Contract Changes with impact on Taxable Leasing Transactions

Contract Changes with impact on Taxable Leasing Transactions

Changes to the contract with an impact on the taxable performance of the contract are described here: https://iao.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LYDIAQ

These include, for example, the following changes:

  • Technical Evaluation

  • Technical deterioration

  • Interest Rate Change

  • Change the duration of the contract

If there is a change in the taxable performance of the contract, the system in the process of recalculating the contract:

Contract Changes with VAT Financing with an Impact on Taxable Performance of the Contract

In addition, if the contract is financed by VAT, the system:

  • on the lines of the contract payment calendar recalculates the VAT payment upon delivery of goods and Balance of unpaid VAT on delivery of goods

  • on the contract header updates the Financed VAT Value and Financed Total Amount fields

  • On the posted correction document, Maturity date from the last regular payment of the payment calendar

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