Bonus Invoicing

Bonus Invoicing

The user will start invoicing bonuses on regular dates. The system works according to the Bonus Period settings on the framework maintenance agreement.

When running the Bonus Invoicing report, the user enters the period (for which he wants to see the volumes). The report checks the equipped service allowances for the given period and services. The output can be an invoicing document or documents (invoices or credit notes according to the settings in the Invoicing of additional bonuses field on the maintenance agreement) for the services provided and for the period. The content will be the achieved service volumes per period.

When the Bonus Invoicing task starts, the following dialog box is displayed.


  • Date From

    • Start Date From Which Maintenance Permission Lines Should Be Taken

    • The system takes lines that have a bonus invoice date greater than or equal to the specified start of the bonus period

  • Date To

    • End date to be taken Maintenance Permission Lines

    • The system takes lines that have a bonus invoice date less than or equal to the specified end of the bonus period.

  • Processing

    • User selects process

      • Data For Invoicing

        • Only the basis for invoicing (report) is created, which is stored in the Report Clipboards of the user who started the task

      • Data For Invoicing + Invoicing

        • A basis for invoicing (report) is created, which is stored in the Report Clipboards the user who started the task and invoices/credit notes are also created according to the settings on the framework service agreement

      • Invoicing

        • Only invoices/credit notes are created according to the settings on the framework service agreement

  • Posting Date

    • If the Basis for Invoicing+Invoicing or Invoicing process is selected, then the user fills in the Invoice Posting Date

  • VAT Date

    • If the Basis for Invoicing+Invoicing or Invoicing process is selected, then the user fills in the VAT settlement date

  • Document Date

    • If the Basis for Invoicing+Invoicing or Invoicing process is selected, then the user fills in Document Date

  • Annual Invoicing

    • It will only do for the annual bonus (from 1.1.). The system goes through the allowance rows, including the bonuses that have already been posted (Bonus invoiced takes both Yes and No) and recalculates the total turnover bonuses. Then it compares the turnover bonus with the items in the table, where the bonuses are already posted. In this way, it calculates the difference in turnover bonuses to which the leasing company is entitled.

SUPPLIER TAB (Filter: Vendor)

  • User can specify vendor filter

Filter: Maintenance Agreement

  • The user can enter a filter for the maintenance agreement

Filter: Maintenance Permission Line

  • The user can specify a filter for the lines of the maintenance permission (e.g. Service type)

Creation of documents for invoicing and invoicing

  • The system goes through the "Maintenance Allowance Line" table filtered by the field "Invoice date of bonuses and conditions entered into the filters (period From Date, To Date + other filled filters). The Bonus invoiced field on the service allowance line must be NO.

  • From the Service Permit Line, it uses the values from the Labour Amount Excl. VAT and parts Amount Excl. VAT fields, which the system added when the purchase invoice was created and posted.

  • After calculating the total turnover for service allowances, the turnover bonus is finalized according to the settings on the framework service contract

  • The system takes special bonuses from service allowance lines, where they were calculated according to the settings when the purchase invoice was created.

  • The system creates as many Excel files as the vendors match the filters and at least one matching service allowance line has been created in the specified period

  • If the specified vendor has several Framework Maintenance Agreements, there will be as many Excel files for the given supplier (unless there is a filter for a specific Framework Maintenance Agreement)

  • The report is presented in the local currency

  • The files will be saved in the standard way (in the "downloads" folder).

The total values will be given for the requested type of Service (servicing)

The invoice date of bonuses will be pre-filled on the service allowance with the date from the posted purchase invoice, which will be set in the settings of contracts with services (Posting Date / VAT Settlement Date / Document Date).

When creating a document, the system will be based on the settings in the supplier's Master Service Agreement.


  • The system first creates an invoicing document (in the case of function = INVOICING, no invoicing document will be created) for a supplier with a framework agreement. As soon as the system has used a certain line of the Service Permission (both the Labour Bonus and the parts Bonus), the "Invoiced Bonus"=YES field will be automatically checked in the corresponding Service Permission row

  • Subsequently, they create an invoice/credit note according to the information from the Framework Service Agreement with the given supplier in the field "Method of invoicing additional bonuses"

    • Purchase Invoice Credit Memo = Purchase Credit Memo

    • Sales Invoice = Posted Sales Invoice

  • It needs the following information from the framework maintenance agreement:

    • Vendor data (if Sales Invoice is selected, it is necessary for the user to create a Customer (from the same contact as vendor)

    • Standard Sales/Purchase Code (In the framework maintenance agreement, the field is added depending on the value in the "Additional Bonuses Billing Method" field), from which the Document Type Code will be taken

    • Invoice Due Date

  • An invoice is created with two lines. In one, there will be value=amount "Volume bonus in total", and in the other, value=amount "Special bonus in total". The type will be "Account", the number will be taken according to the "Standard Sales/Purchase Code" field (the assumption is that the bonus for work and for parts is charged to the same accounts for all Service Types)

When creating an invoice – i.e. if the option "Basis for invoicing+Invoicing" or "Invoicing" is selected, at the moment of calculation of the bonus from turnover (in the report field Bonus amount), this value will be entered into the Turnover bonus table (it will be uneditable), which is on the Framework Maintenance Agreement.

  • Maintenance Agreement No.

    • The Maintenance Agreement Numbers will be automatically added in the report (Maintenance Permit Line)

  • Valid From

    • Refills the system automatically from the filter

  • Valid To

    • Fills up the system automatically according to the filter (From Date + Period)

  • Turnover Bonus

    • Fills in the system automatically according to the calculation (in the report of the Bonus Amount field)

  • Total Turnover Bonus

    • Default value NO

    • The system automatically switches to YES if the Billing -- Annual Statement field is checked in the filter

Saving the result of bonus invoicing to the Report Clipboard

The user starts the Bonus Invoicing task, selects the parameters and runs. The system announces the end of the job.

Opens a zipped file in the user's downloads.

When double-clicked, the file expands.

Individual excel sheets are created according to suppliers and framework service contracts.

The compressed file is also automatically saved to the report clipboard of the user who started the bonus invoicing.


When invoicing bonuses, a non-posted document (Sales Invoice / Purchase Credit Memo) is created. If the user deletes the document, the allowance lines remain marked Bonus invoiced = YES.