Rent A Car General Posting Setup
Code list for setting up financial accounting, individual items of the loan (rental, km, fees, deductible...)
After clicking on Manage -> Edit / View, the user will see the list row card that is selected.
On the card, the General Item Posting Group is defined, accounts for individual items in the Rent lines.
When the customer is selected on the Rent card, the posting group from the customer is loaded into the General Business Posting Group field.
When invoicing, the system charges according to the selected combination of Municipal Commercial Posting Group from the Customer and VAT Prod. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting Group. When invoicing VAT charges, retrieves the general item group (VAT Prod. Posting Group) from the general ledger account.
General Tab
General Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)
Specifies the type of product entry to link transactions for this entry to the corresponding general ledger account, according to the general setup for posting transactions.
Gen. Prod. Posting Group
Specifies the type of item or resource to link transactions for this entry to the corresponding general ledger account, according to the general setup for posting transactions.
Car Rental Tab
The user selects the value of the general account to which account the rent invoice amount should be posted
The user selects the value of the general ledger account to which the rental discount amount should be posted
Billed Kms
The user selects the value of the general account to which the amount per km travelled should be charged
The user selects the value of the general account to which the amount for unrefueled fuel should be charged
The user selects the value of the general account to which the amount of the eventual deductible from the insured event should be posted
Other Fees
The user selects the value of the G/L account to which the fee amount should be posted
Overall Indemnity
The user selects the value of the financial account to which the amount of damage caused to the vehicle should be charged
Apposition Fee
The user selects the value of the general account to which the amount for the delivery of the vehicle is to be charged
Pickup Fee
The user selects the value of the general ledger account to which the amount for vehicle pickup should be charged
Penal Clause
The user selects the value of the general ledger account to which the amount of the contractually agreed penalty is to be posted
The user selects the value of the general account to which account the amount for above-standard trips to the vehicle should be charged