API Tariff Pricelist
Clicking Edit List - Edit or View opens a tab for the row that has been selected. The card contains the General tab and the Tariff Price List subform.
General Tab
To define a price list, it is necessary to fill in the Tariff Group field. Subsequently, the price list will only be offered for cars that have the same tariff group in the settings.
Tariff Group
To set up a Tariff Group, the Tariff Group table must be set
The user selects the code of the desired tariff group
Once the tariff group has been set, this price list will be offered for vehicles that have the same tariff subgroup defined.
Required field
Tariff Subgroup
The user selects a code from the Tariff Subgroups table
Table filtered to the entered Tariff Group in the Tariff Group field
Required field
Pricelist Code
10-character code
The user selects (writes) the price list code. This code depends on the user's choice, it is recommended that the code symbolize the group for which it is intended.
Text: 60 characters
Field for text description of the price list. Selected by the user
Optional field
This value is loaded according to the assigned VAT posting group in the Tariff Group inserted on the card of the specific price list.
Available Car Count
This field indicates the number of vehicles to which a specific price list is linked
Clicking on the number in the field will open the Car Rental List for this tariff price list
Tariff - Month Rent
The value in CZK excluding VAT, which defines the default monthly price for renting a car.
After entering the value, the value in the Rate – Monthly Rental Incl. VAT field is also automatically filled in
Tariff - Month Rent Incl. VAT
The value in CZK including VAT, which defines the price incl. VAT for renting a car.
When you change the value in the field, the value in the Rate – Monthly Rent field is also automatically calculated
Post By Hour
Default value = No
When this check box is checked, the rental will be charged by the hour according to the price settings in the Rent from (hour) and Rent to (hour) fields
Deposit For Rent
Here the user can enter the amount of the deposit that is required when renting a car with this price list.
Included Kms
Here the user can define whether free kilometers will be calculated for this price list. Two options are available
Unlimited – in this case, the free kilometers are ignored
According to the price list – in this case, the free kilometers will be calculated according to the quantity and number of periods defined in the Free km and Free km for fields. In these fields, the user defines the period for which the free kilometers are set.
Free Kilometers
The number of free km that are calculated for a given period in the Free km for field, if By price list is set in the Included kilometers field
Free Km for
Period for km set in the Free kilometers field
Validity From
The date from which the price list will be offered. This field must be filled in if we want the price list to be used.
Validity To
Optional field, it can be used to specify the end date of the price list's validity.
Changed Date
The date of the last change of the price list.
Changed By User ID
Here is the identification name of the worker who made the change.
Responsibility Center
This is where the user can insert Responsibility Center. According to this responsibility center, the price list will only be displayed to employees who are entitled to this responsibility center.
Optional field
Tariff Pricelist Subform
These lines are used to define prices according to the length of the rental period. Afield Rent from (day) the user enters the lower limit of the number of days of the loan and in the field Rent to (day) Upper limit on the number of days for which this price list line is valid.
Rent From (Day)
The user sets a lower limit on the number of days of the loan
The field must be set to a value so that it does not coincide with the period specified on another line in the Rent to (day) field
In case of coverage with another line, the system will not allow the line to be created and the user will see a message
There is another line of this price list that coincides with the period entered on the line just entered!
Rent To (Day)
The user enters the upper limit of the number of days for which this price list row is valid.
this value is loaded according to the assigned VAT posting group in the Tariff Group inserted on the card of the specific price list.
Tariff (Day)
In this field, the user defines the price valid for one day of rental of the given price list line.
Tariff Incl. VAT (Day)
The field calculates the value of the price with VAT according to the rate entered in the Rate (day) field
If User changes the value in this field, the value in the Rate (Day) field is also recalculated
Rent From (Hour)
The user adds the rate that will be used in the case of hourly rentals. Can only be entered if the value in the Hourly Posting field = Yes
Rent To (Hour)
The user enters the upper limit of the number of hours for which this line of the price list is valid
Can only be entered if the value in the Hourly Posting field = Yes
Free kilometers
By default, the value from the Free kilometers field from the General tab is downloaded if there is a value according to the price list in the included km field
The user can enter the number of free kilometers that will not be calculated according to the selected period
If User changes the value in the Included km field to No limit, the values in this field are reset for all rows
Fixed Amount
Here the user can define a rate that will always be calculated without depending on other values.
Fixed Amount Incl. VAT
The Fixed Amount Incl. VAT field is calculated according to the rate entered in the Fixed Amount field
If User changes the value in this field, the value in the Fixed Amount field is also recalculated
Price Per Km Over Limit
The user can enter the rate for km driven above the defined limit, according to which the excess km will be invoiced
Price Per Km Over Limit incl. VAT
The field calculates the value of Rate per km over limit with VAT according to the rate entered in the Rate per km over limit field
If the User changes the value in this field, the value in the Rate per km over limit field will also be recalculated
Tariff (Trip)
In this field, the user can define the rate for the delivery of the vehicle outside the premises, according to which the charges for trips will be invoiced according to the field Number of trips * Rate [exit]
Tariff Incl. VAT (Trip)
In the field, the value of Rates incl. VAT [exit] is calculated according to the rate entered in the Rate [exit] field
If the User changes the value in this field, the value in the Rate [exit] field will also be recalculated