Mass Order

Mass Order

Create a Mass Order

Creating a bulk purchase order is used to order items for clients who order large fleets of the same vehicles.

Criteria for including items in a group order (contracts or items must have the same):

  • Vendor Offer No.

  • Customer No.

  • Vendor No.

  • Vendor Business Place No.

  • Catalogue card

  • Order Code

  • Colour Code

  • Optional Equipment Order Codes

  • Additional Equipment Codes

  • Acquisition Price Excl. VAT

A bulk order can be created from the Financed Object List or from the Object Card. Under the Create option, there is a Create Mass Order button.

When the button is pressed, the system automatically performs the following actions:

  • The system searches all financed objects that have the same vendor offer number as the current object/contract.

    • If the vendor's offer number is not filled in on the offer (source), it displays the message: "Na predte financia OL1700142_01 nie je vyplenené číslo ponuky dodávatela."

  • If no other item with the same vendor offer number is found, the system terminates the bulk item ordering process with an error message: "There is no other financed object with the same supplier offer number. Bulk order cannot be created."

  • If the system finds at least one other financed object with the same vendor offer number, it excludes the following items/contracts from the objects/contracts found:

    • Change Copy=Y or

    • Calc.Variant=Y or

    • The det. status of the contract has Allow Object Ordering=N (note: This is necessary because the offer may already contain the vendor's offer number, but an order can never be placed for these offers.)

  • Then the system also checks other parameters on the contract and object to make sure that the parameters are the same on all financing objects and that a bulk order can be generated for them.

    • It will check the detailed status of all found contracts:

      • Must be the same

      • If the condition is not met, we will display the message "Financed Object XYZ does not contain the same parameters (... what doesn't match...) even if it has the same order number as the current financing item. Check the correctness of the entered data on the financing object XYZ" and interrupts the bulk order generation process.

    • Customer No. (on the financing contract)

    • Vendor No. (on the financed object)

    • Vendor Business Place No. (on the financed object)

    • Catalogue card (on the subject of financing)

    • Order Code (on the financed object)

    • Colour code (on the financed object)

    • Ordering codes for optional equipment (on the financed object, table Price and equipment)

    • Additional Equipment Codes (on the financed object, Price and Equipment table)

    • Acquisition Price Excl. VAT (on the subject of financing, table Price and equipment)

    • Summary: If the system detects that any of the above parameters do not match the given financing objects, the system will display an error message: "Financed Object XYZ does not contain the same parameters (... what doesn't match...) even if it has the same order number as the current financing item. Check the correctness of the entered data on the financing object XYZ" and interrupts the bulk order generation process.

  • If all of the above checks are correct, the system will check if there are any orders for all found items in the uncanceled state. If there are, it displays the message "Financing Object XZY has already created purchase orders, it is not possible to create a mass order" and interrupts the process of generating a mass order.

  • If all of the above checks are correct, the system automatically generates separate purchase orders for all items that have the same vendor bid number and meet these conditions, according to the rules for separate orders.

  • Reports from the Contract with Object Vendor check are not displayed in mass creation.

  • After the orders are created, it displays a message about the orders that were created within the bulk order: Purchase Order No. PO 1800028, PO1800029, PO1800030, PO1800031 was created. Do you wish to see them?"

  • After confirmation, the system opens the Purchase Orders List with a filter for the mass order number:

  • In all purchase orders created in this way, the system fills in the same vendor offer number, which is specified on the financing objects from which the system created the offers. In these orders, it also sets the "Financed Object Order" field to "Mass Order" and fills in the Mass Order No. from the number series from the Setup. OneCore.

If the item contains additional equipment from other suppliers, the system will create as many bulk orders as there are total suppliers.

Example: we have two contracts OL1700207 and 208. Each item contains 2 additional equipment items from different vendors.

The system created 3 bulk orders:

MO00006 vehicle, partial orders 106062 and 106065

MO00005 Additional Equipment 1, partial orders 106063 and 106066

MO00007 additional equipment 2, partial orders 106064 and 106067

Send bulk order by email

After generating a bulk order, the user can proceed to send them by e-mail directly from the order card (or from the order overview).

The system will include orders in the bulk order email for those that have:

  • Same Mass Order No.

  • same Vendor No.

  • the same Order Content Type (Order Content Type, e.g. Object and/or Additional Equipment)

I.e. I have 3 orders for an item and 3 for a refill. equipment and I will generate mail from the subject, so it will include 3 object orders in the email. Orders for add-ons The equipment will not be included in the email, because they have a different Order Content Type.

Submit a Mass Object Order


Sending a mass item order can be done by pressing the Push/Send -> Send Item Order button. If the system detects that a given order is part of a mass order, it will generate an email according to the settings of the bulk order template:

After confirmation, the mail is sent (but not stored anywhere in BC), it will be sent to the addressee in the following form:



Differences from a separate order:

  • Subject

    • It is populated according to the mask from the Report Selection – Purchase setting, Mass E-mail Subject field

  • Attachment Name

    • By Object Name (Order)

  • Administration content

    • Default=Template of the management text of the sending email (i.e. the body of the e-mail is filled in according to the template from Report Selection-Purchase, field Description of the layout of the e-mail)

    • If the user switches to Custom Management, the body of the email is deleted and it is possible to add your own text.

  • E-mail Body:

    • It is populated according to the template from Report Selection-Purchase, Email Body Layout Description field, bulk. Auto signature must also be defined in the template.


In the appendix are:

  • Object Order

    • The template is defined in Report Selection-Purchase/Orders. A common PDF file contains separate orders for the given courses (one after the other).

  • The second attachment is the supplier's offer

    • the system inserts it in the email as a copy of the Vendor Quote No. file from the path that is set in OneCore Settings.

  • XLS Attachment – OC-Confirmation datumu.xlsx 

    • It is used for mass order confirmation (see below). Sample xls file:

  • Internal link and External link are not generated for bulk orders.

Any further handling of orders is the same as in the case of a separate order (deletion, cancellation, etc.) – there are separate orders for each item or additional equipment, and these are only technically connected by the bulk order number.

Submit a Bulk Additional Equipment Order

Sending a bulk order for additional equipment follows the same rules as the item. After pressing Send Object Order from that order, the system will generate an email in the same way as for the subject, the differences are as follows:

If there are multiple attachments with a supplier's offer for additional equipment in the Subject Attachments, all offers will be downloaded to the e-mail attachment. The user then deletes the offer of the additional equipment supplier that does not apply to the order.

After sending an email, the system will save pdf files of bulk orders in the Attachments Subject, always with the appropriate type (whether it is an order of an object or additional equipment).

The rest of the work is the same as with ordering an item.

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