Purchase Invoice
Create Purchase Invoice
From the maintenance permission, the user can directly create a purchase invoice into the system after receiving an invoice from the vendor.
In the dialog box, the user enters the vendor's invoice number and posting date.
After the OK is approved, the system creates a non-posted purchase invoice.
The user can post the invoice after reviewing it.
When the purchase invoice is posted, the system writes the number of the posted purchase invoice to the allowance line, and if all maintenance permission lines have been posted, it switches the permit status to Closed.
Based on purchase invoices from the vendor, the bonus invoicing task is periodically run. Bonus rates are recorded in the general service agreement with the supplier. Rates are entered separately for labour, separately for material, or jointly for labour and material. The information required for bonus invoicing is updated after the purchase invoice is posted.
After posting Purchase invoices are added to the allowance line:
Posted Purchase Invoice No.
Completes the system automatically after posting a purchase invoice
Default Bonus Invoice Date
The date of the purchase invoice is the default date for bonus invoicing
Bonus Invoiced Date
The system fills in the same way as the default bonus invoicing date – the user can edit
Bonus No. (Material / Labour)
If there is one framework maintenance contract with a unique bonus rate, the system will add the bonus number
Bonus % (Material / Labour)
If there is one framework maintenance contract with a unique bonus rate, the system will add the bonus percentage
Amount Excl. VAT (Material / Labour)
If one framework maintenance contract with a unique bonus rate is set up, the system will add the bonus amount
Associated purchase invoice (one of two allowances)
If the invoice also includes a load from two service permissions, it is possible to use a "combined purchase invoice". The user first creates a purchase invoice from the first service permission, and then can add a line from the second maintenance permission to an already existing, unposted purchase invoice.
On the line card of the second maintenance permission, you must enter Associated FA, select the purchase FA number – the field is filtered to the invoices of the vendor.
Then the user starts the "Add line to existing purchase invoice" function. The system opens a dialog box.
The user no longer needs to fill in the vendor invoice number or posting date, because the system does not create a new purchase invoice header, but adds a line to an existing invoice.
The following is a caveat:
After you agree to Yes, the system creates a new line in the purchase invoice.
The user posts the purchase invoice after the review.
When posting, the system fills in the number of the posted purchase invoice in the appropriate maintenance permission lines.
Allowance Status Change – Closed
Maintenance Permission Switches to Status Sealedwhen all allowance lines on the purchase side have been invoiced.
After "closing the allowance", the user cannot change the allowance data affecting the load. The system will not allow you to delete lines if they have already been invoiced.
From one service allowance, the user can also create, for example, two purchase invoices. However, both are for the same supplier, because the supplier is in the header of the allowance.
On one service allowance, the user can enter multiple actions. On the list of maintenance permission lines, the user selects only those that he wants to insert into the purchase invoice he is creating. For example, it selects only two lines and runs the create invoice function.
The third line is marked additionally and the function is executed again. The system creates a second purchase invoice.