Maintenance Permission

Maintenance Permission

The supplier provides the leasing company with additional bonuses for service operations for which the user creates attachments and invoices/credit notes in the system.

Creating a service permission is described in the user documentation Maintenance.

Service permission is a source for bonuses. It contains a header and lines. The service permission line shows the purchase price excluding VAT. After the purchase invoice is created and posted, the amount of the bonus is automatically added to the service permission line - see the Bonuses tab on the line.

Depending on the settings in the "Discounts and Bonus of Maintenance Agreement" table in the "Discounts and Bonus of Maintenance Agreement" table, the amount is usually set to "Bonus labour" and "Bonus parts".

And based on the settings on the "maintenance code" used on the service permission line, it can be determined whether it is work or parts.

The fields "Amount Excl. VAT (labour)" and "Amount Excl. VAT (parts)" are the source for bonus invoicing.

After the purchase invoice is posted, the following is added to the allowance line:

  • Posted Purchase Inv. No.

    • Fills up the system automatically after posting the purchase invoice

  • Default Bonus Invoice Date

    • Completes the system from the created purchase invoice (posting date or VAT date according to the settings in the Bonus date field). It is the default date for bonus invoicing.

  • Bonus Invoice Date

    • The system fills in the same value as the default bonus invoice date – the user can edit

  • Bonus No. (parts) (Bonus No. (parts) or Bonus No. (labour labour)

    • Completes the system automatically according to the bonus settings on the given service agreement for the given Service Kind. The system determines whether it is parts or labour by the Maintenance Code used in that line.


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