Change Tariff

Change Tariff

If the loan has Contract Status=Issued, it is only possible to change the rate on the loan via the Rate Change button. The option is located on the loan card, Lines tab, Functions – Rate Change.

The button is not visible if the checkout is in the New status.

After starting, the system opens the Rate Change window:

  • Tariff Change Date

    • it is filled the next day after the Last Posting Date

  • Tariff Day or Tariff (Month)

    • Fields are displayed according to the Loan Card

When the OK button is pressed, the system:

  • checks whether the change is not after the end of the lease, if YES, the system displays an error message: "The date of the rate change is after the end of the rental."

  • Checks if rental invoices are posted. If they are not, the job ends. If they are, it continues.

  • Writes the rate to the loan lines.

  • The system creates an unposted document – if the rate increases, it creates a sales invoice, if it decreases, a sales credit memo

    • VAT Date and Document Date = Business Date

    • Posting Date = the first day of the month following the last posted rent

    • Creates lines according to the invoiced lease periods affected by the rate change (e.g. 1st rent 1.1.-31.1., second rent 1.2.-29.2., rate change 23.1. -> one line of the document is 23.1.-31.1. with the corresponding amount and the second line is 1.2.-29.2. with the corresponding amount)

    • SK SEYFOR localization: the value in the field "slt_Original Document No. (51611910, Code[20])" from the respective original invoice is added to each document line

  • The system will be included in the overview The car rental company's bill follows the following lines:

    • Informative line where the change in rate is stated (Document Type: Change Tariff and rate)

    • It also creates rows that correspond to the lines from the created document, i.e. as many rows will be created as there are lines in the document for changing the rate

      • Unposted document number, document number (after posting), posting date is the same for each line

      • Lease from, Lease to matches the period from the invoice line

      • Total Rental and Total Rental Incl. VAT correspond to the amount that is on the invoice line for the given period – it is not the total amount of the document

If the rental in Contract Status = Release, Last Posting Date is empty (the rental billing has not been transferred to the rental), the user wants to change the rate from another day first, then:

  • Invoices rent at a fraudulent rate for the current month, posts the invoice

  • Click on the Change Tariff button to change the rate (a record is created in the Car Rental Billing overview about the rate change with Document Type: Change Tariff, the date of the tariff change and the new rate

    • The system calculates or credits the rent from the change of the rate (entered date in the Change Tariff) to the Last Posting Date, then creates an unposted invoice or credit note

  • The next month, the system invoices the rent from the Last Posting Date on the rental header

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