Creation Of Change Copy And Variant

Creation Of Change Copy And Variant

If there is flag Change without change list = N on the detailed contract status, the user initiates any change by pressing the button Change Contract (Wizard).

This option launches the Contract Change Wizard. The individual steps of the wizard are as follows:

  • Contract Flag Check Change Copy Exists:

    • If N, it continues.

    • If Y (i.e. the user runs functions from the original contract for which a change copy exists), the system displays an error message and does not continue the process – there can be only one change copy to the original contract at the moment:

  • To check the Calculation Variant flag and the status of the variant:

    • If Calculation Variant=Y and Calc.Variant Status=Active, it continues

    • If Calculation Variant=Y and Calc.Variant Status<>Active, it will display an error message and will not allow you to continue.

      • Note: checking that it is not possible to run the contract change wizard from the non-active variant.

  • Opens step 1/3 of the wizard.


Step No. 1 - in this step, the user selects:

  • Contract Change Process

    • The contract change process sets whether the user wants to make the change on the change copy or on the variant.

    • The default value is set as follows:

      • if Change copy=Y in the contract, the value will be Change copy and the field will be non-editable (i.e. the wizard is started by the user from the change copy)

      • if Calculation Variant=Y in the contract, the value will be Variant and the field will be non-editable (i.e. the wizard is started by the user from the variant)

      • if both values are N, the system will automatically set the value according to the Default Contr.Change Process from OneCore Setup and the field will be editable (i.e. the user runs the wizard from the original contract for which there is no change copy).

    • The system then adds the value of the field to the Contract Change History field of the same name

  • Change Type Code

    • The change type code determines what type of change the user wants to make.

    • The system then adds the value of the field to the Change Code field in the Contract Change History

    • Lookup to the Contract Change Types code list, only those changes that meet:

      • When the overview is opened, it is filtered by the Contract Change Process value:

        • If Variant:

          • Change types that have Allowed for Calculation Variant=Y are allowed

        • If the Change Copy

          • All changes are allowed, the Enabled flag for the calculation variant is not filtered to

      • It is then filtered by Contract Financing Type:

        • If Financing Type in Contract = Financial Leasing/Instalment Sale/Credit, it is possible to select only Change Type with A for the given financing type (i.e. without filter for Financial with services).

        • If Financing Type in Contract = Operative Leasing or Fleet Report, it is possible to select only Change Type with A for the given financing type and the following must also apply:

      • Financing with services:

        • If the contract flag Financing with services=A, only changes that have a value of All or Yes are possible

        • If the contract flag Financing with services=N, only changes that have a value of All or No are possible

and confirm Next. When you press Next, the system will check:

  • If a different Change Type has been selected as with Change Type Code other than 4046860 Contract Activation, the system will check the Change flag without Change List on the detailed contract status:

    • If Y

      • displays a message and does not continue (i.e. the user can change the contract manually without creating a change copy or variant)


    • If N

      • Proceed to step 2/3.

  • if Change Type with Change Type Code with Contract Activation 4046860 has been selected, the system will not check the Change without Change List flag on the detailed contract status, it will continue to step 2/3:

Step 2

  • Approved by:

    • The system will automatically fill in the ID of the logged-in user. The user can change it.

  • Change Reason Code

    • Selects by the user from the code list of reasons for changes. The system will then write the value into the Contract Change History (see below).

  • Change Valid From

    • The system will automatically fill in the current date. The user can change to a different date if the change is valid from a different date.

  • Change Date

    • Replenishes the system automatically:

      • Date From (28) from the contract payment calendar

      • from the first unposted contract payment

    • Note: Change Date is filled in a similar way, e.g. in the wizard for recalculations

  • Note

    • The user can add a text note to the change.

After pressing the Next button, the system will create an entry in the Contract Change History (description below) for the originals of the contract, where it will also write these fields and continue to step 3/3:

Step 3

In this step, the system provides summary information about the change:

  • Action

    • In this field, the system displays an informative description of what happens after confirming the Finish button:

      • Action=Change Copy will be created.

        • The wizard was started from the original contract, only the change copy will be created without starting another wizard.

      • Action=Variant will be created. (Variant will be created.)

        • The wizard was started from the original contract, only another variant will be created without starting another wizard.

      • Action=Change copy has already been created. (Change Copy has already been created.)

        • The wizard was started from a change copy, no other change copy will be created. In step 1, the type of change that doesn't run the next wizard was selected.

        • The data entered in the wizard will be copied into the existing line in the contract change history (which was created when the variant was created, or during the previous wizard run.

      • Action=Calculation variant is already created. (Calculation Variant has already been created.)

        • The wizard was launched from a contract variant, no other variant will be created. In step 1, the type of change that doesn't run the next wizard was selected.

        • The data entered in the wizard will be copied into the existing line in the contract change history (which was created when the variant was created, or during the previous wizard run.

      • Action=The Change Type Wizard CHANGE TYPE CODE from step 1 continues. (The wizard for CHANGE TYPE will continue.)

        • The wizard was started from a change copy or variant and will run another wizard to make the change.

      • Action=The Change Type Wizard CHANGE TYPE CODE from step 1 continues. A variant will be created. (The wizard for CHANGE TYPE will continue. Variant will be created.)

        • The wizard was started from the original contract, in step 1 Process of making a change was selected=Variant (i.e. it will create a variant) and it will run another wizard on it to execute the change.

      • Action=The Change Type Wizard CHANGE TYPE CODE from step 1 continues. A change copy will be created. (The wizard for CHANGE TYPE will continue. Change Copy will be created.)

        • The wizard was started from the original contract, in step 1 Process of making a change=Change copy was selected (i.e. it will create a variant) and it will run another wizard on it to execute the change.

After confirming with the Finish button, the system executes:

  • If in step 1/3 the change type with Wizard object number=4046860 of contract activation was selected, without reference to Contract Change Process:

    • Without creating a change copy/variant, it runs the wizard to activate the contract (contract activation cannot be performed on a change copy or variant, because the process can also be performed by automatic posting and posting can only be performed from the original contract.

  • If in step 1/3 was selected A different type of change as with Object No. Wizard=4046860 activating the contract (with or without a different object number) performs the steps described above in the Action field:

    • If the wizard was run from the original contract, the system will create:

      • Contract Change Process=Change Copy:

        • Change Copy

      • Contract Change Process=Variant:

        • A new variant

    • If the wizard was run from a change copy (Contract Change Process = Change Copy and the value is non-editable), the system does not create a new change copy, it continues working on the existing change copy.

    • If the wizard was launched from a variant (Contract Change Process=Variant and the value is non-editable), the system does not create a new variant, it continues to work on the existing variant.

    • If in step 1/3 a change type with Wizard Object No<>0 and <>4046860 was selected:

      • On the given change copy or variant, it launches another wizard to execute the change.

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