Object Orders General

Object Orders General

To create and work from an order of financed objects (probably an operating lease contract), the MS Dynamics 365 Business Central OneCore system offers, among other things, the functionality of purchase orders. Through it, the user can create purchase orders of financed objects and send them to their suppliers.

The modification for OneCore connects this functionality with financing contracts and financed objects.

With the help of the functionality, it is possible to create orders for items and additional equipment, and in general, the following applies:

  • If the item contains optional equipment (supplied by the vehicle manufacturer), these optional equipment is included in the item's order.

  • If an item also has additional equipment, but the supplier is not specified on this equipment or the supplier is certain, it is considered that the supplier of the additional equipment is the supplier of the item. In this case, the additional equipment will become part of the item order.

  • If another vendor, such as the object supplier, is specified on the additional equipment, a separate order is created for the additional equipment. Respectively, the number of orders is created equal to the number of suppliers of additional equipment different from the object supplier.


The system allows you to create the following types of orders:

  • Individual Order

    • An order is created from a single item. One item is included (even with additional or additional equipment), or an additional equipment order for another supplier can be created.

  • Bulk Order

    • The system allows you to create bulk orders (Create Mass Object Order function). After starting the process from one object, the system finds all objects that have:

      • Same Vendor Offer No.

      • If he finds other items, check if they have the same:

        • Customer No.

        • Vendor No.

        • Vendor Business Place No.

        • Catalogue Card No.

        • Order Code

        • Colour Code

        • Optional Equipment Order Codes

        • Additional Equipment Codes

        • Purchase prices do not include VAT.

    • Then it checks the items found in this way to see if they have created uncanceled orders and if not, it creates orders that have the same mass order number.

  • Summary E-mail Order

    • Include multiple individual (identical) individual orders in a summary email.


It also allows you to generate e-mails:

  • Separate Orders from Financed Object

  • Bulk Orders

  • A summary e-mail for the same vendor that will contain separately created orders

  • Fleet Manager Notification

Then also the process of confirming or canceling orders.

Object Modifications

Several fields have been added to the course card (or to the list of courses), which are used for orders:

  • Vendor Offer No.

    • Vendor Quote File Name

    • On the Editable tab

    • Lookup to Subject Attachments, filters:

    • Table ID=4026560

    • No.=Object No.

    • Attachment Type="Item Quotation"

    • Required for order generation

    • Note: after receiving the supplier's offer for the object (or additional equipment), the user saves these offers in the Attachments of the financed object. On the object quotation file, sets Attachment Type=Item Quotation, on the additional equipment quotation file, sets Attachment Type=Add-on Offers. kits. When generating an order e-mail, the system then "downloads" these files to an e-mail attachment depending on whether it is an object order or an add-on. kits.

  • Object Order E-mail Address

    • It is pulled into the purchase order of the subject, then when the email order is sent to the email

    • Text 200

      • Lookup to the Object Order E-mail Address table (from the vendor) with the filters enabled:

        • Record Type=Vendor

        • Number=Vendor No.

        • Tag Code=Subject Tag Code or an empty field (i.e. the user can select an email address with the same tag or with a blank one).

        • If only one record is matched, the OC will be completed automatically if the Vendor No. on the object is selected.

  • Requested delivery date

    • Date

    • The user manually enters the requested delivery date. This date is then applied to the item/additional equipment purchase order

  • Purchase Order No.

    • Code 20

    • Displays the purchase order number (not canceled) of the financed object, if any

  • Object Purchase Order Count

    • Integer

    • Calculated field, number of item purchase orders (including canceled ones)

  • Equipment Purchase Order Count

    • Integer

    • Calculated field, number of additional equipment purchase orders from other vendors (including canceled ones)

  • Confirmed Delivery Date

    • Date

    • Displays the value of the confirmed delivery date from the item purchase order (if specified on the order)

  • Expected Handover Date to Customer

    • Date

    • Displays the value of the confirmed delivery date from the item purchase order (if specified on the order)

Additional Equipment Modifications

The financed object has additional equipment (always supplied by the object supplier), one additional equipment from the object supplier and other additional equipment from another supplier:

If the supplier is not filled in on the additional equipment, it is assumed that the supplier of this additional equipment is the supplier of the financed object (or it is filled in and is the same as on the object).

A new field has been added to the additional equipment:

  • Purchase Order No.

    • Code 20

    • Displays the purchase order number of the additional equipment (not cancelled), if it exists for the additional equipment.

Save vendor offers

The user manually saves to the Subject Attachment:

  • Course menu file (pdf, docs, etc.) with Attachment Type=Course Offer. They then select that item quotation on the object card in the Vendor Quote No. field (required for order generation).

  • File (pdf, docs, etc.) of the additional equipment offer with Attachment Type=Additional Offer kits.

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