

        • The system will trim the length of the optional description in the range of 250 characters to the length of the Description field in the order line in the range of 100 characters.

      • Quantity

        • The system automatically fills in the "1" quantity.

      • Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT

        • The system automatically fills in the value of the "List Price Excl. VAT" field from the "Optional / Additional Equipment of the Item" page on the Financed Object Card into this field.

        • The field takes into account the "Prices incl. VAT" toggle on the purchase order header.

      • Object List Price Discount Excl. VAT

        • The system automatically fills in the value of the "Discount excl. VAT" field from the "Optional / Additional Item Equipment" page on the Financed Object card.

        • The field will take into account the "Prices incl. VAT" toggle on the purchase order header.

      • Line Discount Amount

        • The system automatically calculates this field as the sum of the fields from the purchase order line:

          • Business Bonus (excl. VAT / incl. VAT)

          • List Price Discount (excl. VAT / incl. VAT)

        • The field takes into account the "Prices incl. VAT" toggle on the purchase order header.

      • Line Amount (excl. VAT / incl. VAT)

        • The system automatically calculates the value of the line amount as the difference between the "Purchase Price" and "Line Discount Amount" fields.

        • The field takes into account the "Prices incl. VAT" toggle on the purchase order header.

  • If the financed object contains at least one additional equipment item for the same supplier:

    • the system automatically fills in the text line "Additional equipment:" in the Description field

    • Below the text line, the system lists the individual items of additional equipment (one order line for each line of optional equipment) in the same range of fields as for the optional equipment.

For additional equipment, if it has a vendor other than the item, it is necessary to generate separate orders for additional equipment items for that vendor (each vendor has a separate additional equipment order). They are automatically generated along with the subject:

  • Check the additional equipment vendor to see if the Vendor Contract Type field is filled in:

    • If it is not empty, it continues on

    • If empty, it will give a message that the vendor has no contract, if the user wants to continue. If they confirm No, they stop the process without creating orders. If Yes, it proceeds to create the order.

  • Check the additional equipment vendor to see if they have entered e-mail addresses with a blank tag in the E-mail Addresses for Object Order table:

    • If he has, he creates an order and adds this address to the order.

    • If it doesn't, it puts a message that "For the supplier ... number... and no email is defined with an empty checkmark." Once confirmed, Ok will terminate the process, not creating any order (not even for the item).

Object Ordering tab:

  • Financed Object Order

    • Single Order, Mass Order

    • Fills up the system automatically

  • Mass Object Order No.

    • The system fills automatically according to the settings if the order is part of a bulk order.

  • Financed Object No.

    • The system automatically fills in the number of the object to which the order belongs

  • Vendor Offer No.

    • The system fills automatically from the object

  • Object Order E-mail Address

    • The system fills automatically from the object or from the supplier of additional equipment

  • Contract Type (Order Type)

    • according to the type of contract on the supplier. If "Object Vendor Contract" = "empty", then "Purchase Contract", otherwise "Order".

  • Requested Delivery Date

    • Fills from the subject

  • Confirmed Delivery Date

    • Please refer to the order confirmation chapter below

  • Expected Handover Date to Customer

    • Devour further

  • Object Order Status

    • described above

Sending a separate order by e-mail

Once the orders have been generated, the user can proceed to send them by e-mail directly from the order card (or from the order overview).

Sending an item order can be done by pressing the Push/Send -> Send Item Order button.

When the button is pressed, the system generates an email in the BC client (not in Outlook).

Each item in the email is populated as follows:

  • From

    • Adds from mail settings

  • To (addressee):

    • From purchase order – Object order email address field

  • Copy

    • Hidden field, the system pulls from OneCore Settings

  • Hidden

    • Hidden, Empty, the system doesn't fill anything

  • Subject

    • It is populated according to the mask from the Report Selection - Purchase setting, e-mail subject field

  • Attachment Name

    • By Object Name (Order)

  • E-mail Body:

    • It is populated according to the template from Report Selection-Purchase, Email Body Layout Description field. Auto signature must also be defined in the template.

After confirmation, the mail is sent, but it is not stored anywhere in BC.

In the appendix are:

  • Object Order

    • The template is defined in Report Selection-Purchase/Orders.

  • The second attachment is the supplier's offer

    • the system inserts it into the email as a copy of the file from the Subject Attachments. If it is an item order, it inserts a file that has Attachment Type=Item Quotation. If it is an additional equipment order, it inserts all files that have Attachment Type=Additional Equipment Offer (note: It may happen that there are additional equipment from more than one supplier for the item. In this case, the user then deletes the unnecessary file from the email.)

  • Internal link

    • Flax is formed for single orders (not for bulk/aggregate). After clicking, the card of the order opens (the user must have a license or access to the OC).

  • Vendor link

    • Flax is formed for single orders (not for bulk/aggregate). When clicked, a simple form will open to enter a confirmed delivery date and a short text note (see below).

After the e-mail is sent, the system then executes:

  • Changes the Object Order Status to Sent

  • Changes the Detailed Contract Status according to OneCore Settings, Order Sent Detail Status field – if an Object Order has been sent. If an additional equipment order has been submitted, the detailed contract status will not change.

  • Saves the order file to Item Attachments. For an item order, it automatically sets Attachment Type=Item Orders, for an additional equipment order, it sets Attachment Type=Order. Additional equipment.

Edit, cancel, delete, and regenerate a purchase order


If it is an order for an item, additional equipment or tires/rims, then it is not possible to edit this order in any way if there is a change copy or active variant for the contract for which the order is created. Therefore, it is not possible to delete or cancel this order. 


  • Cancellation can be done by manually setting the Item Order Status to Canceled. Once the status is changed to Canceled, it is not possible to change this status to any other.

  • This action does not change the detailed status of the contract.

  • However, the system automatically deletes the purchase order number from the item, respectively. Confirmed delivery date.

  • If there is a cancelled order for an object, the system no longer checks the det flag when regenerating the order. Contract Status Allow Object Ordering.


Order deletion is only possible if Item Order Status = New, not otherwise.


  • When an order for an item is cancelled/deleted, the system checks if there is an order for additional equipment. If so, it will display a warning message that such an order exists, so that the user should consider deleting/canceling it.

  • If an additional equipment order is deleted/cancelled, the system does not warn about anything.

  • If the Item Order button is allowed and an item order is active, but additional equipment orders are deleted/cancelled, the system will only create an additional equipment order. If all additional equipment orders were active, only then would the system report that the item order needs to be canceled first.

  • If the button can be used to order an item and the item order is cancelled/does not exist, then the system will create an order for the item and from the additional equipment it will create only for those equipment for which the order does not yet exist (or exists, but is cancelled).

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